The Bands Visit

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The General Idea

A brass band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the inaugural ceremony of an Arab arts center, only to find themselves lost in a foreign city. They are invited to stay the night and are accommodated by the owner and patrons of a small restaurant.

The Good

We follow a dreary group of police musicians around a desolate Israeli town after they mistakenly take the wrong bus. They are put up for the night by locals, and we watch the uncomfortable mingling that takes place. The situation is obviously awkward for all involved and eventually we come to realize that awkwardness and the problems life throws at us are a commonality shared by all. Another thing we have in common is music, and often the band will use their skill as a means to communicate to their Israeli hosts. This film plays up both the differences and the similarities, and in the end it is obvious that we are all more alike than we would like to admit.

The lead charachter known as The General (Sasson Gabai) is outstanding. He is a dignified and proper old school hard-nose that has his guard up for almost the entire film. Evetually the sultry restaurant owner gets him to crack a bit, but not for long and soon he retreats back into his shell. We eventually see the cost of his attitude, his knowledge of it, and his dismay at his inability to change. Rather than working it out, he almost prefers to keep to himself and protect others from his company. The performance was outstanding and really hooked me into the film.

The awkward exchanges are humorous much like the office television show. You laugh at the uncomfortableness of the situations, and that is the point.

The Bad

This film is a very slow 87 minutes. I feel that it was done deliberately, and although I didn’t have a problem with the pace myself, I think that some may get bored with this film. If I had to find something with this film to gripe about, i suppose that would be it.


This was a very enjoyable film. It never came across as preachy but the message was there for those with eyes and ears to hear. A wrong turn led to an uncomfortable night for a number of very boring, dreary people and at the end of the experience they somehow came away with a day that none of them will every forget. Eventually the band reaches their final destination and we get to see the group shine doing what they do best. It makes you smile to see such grey characters finally strut like peacocks in the right environment, and it was a great way to finish the film. I would recommend this movie and give it a strong 7/10.

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  • 1. Anonymous replies at 10th February 2008, 12:47 am :

    Check out some of the film reviews on this website:

    Santa Barbara City College had a class dedicated to seeing films at the SBIFF this year, quite a large amount of reviews of films that don’t seem to have been seen by anyone yet. check it out!

    *yeah, I stole movie review layout… you should be flattered?

  • 2. Travis replies at 10th February 2008, 3:18 am :

    I really enjoyed the slow pace of this movie, and it still managed to be legitimately funny. In my opinion, Eran Kolirin nailed it. The whole roller disco scene was beyond hilarious.

  • 3. Torn replies at 10th February 2008, 6:54 am :

    Good movie and review ;)

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