New Hancock Pics Online

I am really looking forward to Will Smith’s Hancock despite some grumblings around the net that people are not liking it. Well some images came up today and our friends at Rope of Silicon posted a peek:

Well, some new pics from the flick have popped up online. The one above looks like a really early special effects shot that hasn’t been completely fixed up, but the rest are some nice looks at the flick especially our first really good looks at Charlize Theron in the film.

Charlize is always looking so appealing, and I love Bateman. He is just fun in everything he does.

I really like the idea of a supers movie with more of an antihero as the star. Superhero flicks always paint up these heroes like they are nearly perfect paragons of existence with a few minor distracting bits to remind you they are human. I look forward to seeing a Hero that we have too look at VERY carefully to find any redeeming qualities.

But the whole movie will be worth it just to see that clip of Hancock “rescuing” that whale.

You can go over here to look at the pretty pictures in full enbiggendness, but its not in English. It’s ok. We know you just wanna see the pictures anyways.

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. JOhn

    will smith sux, all he plays is hero hero hero, which he looks nothing alike.

  2. Jon H

    I’m looking forward to the film. Sure it’s no Marvel story but it should prove entertaining.

  3. HisDivineShadow

    I agree Rodney that whale scene was Super Halarious.

    (I don’t even remember that?). Hahaa

    This films gonna be great!!!!! Can’t wait!!!
    What a great year for films.

  4. Rodney


    Will Smith doesn’t suck. And he is naturally a genuinely nice guy so it is easy for him to play the hero. If you saw the trailer for Hancock it looks like he is a real bastard and will be trying pretty hard NOT to be a hero and coming around in the end.

  5. Christian

    It’ll be a good popcorn flick at least.

  6. Kristina

    There’s a weird eagle motif in those pics if you click the link. Smith is wearing an eagle necklace, an eagle beanie, a shirt with eagles on it, even the park bench has an eagle on it!

  7. campea fan

    my prediction: Handcock 2

  8. chris (the real one)

    i jut wanna see a fun movie now…i just watched the mist and im depressed as hell….sigh….good movie tho but the end…sadface

  9. Kristina

    The Mist is some pretty depressing shit:)

  10. JOhn

    and in the end he’ll still save the world so he still sux.

    doesnt mean someone whos genuinely nice to fans is good at acting, tom cruise is super nice to fans too.

  11. HisDivineShadow

    I’ll take Will Smith over Tom Schmooze anyday…

  12. takata

    Big willy works fine with my 8 times of 10.
    This look watchable,so hummmmmm WHY NOT!?
    Is just a case of keep Smith under control and dont let the mr.FRESH PRINCE side of him go berserk.


  13. Rodney

    Some actors are just drawn to certain roles simply because it is easy. Robin Williams played the loveable jokester for DECADES before taking on a dark role.

    I am sure someday Smith will play the badguy, but at this rate it will be hard to take him serious as evil. The whole time you would be waiting for him to go.. “What? Nahh…. Pshh!”

    Being the goodguy isnt a bad thing. I dont know why you would think being the goodguy would mean you suck.

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