Spiderwick Chronicles Review

Thanks for checking out our Spiderwick Chronicles review. If you’d like, you can check out the video version of the review at the bottom of this post.

You could be forgiven going into see “The Spiderwick Chronicles” if you thought you were in store for just some cheap fantasy kids film flagrantly trying to capitalize on the popularity of bigger and better fantasy films such at The Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the rings. The marketing campaign certainly hasn’t done much to dispel that impression, nor have they even made the film to look very good. Still, it appears to be a family friendly film, so perhaps you’re already obligated to take some child of yours, or are close to, to see it. So what should you expect?


80 years ago Arthur Spiderwick discovered a magical world that exists all around us that we can’t see. In this magical world are creatures of indescribable wonder including pixies, faries, goblins, trolls, brownies and many more… all there in front of our eyes, but invisible to us. Spiderwick begins to learn all their secrets and chronicles his findings in a book that reveals how to see them, interact with them and if necessary how to fight some of them (not all of them are good). However, an evil Ogre and his minions wants the book so he can learn the secrets of all the other mystical creatures, destroy them all, and become the most powerful being on the planet… so powerful that not even humans can stop him. The book is hidden in Spiderwicks house, and 80 years later an unknowing family (part of his descendant’s family) move into the house, and one of the children discovers the book which once again arouses the eye of the evil Ogre.


I never cease to be amazed by Freddie Highmore. I first took notice of him in “Finding Neverland” in which he was nothing short of amazing. Later he played opposite Johnny Depp again as the lead in Charlie and the Chocolate factory and once again was beyond exceptional for a child actor. In The Spiderwick Chronicles he delivers no less. He’s so good, they had to have him play 2 characters (he plays twin brothers in the movie). This kid just sells it and is the main reason so much of the film works. His awe and wonder, shock and amazement all draw you in as an audience member and you end up sharing that awe and wonder with him. I can’t wait to see him evolve and grow as an actor.

I’ve already mentioned that Highmore plays twin brothers in the film. Here’s the thing… I didn’t realize it was him playing both parts. It was done SO well, that I just assumed they got Highmore’s real life brother to play the other part. That’s how visually brilliant the two separate parts were handled. I didn’t even know it was being done. Credit the acting by Highmore, to way in which it was shot, the visual effects people for making look so seamless… whoever you credit doesn’t matter, the bottom line is I’ve never seen this technique done better.

An absolute key to making a film like this (fantasy/adventure) work is in the storytelling, make the audience feel the fantasy and wonder of the story. Get us caught up in it to the point we experience it with the characters. Spiderwick does that beautifully. Not only the fantasy elements, but the mystery elements and the “scary” elements as well. It’s not often you see a kid focused film do all of that so well.


The film has a running sub-story of the family (the mom and her three kids have just left their father back in New York) that for the most part works quite well, but there are times when it comes across as being poured on a bit too thick and forced at times. I probably wouldn’t have even noticed those parts if the rest of it wasn’t handled so well


The Spiderwick Chronicles is a fun fantasy adventure film that draws you in with the strength of its storytelling, the performances by the young actors and genuine mystery at times. The visual effects aren’t the best I’ve ever seen, but they more than suffice. A few weaker moments of forced family drama don’t take away at all from the story or the adventure and leaves you nothing short of a very good time. The Spiderwick Chronicles won’t become an instantly fantasy classic by any stretch of the imagination, but it certainly is a great film to see this weekend. I give the film a solid 8/10.

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  • 1. oldshell replies at 15th February 2008, 4:15 am :

    You didn’t tell us what it’s about! I’ve heard nothing about this film until now, guess I’ll have to imdb it.

    I also thought Freddie Highmore was good in Finding Neverland

  • 2. miles replies at 15th February 2008, 6:58 am :

    i am suprised you liked it, i thought it looked like a huge piece of shit.

  • 3. DONALD replies at 15th February 2008, 8:02 am :

    I don’t know if you care but i think there is an editing mistake in the video. Looks like you doubled up a piece.

  • 4. Darren J Seeley replies at 15th February 2008, 8:51 am :

    Ever since I heard about the film, I waited, I waited, I waited. It was one of my most anticipated films to see from last year…

    But the studio kept screwing around with the release date. Now here it is, and lo, the majority of critics praise it for the storytellying, the acting chops of young thespian Fred Highmore…

    And the studio does not have a high awareness factor for the picture. They all but dumped it here. It is the film I will want to see this weekend (if possible) and while I expect the film to lure in family audiences…it’s a crowded weekend.

    Sadly, despite best efforts, I think this will go the way of Stardust…good acting, great story, some nice eye candy, and not be seen by a soul because the studio gives up on it before it opens.

  • 5. Meli replies at 15th February 2008, 10:41 am :

    As a popular book series I hope it will draw lots of families with children who have read the first if not all the books. My daughter read the first three a couple of years ago, so she is looking forward to seeing this movie. We’re going to catch it early Sunday morning and try to beat any of the noisy kids that usually plague these films.

  • 6. Angela replies at 15th February 2008, 11:45 am :

    One thing to note, this movie combines all five of the books into one 97 minute movie. A lot is left out, to my dissappointment, which showed how the characters change. Early in movie, Simon (one of the brothers) says he is a pacificist, next thing you know he is happily slashing goblins. Character development was ignored so that they could have one movie. Like my husband said, they probably did that because of the Series of Unfortunate Events. That was never finished, because it didn’t make the money. I suspect they didn’t want to invest in multiple ones because of that. It is a wonderful movie, but you will enjoy it move if you haven’t read the series first. Just don’t expect Elves and Unicorns because they left them out.

  • 7. miles replies at 15th February 2008, 1:27 pm :

    i really liked a series of unfortunate events, i would of gladly paid to see another one.

  • 8. spagett replies at 16th February 2008, 7:54 pm :

    One of the only kiddy fantasy type movies that actually looked pretty kewl to me. Never liked Harry Potter and I hated Lord of the Rings (even tho that is more adult). May rent this one.

  • 9. Courteney replies at 16th February 2008, 10:03 pm :

    very intense for the children.otherwise kinda good and my kids and i had to leave early

  • 10. Steve replies at 17th February 2008, 7:03 pm :

    Good movie. I took my daughter 6 and son 9.
    Both like it. My daughter thought it had a couple scary parts but she was ok.
    As far as the movie. I was very pleased. Well done.

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