This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 6:05 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

Back in January we posted a story about the last Harry Potter movie (The Deathly Hallows) being filmed Kill Bill style and released in two parts. It was said to be gospel, but admitted speculation. Well today we got news via Owl that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will in fact be filmed in two parts.

Cinematical offers:

After months of speculation, Warner Bros has revealed to the L.A. Times that they plan to split the final Harry Potter book into two films. One will be released in November 2010, the second in May 2011, and will simply be titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I / Part II.

I explained my reasons for liking this idea back when I posted about the split.

Sure, everyone assumes this is a huge money grab. They don’t need to split the movies up. This long final chapter of the Harry Potter series would surely benefit from 90 minutes of storytelling.

I don’t care that the studios might be double dipping on one book to make two movies. Its not like there will be MORE Harry Potter Movies for them to capitalize on. Let them have their way. At least they are releasing them 6 months apart. Hopefully this wont suck like the Matrix sequels. After the first sequel I didn’t even care to see the last one.

As long as the movies rock, I am all for it.

70 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. RonSalon

    How strange… I just rewatched Order Of The Phoenix today.

    I think if they do this right, it could make for interesting movies. Hopefully they can get all the great tidbits in the fantastically written fable. I can’t wait and what will be even better is that everyone knows Headmaster Dumbledore is a big ‘ol Mo.

  2. Wade

    Well, I personally don’t watch Harry Potter but I guess it’s cool for the fans to have the last book be split in two movies.

  3. chris bunker

    how do we know they wont make more movies after this one??? If it makes money they will figure something out.

  4. Rodney

    Chris… these are based on books. The books are done and JK Rowling is richer than Oprah. She doesn’t want to write more, and she likely wont.


    I for one am glad that they are going to make 2 films out of HP:DH. They could have made two films out of LOTR:ROTK. Which I think would have been cool.

  6. chris bunker


    Im aware of the situation but i just think that similar to the new Bourne Identity film they are going to make with a new storyline since they are out of books and the Bourne stories by the other author a supposed to suck. Do u think if they make 1 billion off these 2 movies the franchise is done forever??? I just dont know if hollywood execs will quit on such a cash-cow. Im sure J,K. would have to approve it….I love your site Rodney keep up the great work.

  7. nbakid2000

    J.K. will NEVER approve new movies based off her characters. EVER. So now that that’s cleared up…

    I just hope the new movies are better than the last POS film they did. I HATED the last movie. DESPISED IT. I PISS ON IT. I DRINK ITS MILKSHAKE.

  8. Orren Jensen

    As a fan of the books I think it is a great idea. There is so much info release in this book that they need two part movie. I thought that the 5th movie was well adapted but there was some things missing…longest book shortest movie. So to get the full effect of the last book the producers are playing a great move. I also like the six mouth release dates like the last to Lord of the Rings. Wait time only adds agony to the fans. The only thing is they should do it in the same continuous year May 2010 to Nov 2010, that would be a true double dip.

  9. Kristina


    And in all seriousness, I’ll just see the second movie, then. That’s when the good shit happens, anyway.

  10. Orren Jensen

    To Chris Bunker: What are your sources to a 4th Bourne film, and oh by the way I dough that the author will give the right to his characters to do what the heck “they” want with it. Most authors take pride in there work. Most of the time the author of a book is invited to the set to make sure no one mess-up the over all fell of the book “they” are adapting. The rest of the case lies in one word plagiarism. If they don’t plagiaries then I am calling out that author as a “sell out.” As for Potter no more will or can be made, only thing I might see happening is a remake like many of the Superhero franchise. That is the only way a franchise like this will live on…20-30 years from now when technology has advanced.

  11. Adam

    Sweet… And for teh love god if Guermo Del Torro wants to direct let him

  12. Orren Jensen

    To Adam:I think Yates is directing it even thought I think Guermo Del Torro would bring a new twist to the last film. When M. Night Shyamalan said he would like to direct a potter I was saying the same thing you are for Guermo Del Torro.

