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Michael Bay is Awesome

I just have to say that Michael Bay is … well.. Awesome. This Verizon commercial featuring Michael Bay proves it.

You can say all you want about his movies, how much you hate them, love them, whatever. But the man has class. He knows what people say about him and he doesn’t let it bring him down. Much like Uwe Boll, he can take the criticism and just say “so what” and keep moving.

It takes a big man to make fun of yourself, and this commercial is just … awesome.

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jonathan

    Putting him in the same class as Uwe Boll, eh? Ha ha.

  2. Bobsyeruncle

    True, Rodney: That is pretty funny for all the right reasons.

  3. Ted

    What, no credit for sending you the link? :-(

  4. Rodney

    Ted, I didn’t receive any link about this from anyone.

    I saw this on TV last night and found it on Youtube today. Sorry.

  5. Calviin

    Very awesome!

  6. Ted

    Sorry, Rodney. I should have looked at who posted this before writing. I emailed the youtube link to John a couple of weeks ago.

  7. Ides_of_March

    I think the key word for today is “Awesome”. Cool commercial, anyone that can poke fun at themselves is aces in my book. Just curious how much Verizon had to shell out to do this commerical.

  8. Ezell

    That was funny. Yea he is a great director i just think Transformers is not his best work though it is up there. Michael Bays best in order

    1. The Rock
    2. Bad Boys
    3. Bad Boys 2
    5.The Island
    6.Pearl Harbor

  9. DarkKinger

    To quote Michael Bay’s words from the teaser of Transformers: Fuckin’ Awesome!

    Now, if only there was Lazerbeak…

  10. Devon

    Ummm… didn’t Uwe Bol challenge a buncg of film critics to a boxing match? That’s not what I would call “taking criticism.”

  11. Mozzerino

    I could type some elaborate comment now on how much Michael Bay sucks, but I think the good Doctor Kermode said it best in his review of TRANSFORMERS.
    Check it out here:

  12. Andrew

    My view on Michael Bay: I like his movies. However, I can see why some people would not like his movies. However, people who go to his movies expecting great plot and narrative will be let down every single time, because that is not Mr. Bay’s style. He’s never going to win an Oscar for best picture, nor does he want to. He just wants to make big loud action movies with little plot or charcter development, and I respect him for it. That’s why I admire him. He takes his criticism like a man. He actually said in an interview that he thought that Trey Parker’s The End of an Act song from Team America: World Police was very funny.

    Now, I can gaurantee one thing. If we lived in a world where the Oscars never existed and movies like Rocky, Forrest Gump, or Saving Private Ryan never existed, and all movies were popcorn movies, then Michael Bay would get very little criticism.

  13. DJ Machismo

    Micheal Bay rocks. I’m glad I get to enjoy his movies. Team America was funny as hell as well.

  14. Joel

    I fell asleep to Bad Boys 2. Really, I did. I think Transformers is his best one yet.

  15. Jon H

    that was awesome

  16. Omar

    Fantastic commercial. But I’m surprised that this is only hitting this site now. It’s been out for about a month now.

  17. Peter

    I can respect Michael Bay for making fun of himself in the commercial. He’s not a BAD director, but he’s definitely not great either. He’s a couple of steps away from being a hack although he’s not quite in Uwe Boll’s league.

    I do like to laugh at the Verizon Commercials too. Once they have the presence they want, their prices are going to SKYROCKET. I feel sorry for everyone who’s going to experience that massive sticker shock.

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