Wall-E Poster Revealed

AICN has the onesheet poster for Wall-E, Pixar’s latest charmer.

And in case you didn’t see it, Buzz and Woody had a spot promoting Wall-E at the Superbowl.

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7 Responses to “Wall-E Poster Revealed”
  1. Kristina says:

    All I can say is AWWW. I can tell I’m going to need some Kleenex for this one.

  2. AjaxLou says:

    This is my pick for the Box Office Champ this year.

    Never underestimate the power of a family movie - especially one from Pixar!

  3. tobor68 says:

    hmm…kinda ugly. how is it disney always manages to do that? they put out amazing advance posters (beauty & the beast comes to mind) but the final posters manage to suck.

  4. spagett says:

    ugly? Nothing ugly about it. I haven’t been much interested in seeing these animated films lately but this one really catches my attention. The character just seems awesome and the animation looks gorgeous.

  5. C3PO says:

    Ooh dear Jonny 5 is that you?
    Jonny 5 it is you, it is you!!!

    What have those madmen at pixar done to you?

  6. tobor68 says:

    @spagett: glad you like but it still doesn’t work for me. the one sheet with wall-e looking to the sky was much better and said more with less.

    this one has wall-e waving, eve flying and a space ship in the bg. dull composition, too. just my opinion. (movie looks amazing tho!)

  7. tobor68 says:

    @’3PO: shut it, vince.

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