  13. Meli

    Word is Newell is set to direct the last two Potter films, which is alright, but I would have preferred Del Toro.
    Even though I don’t want to wait six months between films to see the last book on the screen I think it will highly benefit the storytelling. Especially since the last three movies, while enjoyable, were like watching the books in fast forward. Many really great and even key moments were sacrificed.

  14. Meli

    Scratch that…I meant Yates, not Newell.

  15. Orren Jensen

    David Yates:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010) (announced) (rumored)

  16. Adam

    I would just love to see what Del Torro would do for the series. He just perfect for it. Ive always been a fan. Im still very happy with the fact its 2 films.. There has always been so much in the last few books that are left out of the films that it is really going to be better for it.

  17. Orren Jensen

    To Adam: have you seen Del Torro’s Foreign Films that are just as good as Hellboy.

  18. Chris Bunker

    To Orren:

    Here is my source on Bourne,

    How do any of us know if they will make other films. I am going by the money. These films have grossed so much money here are the worldwide totals for the films

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets$878,988,482

  19. Chris Bunker

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 795,541,069
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 896,016,159
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 976,975,550
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 938,468, 864

    A billion a film they wont greenlight another one? Will J.K. say no to 500 million i think they crazy if they dont make another one. If they never do make another Harry Potter the first thing im going to do if i ever run warner brothers is do whatever it takes to make another one before cause i want my first film to gross 1 billion. What does John Think? This site is the best on the web.

  20. Orren Jensen

    To Chris: It sound like more of a James Bond/ Mission Imposable type of project: As for Potter there are Seven books no more no less and there are no other side story that can be made into a movie without full consent of J.K. Rowling. J.K. has to too say yes to the use of her characters. The only way some doesn’t have to be if it is a fan creation (no money gained) this same rule applies for every story made into a movie. That is the second function of the MPAA besides rating a film. Like I said before any one who give full creative rights to a company is a “sell out.” The only other movies that will become of this franchise will be remakes in 20-30 years from now when technology has advanced. Which more or less will just be “a re-mastered” version of the films, like Star Wars. You’re right we don’t know how many movies they will make but what has been written is written nothing more, and yes they have made a crap load of money. Splitting the last book is more because of the material of the last book not money even though the producers are bank on a double movie release.

  21. Phil Gee

    I’ve not read the books so i don’t know for sure but if part one is just set up for a film that comes out 6 months later, then it will suck to sit through it.

    I knew Yates was gonna direct it.

  22. Orren Jensen

    To Phil Gee: what is your opinion on other film that have split into different part/ released with 6 months
    Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 (had to because of length)
    Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions (Revolutions is the continuation of Reloaded)
    Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring has a “to be continued” type of ending: Two Towers is even worse when comes to that type of ending. (Over lapping stories why they did it)
    Potter: journey/ building up the power and knowledge to kill Lord Voldemort (part one) the big fight / the why’s answered/ concussion (part two). There are 759 pages second largest book. Look at the largest book #5: Order of the Phoenix: 870 pages @ 138 mins that a lot of material cut out, but with the last book a film adaptation needs almost 100% of the book to complete finish it.

  23. Slushie Man

    To do the book any justice at all, there isn’t much they can cut out. The others all had sub-plots and side stories that were easily removed, but this one is all one continuous plot. And remember, when it comes down to it, these books are aimed at kids. A kid’s not gonna sit in front of a screen for 3+ hours without getting restless, no matter how good the movie is. There’s so many reasons to split this one in two, other then extra money.


    Anyone else thinking that the climatic battle scene for Part 1 will be Harry’s fight scene at Godric’s Hollow? And that it’ll probably end around the scene where he finds his wand broken and he takes Hermione’s? I think that’d be a great spot to end Part 1 on.

  24. CanuckLou

    Why only two? Make it a trilogy.

  25. nbakid2000

    Once again, J.K. Rowling has finished the series. She’s done with it. They only have rights to the 7 books. There’s nothing else to write about. The series is DONE. She’s not going to sell off her rights to make MORE movies after the final one. She’s not going to let her books be bastardized. She doesn’t need the money (she’s a billionaire) and she’s not going to let her creation get commercialized to that point.

