Empire Valkyrie Photos

Hello International friends. I have returned from vacation with gifts! Empire has obtained some exclusive pictures from the Tom Cruise WW2 project Valkyrie. The photos have been made available to us thanks to firstshowing.net:

I cannot say this film is on my must watch list, but Tom Cruise in an eye-patch is certainly reason enough to give it a chance. It will be interesting to see him in a film after that insane Scientology video that circled the web. I am starting to wonder if his peculiar behavior will effect his ability to put asses in theatre seats. International friends - what do you think?

Valkyrie is slotted for release October 3rd and we will be sure to keep you up to speed on the progress.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. RonSalon

    I understand this country was based on religious freedom, but come on… I can’t even write about the photos because I can’t get past his alien infection.

  2. Jano

    Hi there:

    Maybe this is old news but there is a trailer for the movie here:

  3. leeloo

    i just cant watch a tom cruise movie i dont know why.
    and thats not an eye patch. its an electro gynactic spectoral transmiti-sectramipying device.

  4. Mozzerino

    Nothing exciting to see in these pictures, but I’m still very curious about this flick. It has the potential to kick an unholy amount of ass.

    Oh and please people: If you don’t like Tom Cruise for whatever predictable reason, please do us all a favor and keep it to yourself. I simply can’t hear it anymore. Yadadada….nutjob…yadadada….scientology…yadadada…secretly gay…yadadada….scary robot wife…..yadadada.
    We have heard it over a 100 times now. Just let it rest or think of something new and funny.

  5. darkbhudda

    No problem with seeing Tom Cruise. Some of the other Hollywood actors and actresses get away with saying more crazy stuff.

    Will be interesting to compare this movie to the miniseries they did about it a while ago.

  6. Omar

    Tom’s a fine actor but he effectively destroyed his wife’s acting career by simply marrying her.

    I’m sure these videos alienate many people so we’ll see if this will rake in the dollars or not.

  7. Mozzerino

    @ Omar

    Yeah right, as if Katie Holmes would have had a shining movie career if she hadn’t married him. Her career was more or less over the moment she lost her cute-girly looks, not to mention being the weakest part of BATMAN BEGINS. She’s just not that good-looking or that good an actress. She would have faded into obscurity anyway by now.

  8. bigsampson

    its funny how media hsa made people gone from loving tom cruise to hating him……fuckers go watch top gun and get your faith back…….who cares what his religion is….i mean the fact is that he has a great life….hot wife….cute babies and the dude is balling…..i mean to me believing in aliens is as absured as a white guy in hippy gear freeing the jews or w/e and if u think jesus died and came back to like the wtf does it matter if he believes in the high lord ZOD……get the fuck over this movie is gonna be kick ass………..cruise might be accentric but yo his moviess are awesome!!!

    long live mavrick!!!!

  9. AjaxLou

    Tom Cruise as a Nazi with an eye patch to boot. Am I the only one - this strikes me as seriously hilarious?

  10. spagett

    yes…Tom Cruise is a wacko. But I’d luv to know how many of you complaining about him are “normal”.
    He is in good movies. That is all that matters. It isn’t like he is Lindsey Lohan who fucks movies over and pisses people off because she is a little brat. As long as it is a good movie, just because he is in it won’t make me not see the film. The trailer for this one looks alright. I wanna see it tho because I never learned about any of this in any history classes in my life…we always learn the same shit over and over.

  11. Ezell

    If I am right this will be one of two movies that show Germans fighting there government during WWII. Thank God it sucks being German and hearing how it was all Germany’s fault for the War which is not entirely true the Italians Started Fascism and it was an Austrian that gained Power and Hitler did bring them out of much worst deperesion so why not love your leader for making you able to get a job and eat again.

    But anyway good to see Tom Cruse in a movie i think his lack of audience has been from his choice of roles he has been taking more serious roles that don’t appeal to larger audeinces.

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