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Charlie Sheen Joins New Horror/Thriller

The company behind the Saw franchise, Twisted Pictures, is ramping up to do a new horror/thriller flick with Charlie Sheen that was originally going to be called “Tortured” (they dropped the name because another film is on the way with a similar title). The concept behind the film is a damn interesting one. Our friends over at Cinematical give us this:

It was last April when the news first hit that the duo behind the Saw franchise were hard at work on a new story to gross out audiences with. This one will center on a happy couple whose child is kidnapped and then killed by a pedophile. Unsatisfied with the results of the court system, the two decide to kidnap their son’s killer and exact a little revenge of their own.

This is an interesting idea for a couple of reason. First of all we love movies where someone is righteously pissed off and is going to do something about it… but secondly it’s a new angle on the modern trend of “torture porn” movies. Instead of having helpless little boys and girls getting their toes cut off or their eyes blowtorched out…. it seems we’re going to see someone get the torture treatment that we think DESERVES it. Will this resonate with audiences? Hard to say… but I think it will. I can imagine a lot of people standing to cheer when a son-of-a-bitch child rapist gets his dick snapped off by a pair of hedge clippers by an angry father out for revenge!

But here’s the problem. Can you make an entire movie out of this concept? It sounds like it would be better suited for an episode of the Twilight Zone or something episodic like that. Can you do a full 90 - 120 minutes with this? Hard for me to imagine while still making it interesting.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DON

    Very interesting. But I hate anything that involves such kind of violence.

  2. Tarmac

    Hmm. Seems an odd role for Sheen to go into considering his recent work has been successful comedy films/tv shows. That said, I really dig him on screen and I’d like to see a badass side to him.

    But, at the same time. This sounds like it might fall under the torture porn veil of films which I don’t watch by standard. They just don’t ‘do it’ for me I’m afraid.

    I’d be interested in how this film will carry on the distance though. Unless they introduce a subplot of police trying to find them, or a plot twist and maybe the peado’s thug friends coming to break him out etc I don’t see how the audience will be able to sympathise with the main character for that long as he tortures someone …

  3. Scott R.

    “This one will center on a happy couple whose child is kidnapped and then killed by a pedophile. Unsatisfied with the results of the court system, the two decide to kidnap their son’s killer and exact a little revenge of their own.”

    That sounds like “Lady Vengeance.”

    *Spoilers if you haven’t seen it.*

    In it, a former prisoner at a female prison gets released and seeks out the person who got her wrongfully jailed. It seems that he had something over her, so she told the media that she killed this little girl, even showing how she did it. Now looking for the guy who really killed the girl, she finds out that this little girl wasn’t his only victim. She finds the guy, and ties him up to a chair, and leaves him in a old abandoned school. She comes back with the parents of all the kids who the guy killed, and gives them all a chance to exact punishment onto him, by giving them each like a minutes worth of time to torture him. They are given all kinds of torture devices, and they all proceed to torture the real killer. When they’ve all taken their turns torturing him, she goes and finishes the job.

  4. leeloo

    the size of charlie sheens head is horribly terrifyingly grotesque so it just might work.

  5. joeshabazz

    Could tottaly work, but Hard candy did it first. (IMDB IT)

  6. Johnson

    Sounds like Last House on The Left.

  7. danny

    hmmmm, sounds pretty similar to another twister pictures movie called DEATH SENTENCE.

  8. Darren J Seeley

    Sheen’s involvement may be a good sign, but if the int’ friends assumption is spot on, (it is not mine about the plot, then I the film has no suspense, it has no drama. I have no interest.

    By the way, anyone here ever see “Extremties”? Or even “Death And The Madien”?

    That is my view: The filmmakers aren’t going there there has to be something else to the story other than just scenes of brutality.

    How about:

    1) the dude doesn’t get off, he serves a reduced sentence/ some time, but he gets early parole, rehabs himself etc. THEN they nab him and make him PAY!

    2) the dude not only gets off, but thinks he’s so clever he kidnaps another kid. But the couple have stalked him for some time, the cops don’t believe them, they have a restaining order, etc etc. They don’t know who the missing kid is. They don’t know where the creep has child stashed / or buried alive. THEN they nab the dude, kick him in the nuts and chop off his little pinky to make his ass talk! But he’s a hardcore killer, and so he tests them to see how far they’d go. They take a bat and a baseball, and the baseball “gives him a walk” as it “hits home” in the chest, shoulder or face.

    Not that they’d do it, but They SAW this movie, get inspired. A pair of pliers and a blowtorch.

    Not that they’d do it, but The SAW this movie, get inspired, staple gun photos of the victims to the man’s chest.

    They find out who the new kinapped child is. They call the parents of that child. The parents happen to be Hell’s Angels bikers. They come on over to the house with a pair of rusty wrenches and a swiss army knife…

    What do you mean, “my date’s going to cancel dinner”?
    No she won’t—I’m just…saying….

  9. Legion

    This movie has already been made, it’s called “Lady Vengeance” (2005)

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