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The Megas Film Adaptation In The Works

By Rodney - February 27, 2008 - 14:25 America/Montreal

The Megas comic book is next in line for movie adaptation. The following announcement has been made available to us thanks to the caves of yahoo:

“Terminator 3″ director Jonathan Mostow is developing a feature film adaptation of his sci-fi comic book series “The Megas,” which hits stands Wednesday.

“The Megas,” published by Virgin Comics, is set in a future society in which the American Revolution produced a monarchy, not a democracy, and consists of a culture of aristocracy and commoners, not to mention royal scandals. The story is set in motion with the murder-suicide of a princely member of the Mega aristocracy and three prostitutes. Using the Bureau of Royal Investigation, the Megas try to cover up the incident, which could be explosive as the king lies on his deathbed. But don’t count on the agent assigned to the case, James Madison, doing the right thing.

A comic book about an investigator airing the dirty secrets of a monarch does not interest me in the slightest. There is no hook that pulls me in and compels me to get the comic book, or get excited about the film adaptation. If they were making a Milk And Cheese film, you could count be down for 20 viewings, but sadly, I doubt that will ever happen. This comic was also created with a film in mind, so it will be interesting to see how this 2 for 1 approach pans out.

International friends, since I am ignorant of this particular story I beg for your wisdom on the matter. If any of you pick the comic up today, please let us know your thoughts. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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