The Rock Set To Play The Tooth Fairy

Hey Kids! The Rock will soon be collecting your teeth as the Tooth Fairy! We get this crazy news today from the professionals at Variety:

Dwayne Johnson will star as the title character in “The Tooth Fairy,” a 20th Century Fox comedy that’s coming together for an August start. Michael Lembeck, who helmed the second and third installments of “The Santa Clause,” will direct. Johnson will play an ordinary man who’s brought in to try to save the tooth fairy kingdom.

I feel like I am high on glue, but the truth is, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is going to be saving the Tooth Fairy Kingdom. Now I will see this film, and it may be so ridiculous that it becomes awesome; but I have a hunch this is not the type of role The Rock was hoping for when he left a professional Wrestling career.

The Rock has legendary charisma and is among the greatest smack talking wrestlers of all time. Back when he used to wrestle, I would always stop flipping though channels if I saw him with a mic in his hand. The guy has a gift, and it has yet to be properly utilized on film. If he can pull out a quality performance in this film, he will have my eternal support and respect for turning shit into gold.

I would feel a lot better about this film if it was brought to us by the Bad Santa scribes rather than Santa Clause 3. This seems like a rehash of the TIm Allen film, only you swap out Santa for the Tooth Fairy. I will be in line for this one opening night, this is level 10 outlandish and I am itching with morbid curiosity.

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3 Responses to “The Rock Set To Play The Tooth Fairy”
  1. AndrewfromOR says:

    I think I am just going to agree with you on this one, I am a big fan of the Rock, I think he has a good future in acting, but come on lets get to some ass kicking, trash talking action movies. Like the Rundown, that was fucking great

  2. Kristina says:

    Agree with Andrew to a point, but the guy is talented as hell. I think he could do a lot more than action, if people would take him seriously. Or if he’d take himself seiously. I mean, come on dude, I gave you a pass on The Game Plan, but THIS? I’ll delete you from my fantasy file if you do this, so help me God!

  3. AndrewfromOR says:

    Oh dont get me wrong on this point, I would love to see him take on serious roles as well, but compared to these cutesy family flix( which at least he make them some some what enjoyable) I would rather have him kicking ass, but other movie types would be nice as well

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