Indiana Jones 4 TV Spot

A new Indiana Jones 4 TV spot is out and floating around. Really, it’s pretty much the same as the trailer we’ve all already seen with a few seconds of new stuff at the beginning. Check it out:

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alex

    Saw this in HD and it looks great. I love the new bit at the beginning.

  2. Kristina

    Harrison’s face at the beginning…THAT’S the guy I fell in love with as a little girl:) Man, it’s so stupid to have hope based on one line in a commercial, but that little bit put the biggest shit-eating grin on my face. I WANT to love him again, I just don’t know if I can.

    I would have given you all of my heat
    But you filmography post-Air Force One has torn it apart
    But I’m sure gonna give you a try
    So if you wanna try to love again
    Baby, I’ll try to love again, but I know
    The first cut by Lucas is the deepest…

  3. Phil Gee

    It’s not stupid at all to have hope Kristina.

    We’ve heard about five lines out of Heath Ledger’s Joker so far and most of us are doing cartwheels, convinced his Joker is going to be mind blowingly awesome. As for Indy, it’s taken a long time for me to get really excited but after reading Empire magazine’s new issue and rewatching the trilogy this weekend, i’m giddy. I honestly won’t feel that bad if the film sucks but i need to see it now. I need another Indy film. I finally understand what some people have been suffering from for 18 years; poor bastards:p

    Btw, i just read about your horrible car experience at stale popcorn, hope you’re ok. There’s a monopoly promotion on at McDonalds right now and i only need one more Picadilly square to win a Mini Cooper. If i do then you can have it; much safer i think;)

  4. Donald

    Speaking of ‘This Film Is Not Yet Rated’ you guys should all rent a copy of the documentary by that title. You can watch it for free on google video. I would love to hear what John and Doug have to say about it.

  5. clone_tk422

    Is this the new promised widget trailer they promised us 2 weeks ago???

  6. Kristina

    @Phil Gee

    Okay, I’ll have hope:)

    And I’m okay. If you looked at my car, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that there was an accident save for my front right hubcap being off. The alignment is off, but it’s fixable, and I didn’t get hurt. Thanks for the concern, though. Your Queen is TOUGH!

  7. nbakid2000

    Visual Effects and Animation by ILM.

    Yup, this is going to become another George Lucas blue screen fest.

  8. Hey NBAkid,

    You do realize all visual effects and animation for all the other Indiana Jones films were also done by ILM right?

  9. nbakid2000

    Hey John,

    Yes I realize that - ILM does all the Lucas stuff. I just fear they are going to be doing MORE visual FX work than the other Indy Jones movies - that’s why I referred to this movie as another blue-screen fest.

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