Wuthering Heights Remake

It looks like the classic film Wuthering Heights is up to bat on the remake machine. We get wind of this resurrection thanks to our friends at themovieweb:

A new remake of the classic tale Wuthering Heights has a new director. According to Variety, John Maybury (The Jacket) is set to take the reins of Wuthering Heights. Olivia Hetreed (Girl with a Pearl Earring) wrote the screenplay and casting is currently under way, with plans to start shooting in the fall. Wuthering Heights has been adapted more than a dozen times, the most notable being the 1939 film with Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. The story revolves around love and obsessive passion torn through the societal class system.

This film is going to be adapted for the 13th time!?!? Good gracious this thing has more incarnations that the Dhali Llama and I haven’t seen any of them. In 1939 it won the best cinematography oscar and was nominated for seven others. It would be fun to dig up the original film and watch it back to back with the remake, actually you could have a movie day where you watch 6 or more of them.

Shooting for the film begins this fall.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bridget

    Heathcliff: Johnny Depp

    Catherine: Emmy Rossum, Scarlett Johansson, or Claire Danes

  2. JC

    Wow I can’t believe it!! this is great!! I read the summary, cuz the novel was just too long, and I loved it!!! I wonder if this remake will cover the whole book, since the old movie covered the first 16 chapters?

  3. Claire

    Wuthering Heights is wonderful, none of the past adaptations have been that good, so i’ll try and hope for this one. As for potential cast:

    Heathcliff: No idea, an unknown would be preferred, it’s going to be a real challenge to find someone with the right looks and talent for the part. Sorry Depp is FAR too old for Heathcliff, he’s older than Heathcliff when he dies in the book, never mind when he’s young with Cathy.

    Cathy: Sorry to disagree with other posters but i think there is no need to have an American actress for Cathy, the UK is full to the brim with potentially amazing Cathy’s at the moment: Emily Blunt, Hayley Atwell, Felicity Jones, Gemma Arerton, Ameila Warner, Rebecca Hall and lets not forget queen of the period dramas Keira Knightly.

  4. Rain

    Heathcliff: Henry Cavill or Matthew MacFadyen I know maybe some of you will say Matthew is older but I jus adore him.
    Cathy: I completly agree on Keira Knightly and Emily Blunt between them both I would pick Emily since this will give her a chance to show more of her talent.

  5. Lissi

    Heathcliff: No idea. He’s ahard one to cast but I agree it should not be Johnny Depp. Despite the age thing he is too small, Heathcliff is supposed to be big and strong.

    Catherine: I like Keira Knightly too. Soory, Bridget but neither of those actresses seem to really work for her. They all seem too sweet, or blond.

    I hope it does the end because the endis the best part.

  6. Lissi

    Heathcliff: No idea. He’s ahard one to cast but I agree it should not be Johnny Depp. Despite the age thing he is too small, Heathcliff is supposed to be big and strong.

    Catherine: I like Keira Knightly too. Soory, Bridget but neither of those actresses seem to really work for her. They all seem too sweet, or blond.

    I hope it does the end because the end is the best part.

  7. Emily

    Henry Cavill for Heathcliff!!! He would be amazing!

    I heard that Natalie Portman has been selected for Cathy……

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