Star Wars Explained By A 3 Year Old

This may just be the cutest thing I’ve seen all year. The greatest film of all time described by a 3 year old girl. She gives us these eternal words of sage wisdom: “Don’t talk back to Darth Vader, because he’ll getcha”. Wise child.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Leon

    She is nearly as wise as Yoda.

    I like her magically appearing book near the end.

  2. Mr.Death

    Just saw this yesterday.

    Don’t talk back to Darth Vader, because he’ll getcha

  3. Gordon Shumway

    Obi Kenobi

  4. Mike

    That sounds disturbingly similar to when my 29-year-old girlfriend recently tried to explain Star Wars to her mother. Slightly less baby talk here.

  5. Phil Gee

    “The shiny guy always worries”

    I hope she does another video and tries to explain ‘Attack of the Clones’ to us. That would be very helpful.

  6. chris (the real one)

    lol nice….but greatest movie of all time? ha!
    but again nice vid

  7. Jason Stanley

    Apparently this was a shorter version as her father didn’t manage to get the ‘in-depth’ conversation on film. Damn shame cause this is one of the sweetest things you’ll ever see!

  8. dublin_sullivan

    bah, she should have been shown star wars long before anything else. that way she wouldnt be talking bout lukes light up sword and poke ball. POKE BALLS SHOULD RESEMBLE FLOATING LASER DRONES, NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND,

    star wars should be the first thing seen out of the womb, just point the birth canal towards a 42 inch hi def screen and PUSH.

  9. Kristina

    Oh, that made me laugh. Too cute.

  10. Mike

    This is why Star Wars was made..and yes it is the best movie ever made without Question!!

  11. frankwolftown

    Cuteness overload!
    *head explodes*

  12. count zero

    enough of a smiler to send a bit of warmth through even the chilliest and most desolate of hearts


  13. Dig

    Jesus John, Do you just read Joblo all day, then post everything they do the very next day ????

  14. Actually Dig, of all the sites I read, JoBlo isn’t one of them. Phil sent this one to me.

    If you’re curious though, 95% of all the stories covered by all the movie sites are the same and recycled, each just with their own voice.

  15. Brian

    liked the Garage Sale part but with robots.

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