Set Pics Of To Scale Hulk Model

Well, it looks like we will have an idea of what the new Hulk Will look like! We obtained pics of this to scale model from the set of the film. Thanks to Ty for the hookup:




Well, If this is how the Hulk is going to look, I will be extremely happy. I love the size, build and look of this Hulk and personally think they have nailed it. In the film we will see the CGI version of this fella, and as long as the same dimensions are kept - I have no doubt that we will see the Hulk of legend throwing all sorts of things. This is a Hulk born to delight and entertain. This film’s stock just raised a dollar for me and I cannot wait to see it.

International friends, what are your thoughts on the look of The Incredible Hulk?

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  • 1. Travis replies at 15th February 2008, 6:52 pm :

    It looks great! I hope it translates well to CGI. I get more excited about this movie every time I hear something new.

  • 2. Philly replies at 15th February 2008, 7:00 pm :

    I love him too. But considering the display was at a private Wal-Mart Canada meeting. The person that gave you the pics better be careful not to reveal themselves.

    Lol j/k
    I am just sore they beat me to it. I was going to send these to you today.

  • 3. ethan replies at 15th February 2008, 7:09 pm :

    first of all the pictures are great!
    I think they got the size and muscular preportions perfect. His body looks more balanced and normal, he looks like a massive green human…which is good. In the Hulk he didn’t look at all this good.
    Also I would like to comment on how good his face looks, the expression is cool and the hair looks good. From what I see here my opinions are nothing but posotive, it will translate to cgi no doubt.
    This movie is going to be great, I’m a die hard Hulk fan and to see his movie progress getitng better and better is awsome!

  • 4. ethan replies at 15th February 2008, 7:14 pm :

    I just noticed the poster in the background. Is that new?

  • 5. Philly replies at 15th February 2008, 7:16 pm :

    Ya it’s a new poster. Its basically an artists representation of the statue. Nothing else besides the date and title.

  • 6. JAMIE replies at 15th February 2008, 7:51 pm :

    i wonder what the hell tony starks going to be doing in this film!!!!!!!!!! the anticipation is killing me!!!!!!!!
    i also wanna kno what the fuck the hulks going to do in the ironman movie!!! aaahhhgh!!!! cant- waiitt!!!!!

    i hope they show a scene of the hulk throwing babies around, grabing a handfull of puppies and clapping his hands and riping people in half and drinking theyre fluids….
    aahh good old fashion american entertainment…

  • 7. Frank replies at 15th February 2008, 8:59 pm :

    I don’t dig the purple hair so much but other than that he looks great. A little more GQ than the Hulk i grew up with but cool none the less.

  • 8. Darren J Seeley replies at 15th February 2008, 9:06 pm :

    I don’t know if that’s the actual heightt of Hulk…but even if it isn’t….that’s 10000000 times better than the previous Hulk. Way, way, better. I like that last pic. Hell…if one tossed in a CG bg…someone coulda convinced me that it was a movie still!

    I **freaking** **geeking** love it! M.M.M. Nuff said all that and chips and dip too.
    Awesome, good stuff.

  • 9. takata replies at 15th February 2008, 9:54 pm :

    looks very good !

  • 10. Karl Hungus replies at 15th February 2008, 9:56 pm :

    Does the hair look a bit emo to anyone else?

  • 11. kev replies at 15th February 2008, 10:12 pm :

    looks much better than Ang Lee’s Hulk, a lot angrier…

  • 12. Vek replies at 15th February 2008, 10:14 pm :

    I thought he was going to be grey, not green this time.

  • 13. Kristina replies at 15th February 2008, 11:10 pm :

    He looks EMO!

  • 14. LUCKY replies at 15th February 2008, 11:12 pm :


    Although in the hulk the height was also perfect (being a fan of the comic’s book and cartoon series). So this might be a concern to the hard core fans, but let’s see what these guys do turn up with.
    I am getting more excited about this as ever.!!!!

