Dolph Lungren to Direct and Star in Command Performance

Dolph Lungren is set to launch himself back into the spotlight with a new movie called Command Performance.

MovieHole talks about Dolph:

Apparently there’s a bit of heat surrounding him following “Missionary Man”, an upcoming Sony title, that he directed, as well as acted in. Now Millennium/Nu Image, who have a reasonably good track record when it comes to action movies (they did this year’s “Rambo”, for instance) have greenlit a new actioner that Lundgren will again star in and direct, “Command Performance”, based on a script he collaborated with Steve Latshaw on.

Lundgren describes “Command” as ” ‘Die Hard’ at a rock concert,” with the story focusing on a drummer for the warm-up band of a big American performer giving a concert for the Russian premier. Naturally, the bad guys break up the show. And just as naturally, the drummer is an ex-Marine.

“I got the idea from Madonna,” Lundgren said. “She did a concert for (Russian President Vladimir) Putin a few years ago.”

I just don’t know. I think the time is coming for some forgotten 80s action star to make a HUGE comeback. It can happen. It might even be Stallone (he has a head start so far), but it could be Lungren too.

But then I read that synopsis of the movie. Not the worst idea ever.
Then I read the part that followed it. “I got the idea from Madonna” Ok, he clarifies that by saying it was her performance for the Russian Pres that inspired the setting for this action storyline. Not that Madonna called him up and said “You should do a movie like this…”

I fear this one might be headed straight to DVD.

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Darren J Seeley

    I wouldn’t so much as to call Dolph ‘forgotten 80’s action star’ (I really hate to be technical, but aside from Rocky. Masters and Punisher, most of his films that went theatrical were 90’s pix) and as for “Command”:

    Given the notion that this is pretty much one of the ol’ Die Hard clones that hasn’t been used yet, it may just be the last drop out of that well. The idea is still good- how easy would it be for Dolph to say, instead of the Drummer, he’s the head of arena security or a bodyguard or something like that…

    The odds are, Rod, while there may be occasional ‘talk’ about a project that stars Dolph (regardess if he directs itor not) like the whispers of a Seagal film or the high quality Van Damme films of late, the distributor will put the film right to DVD. You may not like it 100%, I may not always like it 100%. But that’s just the way the studios tend to work. It won’t stop them from putting Jet Li in crappy theatrically released films like The One or cranking out stuff like Hitman either. But are the studio/distributors really to blame? After all, someone has to be buying into that myth of actors /actresses who hit 40 are “too old”- a myth, which has been repeated within the so-called internet community.

    A big trouble area with Lundgren is most of his iconic roles have either a) been killed off in the film b) have been recast or about to be
    c) The best shot at a returning character for Dolph is a sequel to “I Come In Peace”, but it’s not iconic and enough and if such a film were done it would go right to DVD anyway.
    Then there’s Ivan Drago, who most likely won’t have a spinoff picture from the Rocky films, even if that by itself is a funky idea.

    The small glimmer of hope? This is Lundgren’s fourth directing effort, and if he did impress with Missionary Man …regardless of what happens to “Command”…maybe instead of aging B film action star he can merge into a A list director of action pictures and thrillers.

  2. HisDivineShadow

    I’m cracking up Rodney!
    Madonna???? Wtf???

    This reads like a SNL skit.

    Good luck Dork I mean Dolph

  3. leeloo

    i suddenly went into headbangin mode and i cant stop.

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