  26. Kevin C

    You would think that all of Rowlings best friends post here. Everyone seems to have such intimate knowledge of what ole’ JK is going to do with the rest of her days.

    One thing I have learned is never say never. Who knows, maybe 10 years from now Rowlings gets the itch to write another Potter book or two. Who is to say that would “never” happen. or all we know, she could sell the character rights to someone else to continue the story, or she could pass away and her estate could auction off the rights, who knows?

  27. everysence

    I wish the harry potter books would stop along with the movies. Maybe the writer will actually write stories that don’t suck for kids and adults.

  28. Kate

    I’m very glad to hear this. I had wished from the very beginning that the HP movies be done as TV mini-series so that they could be more complete, this is the next best thing.

  29. sleeve

    To Everysence:
    The books stopped a long time ago. That being said, how would you know if they suck or not since you didn’t even know the last Potter book was finished?

    To Kevin:
    They’re just stating the most likely of scenarios. If she cares about her work, then this is more than likely the end of the Potter franchise.

  30. Kevin C

    Yeah but thats nothing more than complete speculation on your part. Her “caring about her work” is not exclusively tied to one or two future scenarios.

    What you or I “would” do has zero bearing on the liklihood of any of these scenarios playing out.

    Point being, anything can happen and all we can do is guess. To say that “JK Rowling is more likely to do A.B or C”, you would be more accurate to just say “I would rather JK Rowling did A,B or C.”

    We all say things, just as Rowling did, but what does that really mean? She could change her mind tomorrow and start a new book, then what? Thats all Im trying to say.

  31. Jay

    We all know tha HP series is currently the most lucrative in terms of box office. But, we also know that JB is #2. And, JB will eventually regain it’s #1 status. So the HP producers, thought what the heck, let’s make the gap wider for a few more years:)

  32. chris bunker

    Until the films dip in their worldwide gross i would NEVER stop making Harry Potter films. I will give J.K. Much respect if she dos NOT sell the rights and they do not do another film because she is giving up billions. In 30 years who knows if the Harry Potter character will be such a cultural icon like it is now i dont think the films would do as well then but who knows. I would make this series similar to James Bond. Do one every 2 or 3 years and switch stars out once they get 2 old. Im not saying it’s the right thing to do who can argue with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It’s all about those Benjamins boys.

  33. nbakid2000

    OK, I’m convinced the people who are saying that the movie series will continue on in the future have never

    A) read the Harry Potter books
    B) never read a single interview with J.K. Rowling
    C) Don’t really care about the series
    D) have only seen the movies


    What do you people NOT understand about OVER. DONE WITH. 7 movies. That’s all you’re gonna get. (8 if you include the second part of 7) ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS, BECAUSE WHEN IT’S GONE, IT’S GONE.

  34. Kevin C

    Has JK Rowling submitted a legal signed document promising to never revisit the Harry Potter Franchise?

    I understand what she has SAID and I understand that she is rich beyond her wildest dreams, but that in no way means that down the road she CANT change her mind.

    Thats a fact, Im not guessing or putting myself in her shoes or reading into any public commentary. IF she wanted to (for whatever reason) continue on with the story at some point, she can.

    I dont see how this cant be viewed as a possibility.

  35. Alec S

    A) I have never read the books nor have a desire to
    B) How many times has Micheal Jordan or Bret Farve come out of retirement for the Love of the game, the said they would never return
    C) I’m not 12
    D) see C

    “We all say things, just as Rowling did, but what does that really mean? She could change her mind tomorrow and start a new book, then what? Thats all Im trying to say” ——- This is the only idea that makes sense on this board.

    I agree that as long as it makes money there will always be the possibility of another book and/or movie. Money has a greater power especially when it gets into the billions… lets not be naive…

  36. sleeve

    Everything on this board is purely speculation, but since Rowling has made sure that there can be no non-author written sequels and has pretty much stated that this is the end, the more logical speculative conclusion is that this is it. The end. You can’t base everything on what Hollywood wants, especially when they don’t have the rights to the franchise. And yeah maybe one of these days she may change her mind and write another story, it’s always a possibility. But right now it just doesn’t look that way.