  • 15. bigsampson replies at 16th February 2008, 12:37 am :

    I to sense the emo in hulk lol….but ya i agree with every one here….btw please go to your local comic book shop and look fot the HULK WARS series…omfg its amazing!

  • 16. dublin_sullieems to be too concerevan replies at 16th February 2008, 3:22 am :

    hes too skinny he looks like a giant green cover model. the last hulk wask a thick set mountain of muscle this one seems to be too concerned with aesthetic, trimming those last few ounce of fat off his obliques.

  • 17. dublin_sullivan replies at 16th February 2008, 3:23 am :

    he’ looks too skinny he looks like a giant green cover model. the last hulk wask a thick set mountain of muscle this one seems to be too concerned with aesthetic, trimming those last few ounce of fat off his obliques.

  • 18. dublin_sullivan replies at 16th February 2008, 3:25 am :

    sorry bout the double post

  • 19. DONALD (Red Castle) replies at 16th February 2008, 6:15 am :

    I wonder why there is a sign above the Hulks head that says in French ‘Save More, Live Better’


    Where was this taken?

  • 20. leeloo replies at 16th February 2008, 7:38 am :

    i guess nothing says uncontrolled wild eyed brutal unstoppable rage quite like high school emo roid rage.
    i can almost see the pimples on this hulk.
    its better than ang lees hulk and the size is good.
    i hope the hulk in the film translates better.

  • 21. Marco replies at 16th February 2008, 8:31 am :

    Hulk gets bigger as he gets angrier, so I hope he is just annoyed here. I also expect a badass soundtrack, not some emocore shit.
    The proportions are not of a human but matches the comics.
    Isn’t it the time we get to see more shots, maybe a teaser? We knew a lot more about Iron Man at this point.

  • 22. kaneda979 replies at 16th February 2008, 9:32 am :

    Wow, I just love it. Very anime styled. Cool classic anime styled pose, and some awesome detail with the cool popping veins and all. He’ll look even better in CGI.

    Like his hair is just clay now, but it’ll look 10 times better in the film. I can’t wait to see him get pist off and start doubling in size.

    Good stuff, good stuff.
    Thanks for posting it Doug.

  • 23. NYCKing87 replies at 16th February 2008, 10:11 am :

    I like the way Hulks lookin right now. He looks waayyy better than that dumb ass version with that Ang Lee guy who was director of the other one. I ain’t never been a huge Hulk fan, but I always sorta liked his design & his craziness. If I ever get the chance to see this film, I will without hesitation.

  • 24. Kurt replies at 16th February 2008, 10:15 am :

    Everything about this project (except the oddball casting) seems like a trainwreck waiting to happen. Of course, I happen to think The Hulk is one of the best superhero movies released in the past 10 years. Better than all three spidermans, the batman reboot, etc. etc.

  • 25. bret replies at 16th February 2008, 10:34 am :


    wow I never thought in a million years I would disagree with someone this much^^^^

  • 26. Meli replies at 16th February 2008, 11:17 am :

    Fantastic! I absolutely love the look. Now this Hulk looks like it can smash!

  • 27. cwalton replies at 16th February 2008, 11:26 am :

    Great pics, definitely looking forward to this a lot more now! Still don’t know about Ed Norton…but we’ll see.

  • 28. Max replies at 16th February 2008, 12:09 pm :

    That looks awesome!

  • 29. Kurt replies at 16th February 2008, 12:44 pm :

    No worries Bret. There are a number of us who love Ang Lee’s the Hulk, I may have partly been trolling with that comment, but I also happen to vehemently believe it.

    I’ve been watching the progress of Hulk2 for some time (my neighbor has been a gaffer/best-boy on the project since the start, so I get anecdotal info from the production as it moves around the continent - Greater Toronto Area to Brazil and back…I just have little little faith despite the presence of Tim Roth, Ed Norton and William Hurt. In fact, I wish they’d be doing more original and less pandering projects instead of wasting a year or more on Hulk2.

