Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust

So I stumbled across this little trailer for a project called “Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust”. I don’t even know if it’s real or not… all I can say is that if this is indeed real… it looks so awful that I’m going crazy inside to see it. No really, I want to see this stupid thing… I can’t explain it, but I do.

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Omar

    Oh it’s real all right. The first one starred Gary Busey as the Ginger Bread man. Doesn’t look like he’s involved in this one.

  2. Kurt

    The first one was funny. This one, not so much. The phrase trying too hard springs to mind…

  3. Jesse

    Yes it’s Real.
    It has an IMDb page.

    I heard some rumble of it back a year ago. People in the Horror industry seem to be anxious to see it as well.

    It looks so bad it has to be good!

  4. Reed

    It looks better than the first one, though without Busey, that removes a lot of the luster.

  5. JoeTorro

    This movie is all too real! Watch the original. I stumbled upon it last year and it looked so terrible that not watching it would have been a crime. Freakin’ Gary Busy man…

  6. BrDanzig

    No explanation is necessary John. I watch bad movies on purpose for the very same reason. It has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up watching Mystery Science Theater 3000.

  7. Slushie Man

    It’s made by Charles Band, the guy in charge of the old Full Moon production company (Puppet Master flicks, Demonic Toys, Dollman, and many others). His flicks are low budget and bad, but he knows it and has fun with it.

  8. darkbhudda

    I love these kind of movies. I like my pretentious art-house movies, but once in a while you just need something fun to watch.

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