  37. nbakid2000

    I have never said she CAN’T change her mind and write another book. However, I am stating AS THINGS STAND NOW, IT WON’T HAPPEN. You’re all just wishful thinking and you’ll be very disappointed when it never happens. And then I’ll tell you “I told you so”.

    And @ Alec S

    Yeah, because everyone who likes Harry Potter or should like Harry Potter should be age 12. Yeah. OK. Sure.

  38. Phil Gee

    @Orren Jensen

    I would say all the examples you mentioned worked. I should have been more specific. What I meant was that (and i love all the Potter films) if Deathly Hallows part 1 has no set pieces, character or plot resolvement because all the juicy stuff happens in the second half of the book, it probably won’t make for a great film.

    OOTP is probably my favourite one so far but i’ll be the first to admit, nothing much happens until the end of it.

    Like i say, i haven’t read the book.

  39. Kevin C

    You kind of contradict yourself there NBA. You say you never said “cant” and then go on to say “it wont happen” in the next sentance.

    If you want to say “The books are done right now and the liklihood of another book is small” thats fine. But to say “It wont happen” like you have some inside information as to what JK Rowling will or will not do is absurd.

    I’d also like to add that if I was Rowling I would say that I was done forever writing Potter books too. You dont think that helped sales and will make the movie that much more dramatic? “The Final Harry Potter Book/Movie” sells alot better than “The last Potter book for the next few years definately”. She loses nothing by saying it because she knows she can change her mind in the future, there is nothing binding there.

  40. Orren Jensen

    To Phil Gee:
    I am guessing it will be more like the Matrix. It will leave us with a cliffhanger after on of the other battles Harry has with Lord Voldemort , then a to be continued (Read Slushie Man Spoilers: He maybe right to ware it will ends.)

    To Kevin C:
    I agree, the series / franchise will become more of a collectors idem. Like they say “All Good Things Come To An End”

  41. Slushie Man

    I mean. for my above suggestion, they got the climatic battle with Voldmort, they have the brief wind-down scene after with Harry and Hermione in the tent with the wand, and I’m sure they cna sure a brief montage of where the other main characters are and what they’re up to, before returning to Harry taking Hermione’s wand and leaving to stand guard, cutting to the credits.

    It’d end on a very Lord of the Ringish cliffhanger-like note if it does things that way, and as of right now that’s my theory on how they’ll end Part 1.

  42. Slushie Man

    Oh, and plus it’s perfect, where he had just returned to the place where the original Voldmort accident happened, plus he had JUST had that Voldmort flashback of that accident, I think all that is a great way to end the first part.

  43. chris bunker

    To think that these 7 (or 8 now) films will stand alone and that their will never be another harry potter book or film is hogwash im telling u guys. Star Wars is doing a tv series, pirates is doing another film after the third one was going to be the last. Until they start to loose money they will never stop. Hollywood will think of someway to keep making profit off these characters that everybody loves so much. A spinoff, a tv series, something just think about it. I dont give a shit about the films or the books but i know people LOVE them and i am only looking at this from a $$$$$$$$ perspective. KEVIN C and ALEC S make a great point, people change their minds all the time. J.K. is just like Michael Jordan. People that love what they do and are the best of what they just cant stay away not matter how much money u have. J.K. will keep her stance on this film being the last one right until the 8th film makes a billion and a few years go by so Warner will be so desperate they will do anything to keep it alive. Then she really has the bull by the horns.

  44. sleeve

    Like I said, you can’t base what’s going to happen on what Hollywood wants. It’s up to Rowling. Yeah it’s all about money to Hollywood, but I don’t think Rowling will be in serious need a buck for a long time.

  45. nbakid2000

    @ Kevin C

    I did NOT contradict myself. Just because I CAN walk up to somebody and shoot them with an illegally purchased firearm in the next week, doesn’t mean I WILL. There is a difference between “can’t” and “won’t”.

    She CAN write another book, but that doesn’t mean it will happen.

