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The ‘What Happens in Vegas’ Poster

The one sheet for ‘What Happens in Vegas” just hit the net. Cinematical gives us this:

Hmm….not much of a poster. Also, not to sound like a major b*tch, but I think the days are gone where you can have a poster of these two actors doing absolutely nothing and still rely on their star power to be enough advertisement for a film. I haven’t seen Ashton Kutcher in a movie for ages and the last thing I saw Cameron Diaz in was the ‘ Jimmy Kimmel f*cking Ben Affleck’ tribute on youtube. I just think it’s funny that the studio decided to put the words ‘Cameron and Ashton’ on the poster as if they were as powerful as ‘Brad and Angelina.’

Here’s a synopsis of the film from IMDB, just in case you can’t tell from the plain poster:

Set in Sin City, story revolves around two people who discover they’ve gotten married following a night of debauchery, with one of them winning a huge jackpot after playing the other’s quarter. Unhappy pair try to undermine each other and get their hands on the money — falling in love along the way.

Yeah, so I am officially NOT seeing this movie when it comes out on May 9th. What about you?

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kurt

    And yet again, a poster has the uncanny ability to make Cameron Diaz look extremely ugly.

    And Kucher just looks like a dumb lug that got lucky.

    I think there is a subtle thing you may have missed here Serena, It says to every guy “Look what I just got from goin’ to Vegas”

    This is the Budweiser of Movie Posters.

  2. Meli

    I’m not a fan of either actor. I don’t like romantic comedies and even if I did the plot for this movie sounds dumb and the trailer confirmed it in my eyes.

  3. @ Kurt,

    LMFAO!! So funny and so true!! :)

  4. Mark

    I think both have worn out their welcome with a series of dull, cookie-cutter movies unless they take a chance on something different. And Cameron is so annoying in person that I can’t stand to watch her on screen anymore (that laugh… nails on a chalkboard).

  5. Kristina

    Serena, you’re not a bitch for telling the truth. These two are last century’s news. I won’t even bother to bootleg this turd.

  6. Steve L.

    Cameron Diaz is the poster child for stupid blondes. Ashton Kutcher is the poster child of a no talent actor somehow becoming main stream in Hollywood. Didn’t Ashton already do a lot of movies like this? Seriously how far off from “Just Married”, “A Lot Like Love”, “Guess Who”, and “My Boss’ Daughter” can it be?

  7. Phil Gee

    And Kristina watched that Jessica Simpson flick ‘Blonde Ambition’ so it’s saying alot, right your majesty?

  8. Zeus

    This movie will bomb and I can’t wait.

    These two are just horrible on screen.

  9. Jay

    Two popular stars… I wonder how the movie is going to turn out =]

  10. Slushie Man

    Ashton had something going for him when he started picking serious movies like Butterfly Effect and The Guardian. Not the best of movies, themselves, but Ashton did a good job in them and showed he was trying to branch out.

    I have no idea why he;s returning to this same old shit now, when he was on his way to being a decent actor (On his way, not quite there yet). This is a HUGE step back for him, which is a shame, cause I was looking forward to seeing where he went.

  11. shadopup

    The first post is dead on. That comment was worth commenting on more than the actually post itself which didn’t deserve any comments whatsoever but wait a minute that means…

  12. shadopup

    I meant first comment not first post…sheesh can’t think straight at all today.

  13. Kenotic

    A major pet peeve of mine is the movie poster of two people where one is pointing at the other — or worse, if they’re both pointing at each other in a “can you believe this guy? It’s crazy!” manner. You look like an idiot.

    There was nothing about Kutcher and Diaz that impressed me before, and no one could force me to watch this now.

  14. Kristina

    @Phil Gee

    Damn straight!

  15. Robert(wolf)

    ”“can you believe this guy? It’s crazy!””-KENOTIC LMAO

    Loved Kuther in Butterfly Effect and That’s 70’s Show, but other then that he has done nothing but crap.

    Diaz has scared me since Vanilla Sky.

  16. Kristina

    And really, what does this poster tell us about the movie? Two stupid people yukking it up? If I hadn’t already seen the horrendous trailer, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea as to what the fuck was going on here. Ugh. I’d wipe my ass with it but my tush is too sacred for this shit. Something about having Ashton’s face down there gives me the willies(and the crabs too, probably).

    And I just noticed the uber-arrogant move of just having their first names there, like “Ooh, we’re so big that we don’t need last names!” Dummies, the only reason you don’t need last names is because there are no other famous people with your names. You’re not Madonna, or even Beyonce’s sorry ass.

  17. Slushie Man

    Kristina, that’s not the actor’s call to make. The decision to use only their first names was either the marketing people’s, or the producers. Don’t fault the actors for that one. Make sure your hate goes towards the right people. It always irks me when people blame the wrong people for shit they don’t like.

  18. Kristina

    @Slushie Man

    Right on. Sorry, two dumbfucks on the poster. My hatred is now averted toward the dumbfucks in marketing. My bad!

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