The Eye Review

Thanks for checking out our “The Eye” review. It’s all the rage in Hollywood in recent years to take vastly superior asian horror films, and remake them into vastly inferior North American versions. The Grudge. The Ring. Dark Water. The Ring 2. Yadda yadda yadda. I’m all for remakes if they’re done well, so I was more than open to the idea of a remake of “The Eye”. So did this remake fair any better than the others? No, it didn’t.


Jessica Alba plays a symphony orchestra violinist who, in a tragic accident, lost her eyesight when she was a little girl and has been blind ever since. However, she gets the opportunity to receive a double eye transplant in order to see again. A donor set of eyes become available and she gets the procedure. The operation is a total success and soon Alba can see again. However, she also begins to see dark, nightmarish and unnatural things that just can’t be real. Is she going insane? Is she peering into another world? By the end of the movie does anyone really care?


If you’re a comedy, you can fail at almost everything else, but at least be funny and you’ll be watchable. If you’re an action film, you can fail at almost everything else, but at least be exciting and you’ll be watchable. And obviously, if you’re a horror movie, at least be scary and you’ll be watchable… and on this level “The Eye” succeeds at time. There are a number of moments in the film that are legitimately creepy and eerie. Where most North American horror films rely on “BOO!” and shock type scares, The Eye does a good job of utilizing atmosphere and environment to achieve its dark goals. I admit I jumped out of my seat a couple of time and just downright spooked a few times too.


After you get past the promising premise, the film has next to nothing going for it. The story is thin to non-existant, the resolution of the film is very weak and makes next to no sense… and this all leaves you with a major sense of dis-satisfaction as you realize the whole movie was basically taking you down a road that doesn’t end up leading you anywhere good. It’s like mom and dad telling you their taking you to a great place, you drive for 6 hours… your anticipation builds… only to discover that you got taken to that fat aunt’s place you hate so much.

Everyone likes to jump up and down and slam Jessica Alba’s acting ability (or lack thereof), so I hesitate to jump on that bandwagon… but it really has to be said: Jessica Alba can not act. Alba is a delightful person, very friendly, very nice, and the type of person you really want to cheer for… but after seeing her “performance” in The Eye I’m left with nothing left to be positive about. Listening to her narrate at the beginning and end of the film was like hearing a 5th grader reading from a giant cue card in the school play. Nothing about her performance even came close to being convincing, and every time she spoke you were painfully aware that she just doesn’t belong up there.


The Eye is a poor movie that is almost salvaged by the fact that there are some honest to goodness scary moments in the film. However, there aren’t enough to make up for a badly told, and poorly acted story that ended up having no where to go. Alba continues to prove she does not work or belong as a lead in any film that dose not end with the words “…Does Dallas” Overall I give “The Eye” a 4 out of 10.

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  • 1. Kristina replies at 2nd February 2008, 1:28 am :

    So, people are finally waking up and seeing things my way, huh? I’ve been saying it about her ever since Dark Angel. She’s nothing special, people! She can’t act, so that’s strike one. She’s a raging hypocrite(I don’t use my body to get ahead. I want to be a serious actress…but LOOK at my tits in this bikini on the cover of GQ!), so strike two. And for a supposed sex symbol, she sure is one of the biggest prudes I’ve ever seen in my life. Strike three.

    You’re OUT.

  • 2. Bobsyeruncle replies at 2nd February 2008, 5:07 am :

    Hey, hey, slow down, folks. Try to be objective and reserve your final judgement for “Dark Angel Does Dallas”, coming soon nationwide.

  • 3. Darren J Seeley replies at 2nd February 2008, 6:50 am :

    I’ve read enough.

    I have not sen the remake yet. Despite my fondness for Alba’s co-stars in Good Luck Chuck, I haven’t seen the film (didn’t really appeal to me). I didn’t see that pic with Hayden (which name escapes me but it might as well have been named ‘Poof : Now You See It, Now You Don’t') …but I have seen everything, or just about everything, Alba has been in. Even the pathetically directed but mildly entertaning Honey.

    Maybe she does need to work on her acting chops. Maybe she needs to pick better films. Okay, no maybe about it. She can do better. But here is what pisses me off.

    This crosses a line:

    Alba continues to prove she does not work or belong as a lead in any film that does not end with the words “…Does Dallas”

    I dig the site for a few years now, I think Campea is cool. One day I would like to shake his hand, say nice work, and so on. In this moment, not so much. Reviewing ‘Eye’ is one thing. Stooping to the gutter is another. If you think Alba is a poor actress, fine. But…come on. That is a bit much.

  • 4. Mike Mai replies at 2nd February 2008, 7:37 am :

    this is a blog, john can say what he wants. and i find what john said pretty funny but i dont expect everyone to find it funny.

  • 5. Melbye replies at 2nd February 2008, 8:06 am :

    Getting a child will kill her career, especially if she can’t get her body back, cause seriously that’s the only reason she gets a job in movies

  • 6. Dylan replies at 2nd February 2008, 11:06 am :

    Two things. Jessica Alba will never look better than she did in Idle Hands. And if this movie doesn’t end with her gouging her eyes out and falling on the floor in a bloody heap, I don’t want to see it. Actually, I wouldn’t want to see it anyway.

  • 7. Darren J Seeley replies at 2nd February 2008, 12:04 pm :

    @Mike Mai:

    “this is a blog, John can say what he wants”
    Even cheap shots, I suppose. But keep in mind that if I happen to disagree or even slightly debate him, while keeping things civil and not nitpicking trivial matters….should not I say what’s on my mind in the comments section?