    The flaw in your theory that Hollywood will continue to make Harry Potter projects is that Hollywood DOESN’T OWN THE RIGHTS. They can’t TOUCH it after the 7th movie (not including what they already own).

  46. chris bunker

    NBA KID - You are right they cant make the films without her approval and even if they could nobody will watch a knock off of Harry Potter. The question is after the release of the 8th film how long will it take for her to agree to let Warner Brothers make a film based off an idea of hers, based off another person’s vision or if she will just resend her statement that this is the last book all together write another one.

    SLEEVE - You and a few others keep referring to the fact that she is so rich she will not want to do another one because she already has enough money. That theory is flawed. Does Bill Gates stop making software because he is rich? It just flat out does not make sense dude. Every rich person wants to get richer. Its a drug man. This has been a great discussion i may be wrong but time will tell and this blog will be the place we talk about it. Holler

  47. Rodney

    Chris, JK will get richer and richer from this franchise without writing a single word more.

    They are already opening a complete theme park dedicated to rebuilding famous locations from the books. There will never be enough lego sets, toys and other collectables, and every 5-8 years she can re release the books on the market with variant covers in collections.

    Also, if you read the last book, the epilogue kinda makes it impossible to write a story with any sort of urgency or suspense.

  48. sleeve

    You’re kind of twisting my words around here. I’m not saying she’s so rich she won’t want to do anything else but sit on her ass for the rest of her life, I’m saying that she probably won’t be so desperate for money that it will force her hand(no pun intended). If she ever does write another book, I doubt it will be because of money troubles.

  49. chris bunker

    After that post by Rondey im thinking they will IMAX 3D the Old Films for their 10 year anniversary’s and then we will see what happens. I just think Warner Brothers is going to be the one to putting heat on J,K, to do another one. They will struggle without potter we will see.

  50. nbakid2000

    No, the issue that everyone was crowing about was: because she can make a crap-load more money than she already has, she will approve spin-offs, knock-offs, etc.

    It won’t happen. And if it did, it would be directly FROM HER. Not another writer, not a studio idea, nothing.

  51. Orren Jensen

    To Chris Bunker:
    How much do you know about storytelling in Hollywood? Are you just playing the dumb card because you are so far into movies are only about making money? You should know the difference between adaptive and original screenplays. Star Wars and Pirates are original screenplay meaning the writer or writers can expand on the idea for money purpose. Harry Potter is an adaptive so when there is no more material to adaptive from then “they” can’t make more movies. Unless and a very big unless the author gives either full creative rights or writes more material. In this case Rowling has stated that she is done with Harry and if she wrote another it will be along time from now. Oh by the way J.K. is a writer there are other stories beside Harry Potter she can write so if she wants to get “back in the game” she can with making another Harry Potter.

  52. Slushie Man

    Who cares if they keep making more? Like seriously, as long as they’re good, what does it matter why they’re making them?

  53. Chris Bunker

    To Orren

    Im just stating my opinion nobody knows for sure. The bottom line is after they make harry potter 7 and 8 i think they will make more harry potter films down the road and J.k. will endorse them. My reasoning is the large amount of money the films make and that the rich want to get richer. I hope your right and she is done writing the books. I dont read the books or watch the movies but i respect how much money they make. I was pissed that Transformers did not make the most worldwide last year cause of stupid harry pottter making 700 million oversees i dont see how they can be so popular but they are thats why Warner Brothers will try their best to convince J.K. to do another one.

  54. Orren Jensen

    Let’s get this straight. You; are see the whole last Harry Potter movie splitting into two parts thing as a good thing, Argument: “Hell they should make 20 Harry Potter as long as it making loads of cash, Hollywood will find away .” (You are basically a Producer/ Marketing view point) Me: I see it as a good thing because there is so much material that needs to be covered but see there being no more movies after the last one. (I see it from a Director/Storyteller view point)
    Counterargument: But there could be you never know.
    Responds: Creative Right Infringement
    Counterargument: But the money is most important, Hollywood will find away.
    Responds: No more story to carry the films unless a new book was written but it is a slim chance that will happen
    Counterargument: But I see the series making a lot of money regardless who cares about anything else blah blah blah….MONEY
    Responds: Aesthetics is greater than money in the long run but artist do see their art as money sometimes and will do anything to make a buck but there quit a few out there that know when to say no. I am pretty sure J.K. doesn’t need the money she not a starving artist.

