Machete Trilogy?

It doesn’t matter if you loved or hated Grindhouse (personally, I LOVED Planet Terror and just hated Deathproof) I think most of us agree that the fake trailer for “Machete” was one of the absolute highlights of the while Grindhouse experience. It was actually a little bit of a let down since I thought the Machete footage was the best stuff in all the Grindhouse trailers… only to then find out it was just from the fake trailer. Oh well.

Some time ago we all got excited when we heard that they were going to go ahead and produce an actual “Machete” movie. Well, actor Danny Trejo just came out and said that not only are they still doing a Machete movie… but that they’re looking at making it a full Machete trilogy! On top of that, Trejo claims that Robert Rodriguez is personally going to direct the flims (or at least the first one).

Now, take all this with a grain of salt since this is coming from the non-A-List actor who would personally stand the most to gain if this happens, and it is possible this may just be wishful thinking on his part. But lets assume for a moment that he’s correct. How wicked would that be?!?!?! I’ve been dying to see that Machete movie ever since I first saw it in the Grindhouse trailers… and a full trilogy of slash em up fun would be killer!

Personally I give this project a 50/50 chance of ever filming… but man it will be sweet if it does. (Source: BloodyDisgusting)

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. chris (the real one)

    hey i would see it. i loved grindhouse, its a damn shame it didnt make any money. i would gladly pay for a machete flick if its half as insane as the trailer. plus after the madness that was planet terror RR can pull it off. now give us the box set dvd with the trailers….NOW!


    HELL YEAH!!! this the best movie news I’ve heard all winter. I read the post with a really wide smile. The only thing that could make this better if The Crazy Baby Sitter Twins were in it.

  3. Scott

    It will be a tough sell to a studio with Danny Trejo as your lead, but I’d pay to see it.

  4. Ezell

    That would kick ass and I am with you Death Proof was a let down and Planet Terror was Bad ASS but hey if they make this into a film they should Continue the Grindhouse style and I also heard Rob Zombie might turn the his preview The Wear Wolf Of The SS I think it was.

  5. dave

    I would go see any of the movies the fake trailers were for if they would make them although my personal fav is still werewolf women of the ss

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