    Or yourself, for that matter?

  • 8. Mike Mai replies at 2nd February 2008, 12:15 pm :

    that’s why i said “but i dont expect everyone to find it funny”, did you not read that? you voice your opinions and i voice mine, we are all different after all.

  • 9. frankwolftown replies at 2nd February 2008, 3:44 pm :

    ANNNNNDDD The Golden Globe Award for Funniest and Most Accurate critic of the 2008 goes to JOHN CAMPEA from Let’s give him a big round of applause!

  • 10. iris replies at 2nd February 2008, 6:38 pm :

    i don’t think much of alba as an actress, but i was reading this book and the author made a big deal about not finding one’s type yet. so maybe alba hasn’t found her type.let’s see she done action, sci-fi, horror, comedy, romantic comedy….okay, never mind.

  • 11. esteph replies at 2nd February 2008, 8:00 pm :

    i watched the eye today
    and that thing was boring
    it’s actually hilarious
    not at all scary
    and jessica alba needs acting lessons for sure.

  • 12. John replies at 2nd February 2008, 11:42 pm :

    Hey Darren,

    It’s not a cheap shot. I could be more direct and say “she is hands down the worst, shittiest and most damn awful fake actress on the screen”, but I find making a little joke to be more polite.

    She is the worst actress working today (with the possible exception of Thawndie Newton that is)

  • 13. Darren J Seeley replies at 3rd February 2008, 8:02 am :

    John, since you mention Thandie…maybe what Alba needs is a ‘Crash’….a good ensemble piece? (Not counting ‘Sin City’)

  • 14. John replies at 3rd February 2008, 11:33 am :

    Hey Darren,

    If by “put her in a Crash” you mean surround her with talented people so that her total lack of any acting ability can be hidden… then sure… put her in a “Crash” type film. But if you’re going to do that, then why not put me in a Crash type film?

    She can’t act. Doesn’t matter why “type” of film you put her in. She can’t act.

    It’s not a matter of her being in a good movie
    It’s not a matter of getting her the right script
    It’s not a matter of putting her with talented actors.


    No movie, no script, and no other actor can change that.

  • 15. Royal replies at 3rd February 2008, 12:59 pm :

    This review saved me $20.00. Went down to LackLuster and picked up a slew of good ‘uns instead. Thank you TMB!

  • 16. Raymond replies at 4th February 2008, 5:58 am :

    “Some respectable performances (even by Alba)”

    Is this the very same John who reviewed Awake? If so it would make the above comment pure gold.

  • 17. John Campea replies at 4th February 2008, 9:55 am :

    Yes Raymond, that was me that said that. But put what was said in context. That comment was NOT made in the “THE GOOD” part of the review.

    The very best thing that can be said about Jessica Alba in the 10 or so movies she has appeared in, is that in ONE, she didn’t ruin it and was “respectable”. Not “good”, but “respectable”. Put me in 10 movies (or you) and the law of averages says that in at least one you or I won’t single handedly ruin it.

    So yes Raymond, there was one time, in one film where I said Jessica Alba’s performance was “respectable”, but not good enough to put in the “THE GOOD” part of the review.

    When put in context, that doesn’t effect the validity of what I’ve said in this post whatsoever.

  • 18. Raymond replies at 4th February 2008, 2:24 pm :

    I’m just teasing you, John. I’m upset you didn’t include a video review!

  • 19. ALTV replies at 5th February 2008, 12:26 pm :

    Alba continues to prove she does not work or belong as a lead in any film that dose not end with the words “…Does Dallas” Overall I give “The Eye” a 4 out of 10. - hehehe that was clever. The original of this movie was actually decent.

    Now, a great movie I finally saw was “Antonia” by Brazilian director Tata Amaral (it came out awhile ago though). That’s some acting and and great storyline.

    I saw a post somewhere that she is going to be on this cable TV show called American Latino TV. Check it for yourselves:

    hahaha…”does dallas”…heheh

  • 20. ALTV replies at 5th February 2008, 12:27 pm :

    Alba continues to prove she does not work or belong as a lead in any film that dose not end with the words “…Does Dallas” Overall I give “The Eye” a 4 out of 10. - hehehe that was clever. The original of this movie was actually decent.

    Now, a great movie I finally saw was “Antonia” by Brazilian director Tata Amaral (it came out awhile ago though). That’s some acting and and great storyline.

    I saw a post somewhere that she is going to be on this cable TV show called American Latino TV. Check it for yourselves:

    hahaha…”does dallas”…heheh

  • 21. Daniel c replies at 7th February 2008, 5:35 am :

    I haven’t seen this one yet and I was looking forward to. I think that this reviews will be helpful and hopefully it will be interesting comparing our opinions.

  • 22. Roger replies at 8th February 2008, 1:46 pm :

    I had a two-day gig opposite Alba at the ersatz studio in Albuquerque. I didn’t get Alba at all. She had no presence, no noticeable talent nor acting ability. I felt I was next to a twelve-year old. Yet she was getting four million for this part. Her co-star stared at me with pure evil, and the director seemed high. Who was pocketing the money?

  • 23. Gotta Get A Film replies at 8th February 2008, 2:22 pm :

    Jessica Alba should stay out of movies until she learns to like, act.

  • 24. Taylor replies at 8th February 2008, 7:11 pm :

    Lol… Jessica Alba may not be able to act but who cares she is HOT AS HELL!! I know that any movie she is in i would go to see

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