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Dark Knight Viral Website List

By Rodney - March 31, 2008 - 12:54 America/Montreal

The viral website campaign for Batman: The Dark Knight has been impressive to say the least. But as I hear that tomorrow ClownTravelAgency.com will reveal its secret, I tripped over a list of all the viral sites launched to support this movie.

Rope of Silicon gives us this list:

1. IBelieveinHarveyDent.com
2. Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
3. ClownTravelAgency.com
4. TheHaHaHaTimes.com
5. The Gotham Times
6. MaidenAvenueReport.com
7. GothamCableNews.com
8. DanaWorthington.com
9. CitizensforBatman.org
10. SaintsWithunsChurch.org
11. GVAFoundation.org
12. GPDIAD.com
13. GothamCab.com
14. IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com
15. JosephCandoloro.com.
16. GothamCityClerk.com
17. GothamElectionBoard.com
18. WhySoSerious.com
19. RorysDeathKiss.com

I had no clue that this many sites were created.

If you want to link to them all, you can go to Rope of Silicon to check them all out.


  1. Phil Gee says:

    ‘Departure Date 4-01′

    Oh boy, i know i’m probably getting excited over nothing (i’m not going to be staring at that web page all day tomorrow if you’re wondering - i have work) but it’s time for another trailer. It’d be so great to get one tomorrow.

    Whatever it is, don’t be a picture of Two-Face. I don’t want to see him till the film.

  2. steven says:


    i don’t get how these things spread (ok i do, word of mouth), but do you guys get e-mails from WB saying that these website exist so you can spread the word, or do they create these websites hoping someone would stumble on them?

  3. Jay says:

    “…(But as I hear that tomorrow ClownTravelAgency.com will reveal its secret…”

    Tomorrow…translate….April Fool!!!

  4. Rama's SCREEN says:

    Just wanna let you guys know..

    Worstpreviews.com has the newest poster for YOU DON’T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN

    and this link..

    it has SPEED RACER 3 D poster that you can wiggle around.

  5. geoff says:

    viral marketing will die like popup ads. it’s so 2005 it’s not funny :)

  6. Matt says:

    Here’s a complete list of all the viral sites…


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