  55. Orren Jensen

    Oh by the way It is 7 not (7 and 8). Harry Potter 8 dose not exist. The movies are to be called Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part One and Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part Two. Just like Kill Bill: Kill Bill Vol 1 and Kill Bill Vol 2. Kill Bill was going to be a straight through 4 to 5 hr movie but the studios decide it would be best for the film to be “two movies”. Yes in doing so the movie made more money but what movie wouldn’t. I think the same case goes with Harry Potter it would have to be a good 5 hour movie to fully achieve a good adaptation of the book. Alford Hitchcock said “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” What would you say if they made a 5 hour film and had an intermission between the two acts…about the same place they will cut the film …basically what they are doing. It not a Harry Potter 7 and 8 but a Harry Potter 7 with a 6 month intermission unsaid of 20 minute one.

  56. tobor68

    i think it’s fine they break the final story into 2 movies. the book is immense, full of details necessary to the plot.

    what i wish, is that they do what PJ did with LOTR, provide a longer version (closer to the book) on DVD. a shorter version at the theatre is fine if you can manage it but the longer versions for the fans that want to see more of the story, should be taken into consideration.

    my 2 cents.

  57. Kevin C

    NBA, you said

    “I have never said she CAN’T change her mind and write another book. However, I am stating AS THINGS STAND NOW, IT WON’T HAPPEN. You’re all just wishful thinking and you’ll be very disappointed when it never happens. And then I’ll tell you “I told you so”.”

    Unless Im missing something you are saying that “you never said it cant, but it wont and we’ll be dissappointed when it never does.”

    I havent said anything about any outside factors like money or hollywood. All I am saying or have ever said is that no one here can speak intelligently about what JK Rowling will do in the future. So for anyone to say something cant, wont, or even isnt likely to happen, its completely moot and has no bearing on the subject.

    Forget money, forget hollywood, forget studio executives. If next year Rowling wanted to write a Harry Potter spin off series, she will. Regardless of what we say the odds are.

    She said its done, I get it. But what will that mean 5 or 10 years from now? Maybe she really is done with it forever, but like I said, never say never.

    And Im spent.

  58. sleeve

    The same goes for you Kevin. You say no one can speak intelligently about what Rowling will do, yet you still try get your point across that she may write another Potter book! Yes, yes, God yes, it is always a possibility that she may write another book, we get it! But from what the woman herself has stated, straight from her MOUTH HOLE, it appears very unlikely at this time!!! Jesus Christ!

  59. Kevin C

    I agree 100% that is why I am not claiming to have intimate knowledge of her intentions.

    While I can quote something she may have said, I readily admit that I have no idea what she is going to do in the future.

    Its one thing to speculate as to whether or not another film or book will be made. Its another to claim that it will indeed NEVER happen.

    Im just playing devils advocate here, I could care less whether or not the franchise continues.

  60. nbakid2000

    @ Chris Bunker

    J.K. Rowling has more money than she can spend. She WILL NOT BASTARDIZE HER FRANCHISE like you claim will probably happen for the gain of MORE MONEY.

    They are NOT making new movies, they aren’t spinning off the franchise, J.K. Rowling would NEVER let someone else take her creation and do with it as they willy nilly please. She CAN but she WON’T.

    She actually has full control over the movie scripts right now as it is. She’s not going to risk losing her fans’ respect by allowing bastardization of her cherished creation. The fans won’t tolerate new movies and a script that J.K. didn’t come up with. It won’t happen. Period.

  61. chris bunker

    Here is a quote from J.K.

    “I can’t say I’ll never write another book about that world just because I think, what do I know, in ten years’ time I might want to return to it but I think it’s unlikely.”

    Here is a quote from Michael Jordan when he retired the 2nd time

    “This is the perfect time for me to walk away from the game. I’m at peace with that.”

    After this Mike came back again for a 3rd time.

