This entry was posted on Monday, March 31st, 2008 at 7:56 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

It looks like Carmen Electra and Kevin Sorbo will be joining forces again in Art House Movie: There Will Be Farts. We get the sad, sad news from ropeofsilicon:

Last week we revealed the first two pages of the script for Art House Movie: There Will Be Farts. The silly scribblings had plenty of ways for the filmmakers to spoof such films as No Country for Old Men, Juno, There Will Be Blood and Once. Well, today we can exclusively tell you that two spoof regulars may be joining the production.

Kevin Sorbo and Carmen Electra are in final negotiations to play Antwone Sugar and Dia-blow Cody in the film. A storyline hasn’t been revealed yet other than to say it will create a cohesive story made up of several art house pictures from recent years and films such as Cloverfield and United 93 may even be included.

I am saddened that after Sorbo and Electra participated in Meet The Spartans, they have decided to sign up for a film entitled Art House Movie: There Will Be Farts. Either times are tough for the two of them; or they are content to make poor life decisions. Meet the Spartans sucked as bad as a film could suck and I would hazard a guess that this film may be of like quality (we will wait and see).

I have no love for most spoof films and am saddened that they have become standard box office fare. We can now expect a number of these films throughout the calendar year and perfectly good viewing screens are subjected to showcasing shit for the duration of the run. I hope the appeal for these films dies off sooner rather than later.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Tyler

    I hope you realize this is at the bottom of that link:

    “This article and its contents are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental or is intended purely as a satire, parody or spoof.”

  2. Kevin C

    Even if the article is a parody, it wouldnt shock me if something like this was true,,which is a sad state of affairs for movies in general, let alone “spoofs”.

  3. Mozzerino

    The thought is very scary, but this would not happen simply because of the fact that the target audience for those retarded movies would never get the references.
    These movies feed off people who would never watch films like THERE WILL BE BLOOD or NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. You know, movies that actually have something smart to say.

  4. Gordon Shumway

    we are only a step away from Spoof movie, or did that already happen (Scary Movie). Groan

  5. Doug NAgy

    It does look like this story is a parody. I didn’t see the disclaimer at the bottom of the article. I apologize.

    I agree Kevin C, the fact that this was believable is a sad state of affairs.

  6. Tyler

    I wasn’t looking for an apology. I was just trying to assuage your fears. This article isn’t as obvious a parody as the one it references, with the two pages of script.

  7. Kristina

    That was one scary early April Fool’s joke. Sheesh.

  8. mofo toshio

    Why even…make this movie? A spoof pokes fun at something and yet…what is there to mock here? These movies are all…great, with no room for mockery. Sad.

  9. Andee23

    Spoof Movies are unimportant add nothing to our overall understanding of the world around us have no artistic value what so ever are in essence the worst of what we as culture can achieve and should avoid but sadly hold so dear and admire and possibly are one in a long list of things that are foreshadowing the end of Western Civilization as we know it

  10. dre

    You guys are all dumb. These are the greatest movies ever! Just because the creators have a sense of humor you all are too cool to recognize … and I think a United 93 parody would be HILARIOUS! Although Uwe Bol kinda did one already with Postal (which ruled). And how can you not love Electra’s name in this? Dia-blow Cody!!! Its supposed to be mocking Diablo Cody of that crappy Juno you dummies!!!

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