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Kevin Kline Set To Star In Joueuse

By Doug - March 31, 2008 - 10:23 America/Montreal

It looks like Kevin Kline will be speaking in other tongues with his new project Joueuse. We get the scoop this morning from the Hollywood Reporter:

In his first French-speaking role, Kevin Kline will star with Sandrine Bonnaire and Jennifer Beals in Caroline Bottaro’s drama “Joueuse (Queen to Play).”

Bonnaire plays a hotel maid captivated by a romantic couple (Beals and Francis Renaud) playing chess while staying at the Mediterranean island hotel where she works. The doctor (Kline) whose house she cleans reluctantly becomes her mentor in the game, leading her to a chess tournament and initiating major transformations in her life. First-time feature director Bottaro adapted the screenplay from Bertina Henrichs’ novel “The Chess Player.”

Kevin Kline is certainly spicing up his portfolio by starring in a film that’s not in his native tongue. Canada is bilingual, but I never fancied French class and didn’t pick up much of the language; I may be able to order a sandwich, thats about it. I think I may speak more Klingon than French which means I will fare better on a Bird of Prey than I will in Quebec.

This is cool news, but no word if this film will see a release in North America. We may have to wait for the DVD release to get our hands on it, time will tell.


  1. Bishop says:

    I think I am really appreciating the direction that Kline is going with the roles he chooses. The last film I saw him in, “Trade”, was incredibly moving as the was a subtlety to the role that he played which made his character even deeper.

    Could be good for him.

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