    Remember when the rock band THE EAGLES called it quits???

    “The Eagles said that hell would freeze over before they would play together again…well, the devil must be shivering in his boots because they’re back! …”

    The Rapper TOO $HORT “can’t stay away” either its a drug man its called FAME.

    and check out this story about unretirement

    it basically says people who retire have a 25% chance of going back to what they were doing.

    This is the second time i have tried to say that the bottom line is WE DO NOT KNOW.

    NBA when u say a quote like this

    “They are NOT making new movies, they aren’t spinning off the franchise, J.K. Rowling would NEVER let someone else take her creation and do with it as they willy nilly please. She CAN but she WON’T.”

    you are stating your opinion, as am i because nobody knows dude. I am glad it caused such a debate and i look forward to speaking to people about other subjects i care about even more on this site such as the masterpiece “Transformers.”

    If J.K.’s follow up projects do not generate the interest and profits of POTTER then get ready for some more broomstick races and gay wizard teachers.

    What does John Think?

    Much love to all, this is the best site on the web.


  62. Lyubov

    I am really glad they are making two movies because if it was one it would either be a really really really long movie or they would cut out some really good parts. I was actually kind of sad when I read 19 years later in the book because I was almost 80% sure they would cut it off the movie, but now I am almost 100% sure that they would not cut tit off, So I am very happy.
    On the other hand Where will each movie stop and the next one begin because even though I know what will happen next it would really sick if they stopped it in like a very very interesting part. At least they are only 6 months apart and not like 1 year.

  63. Hannah

    I think it’s great that the book is been released in two parts. Anyone who as taken the tine to read the book shall agree with the decision for the film to be in two parts because of the sheere amount of content in the book.

  64. Morgan Dean

    Ok lets take this for a ride shall we. There are 7 books and 8 movies. NO more movies will EVER be made! Yes Rowling is rich. She won’t need more money, and she knows it. When she says that there is sequil it will be in a very long time. I’m talking 30 years from now! Although I am not happy on the decision to make 2 movies for HP:DH I can’t wait to see the movies with all the info on it!!!

  65. Cassaundra

    I think it’s the best decision they have made, they cut alot out of the 5 other books that have been made into movies so far for film purposes and i think it made a huge difference with just them. With the last book there isn’t really anything they can cut out. If they cut too much out it wont make sence by the end of the movie. That last movie is tooo connected, and they cant make a 5 hour movie…..

  66. Kevin C

    JK Rowling is penning a short story, a Harry Potter Prequel to be auctioned off for charity.

    While this doesnt mean another full length book is coming, it just reinforces my belief that its only a matter of time before we get another ull length story from her about the Harry Potter universe, that will inevitably be made into a film.

    It wouldnt even shock me if a studio tries to buy the rights to this short story to make a movie one day.

  67. alygator

    so i agree that the franchise is most likely at a close, and it made me more sad with the books than with the movies. they have left out so much stuff that i don’t know how the seventh movie is gunna make sense anyway (like the locket?!). and i’m sure that if she gets bored down the line she probably will write some sort of story that ties into the Harry Potter world. HOWEVER that being said, i don’t think she will enjoy the success with a spin off that she has aquired with the original. its so hard to be as good as the original!

    OO… and as for transformers being a masterpiece…
    i’ll agree michael bay actually turned out a decent film and shia lebouf is a great actor, and yes i’ll even throw in that the special effects were INCREDIBLE… but the main story.. and megan fox’s acting.. please. again… not as good as the original series….good movie, but not a masterpiece… and the reason why Harry Potter did so much better was the amount of fans that have amassed over the years. :)

  68. weezy gurl

    I think that this is crazy! because the suspense will be more derawn out.

  69. Rodney

    It isn’t crazy Weezy Gurl … the book contained WAY more story than could be played out well in one movie.

    If they made it one movie it would be 4 hours long and still have stuff cut out.. or two hours and cut out half the story.

  70. weezy gurl

    yea i guess your right…htere was alot that of importatnt things that you wuoldn’t want to miss. But i still going to find it hard to wait!!

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