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Lucas Talks Red Tails in ‘09

George Lucas is still one of the most respected names in film today. And despite the temptation to rest on his laurels, he is still a hard working guy. Amidst an interview anticipated to be all about Star Wars projects, we find out a little tidbit about his WWII feature Red Tails. has an interview with Papa Smurf himself:

As a brief taster for that interview, we found out how things were going on Red Tails, the film he’s producing about the Tuskegee Airmen, the first all African-American pilot squad during World War II. With all the work that Mr. Lucas has been doing on his two upcoming television shows, we wondered about his future working in film and if he still had time to work on the war epic written by John Ridley.

“As a matter of fact, I’m working on it tomorrow,” he told us, much to our surprise. “We’re getting towards a script, and probably start shooting before the end of the year, and it should come out next year, maybe.

Lucas dragged John Ridley in on the deal to write, and with any luck Darth Flannel will remain in a producer role. George has a gift for inspiring and storytelling, and this story just oozes of inspiration.

A director has not yet been named. We can hope.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. rafa1215

    I liked the one made for HBO with Fishburne in it. I know Lucas’ effects will kick ass. I hope he can bring an awesome experience to the screen.

  2. Roguepirate

    RAFA, I think you’re referring to “The Tuskegee Airmen”

    Good movie, it was when Cuba Gooding Jr. was doing good work, before Disney got incriminating naked pictures of him at a party with another dude which forced him to do Snow Dogs.

  3. Bishop

    Cuba Gooding still does good work (see “Shadowboxer”) but also works to pay the bills (see “Norbit”).

  4. Terry Letourneau

    Looking forward to this. Lucas used WW2 air footage as a reference for the space battles in the Star Wars films. When is someone going to do a new movie about the Battle of Britain? I think it’s been 1969 that one was made.

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