  • 30. Backlash replies at 16th February 2008, 12:44 pm :

    It’s perfect. The 2003 movie tried to use the Hulk from the comics, which was a bad idea. The comic Hulk is exaggerated because he is a 2D character. As such he is massively tall, super green, and ridiculously proportion (tiny head, huge hands and feet.) Works well in a comic…absolutely ridiculous in live action.

    This version of the Hulk addresses all those faults. The green isn’t overly saturated….which looks fake as it did in the 2003 version. His proportions aren’t overly exaggerated…although he is massive and has very large hands and feet.

    This creature will allow us to suspend our disbelief much more than the 2003 version. Kudos to the designers….

  • 31. Backlash replies at 16th February 2008, 12:46 pm :

    By the way…his hair isn’t purple. That’s just the result of using a cell phone camera with crappy lighting.

  • 32. FunkyMunkey replies at 16th February 2008, 12:59 pm :

    I really like it. The face looks a lot like that early CGI pic we saw a few months ago.

  • 33. bret replies at 16th February 2008, 1:54 pm :

    No need to defend yourself kurt, I wasnt trying to attack you. Its nice to see someone who can backup what they think without getting all childish tho..props to you sir! I respect your views!

  • 34. JAMIE replies at 16th February 2008, 2:56 pm :

    @ bret

    @ kurt


  • 35. JAMIE replies at 16th February 2008, 3:25 pm :

    thing is- not alot of peopl liked anglees hulk- i mean 5 years is veeeery early for a remake
    it was an ok movie but it wasnt great- i mean when i came out of the movie theatre i wasnt pissed- i had a good time watching it but i didnt buy the DVD

    there was NOTHING wrong with ang lees hulk- i think it was a great hulk, i just think that the bad guys on it and the story wasnt good. but the few scenes were he went off were awsome (LIKE WHEN HE BENT THE TANKS CANNON!!) but i didnt like the pupies or the old guy as bad guys
    on the other hand- in this film they have abdomination as a badguy, who is different- but he looks more badass in the movie then in the cartoon- yes hes brown in the movie and i dont entirely agree with that BUT i have to admit he does look more badass with the dead brown skin look

  • 36. JAMIE replies at 16th February 2008, 3:27 pm :

    in my last message- 1st sentence i meant to say “a lot of people didnt like anglees hulk” not that they did
    mah bad

  • 37. spagett replies at 16th February 2008, 7:10 pm :

    wow people like this? That looks so completely awful. Nothing like any Hulk I’ve seen. Which isn’t why it is bad. It is bad because his face looks like a teenager with “emo” hair as others have said. The body doesn’t even look good. The pants he is wearing look stupid as well. I’ll take Ang Lee’s Hulk over this trash anyday. This better not be what he is gonna look like in the movie. The first picture released looked much better.

  • 38. CW05 replies at 16th February 2008, 9:26 pm :

    Wow, the Hulk looks incredible! *pun intended*

  • 39. tobor68 replies at 16th February 2008, 9:56 pm :

    wow. smaller than i thought he would be. i think ang lee’s hulk was a fine movie. the hulk was fairly well realised (just a tad CGish). i mean it’s a tough thing to realise from concept to final render. how close to human? how far from human? everyone’s got an opinion.

    i liked the hulk, there could have been more of a few things but on a whole the movie was far from a failure.

  • 40. FunkyMunkey replies at 17th February 2008, 1:18 am :

    With shorts that tight, why doesn’t he have a Hulk Toe?

  • 41. JAMIE replies at 17th February 2008, 12:25 pm :

    no- this is his bodyes proprtion- but the actuall size will be like 3 times more then that.
    im sure its only that big cuz it wouldnt fit into that wallmart otherwise

  • 42. DarkKinger replies at 18th February 2008, 1:43 am :

    I like the look. Can’t wait to see the movie.

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