The Love Guru Poster

We have obtained the poster for the upcoming Mike Meyers film The Love Guru through our friends at ropeofsilicon. Check it out!


I would have preferred if the Love Guru had a daisy in his hand for this poster, tt is the classic “she loves me, she loves me not” flower. Meyers has a good look for the kind of character he is going to portray, but I am wondering how different he will be from Austin Powers. Austin is a spy but his love of life comes from his addiction to sluts and perversity.

Jessica Alba is the co-star for this film, and that is not good news. People have been raising a unified voice against her acting ability; and the consensus is that the international friends want to see less of her on the silver screen. Having her in “leading roles” is not a good idea, if you must have her in your movie, a side character may be the best compromise. To have her as the straight-man to Meyers; seems like a disaster in waiting.

International friends, what are your thoughts?

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  • 1. DON replies at 18th February 2008, 12:20 pm :

    jessica gets unnecessary hate. She is fine actress in my opinion. Not some oscar quality but much much better than other hotties who try to act. Hell she is better than Megan fox.

  • 2. miles replies at 18th February 2008, 12:34 pm :

    thoughts: this looks like a piece of shit.

  • 3. rafa1215 replies at 18th February 2008, 1:44 pm :

    Mike. Mike. Mike. Dude you need another Austin Powers kind of hit. I know it’s hard to reinvent a new character that sticks with audiences and makes money, but I’m not liking what I’m seeing so far.

  • 4. jimf42 replies at 18th February 2008, 4:11 pm :

    there already has been one love guru movie… called The Guru… Heather Graham, Marisa Tomei and Jimi Mistry… (2002)

  • 5. spagett replies at 18th February 2008, 6:57 pm :

    I love how everyone turns on these comedians for no reason. Mike Meyers has a new movie…”oh hey lets hate on him because we liked Austin Powers years ago”…makes a lot of sense.

  • 6. Doug replies at 18th February 2008, 10:16 pm :

    Hit the nail on the head, Spagett.

  • 7. SKC replies at 19th February 2008, 2:43 am :

    I liked Mike Myers alot in the Austin Powers series and I am curious to see how he does in this movie. I dont like Jessica Alba but I dont hate here either. Everyone can agree that she looks fantastic but I would prefer someone else that had some acting ability. I would have preffered someone like Kate Beckinsale, but thats just me.

  • 8. Gerry Alanguilan replies at 19th February 2008, 7:22 am :

    Looks like fun! But man, I doubt anyone can out Love Guru the great Austin Powers!

  • 9. Dom Dunc replies at 19th February 2008, 9:53 am :

    Is anyone else feeling a little uncomfortable that they’re pretty much re-doing the 2002 film ‘the guru’ but with a white guy in the title role?

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