Serenity 2 Campaign

I am a heartfelt and passionate closet Browncoat. If you don’t know what that is, then you are missing out. One of the most bitter cancellations in TV history was Firefly, and due to fan response and begging for closure to the series we got the feature film Serenity. But ever since the fans have been itching for more, and little is done to move forward on it.

A story about a fan response campaign at Whedonesque says:

The purpose of the campaign is to show Universal that producing a sequel to Serenity is a smart and profitable business decision. To convince Universal of this, our campaign will show them exactly how much Browncoats are spending on Serenity- and Firefly-related products. From multiple copies of BDCE DVDs to Companion Books and action figures, from theater tickets to CD soundtracks and iTunes downloads, we will explicitly list every purchase and price thereof related to our ‘Verse, thus showing Universal how much money they stand to make by expanding our ‘Verse via the Serenity sequel we all so long to see.

Now I am as eager as any to see a return to the Serenity ‘Verse. But I don’t see myself participating in this particular campaign.

I wrote my letter to save Angel and Buffy. I wrote to insist they cancel Charmed. But I won’t be taking part in this campaign and I will tell you why.

The effort is to illustrate how much money Universal stands to make off the merchandising of a continued franchise. This is smart on the surface, but lacks any real substance. Despite the rabid fanbase, Serenity was considered a “failure” at the box office, but a huge success in DVD sales. The movie even caused a resurgence of new fans buying the collected TV series DVD set. So yes, attempting to appeal to the studio on grounds that will make sense to them is valid.

Just one problem: Universal is perfectly aware of just how much money is being spent on merchandising.

So as much as I would love to attend a hijacking of the national anthem at a hockey game and replacing it with the Ballad of Jayne, this campaign road seems to be paved with good intentions (for which I applaud them) but seems to be telling Universal what they already know.

You can check out the campaign effort at Faces of Serenity

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Joseph

    “So as much as I would love to attend a hijacking of the national anthem at a hockey game and replacing it with the Ballad of Jayne [. . .]”

    Heck yeah!

  2. PhoenixP3K

    I had discovered Firefly only after the show was cancelled and really enjoyed the movie. In my mind, if a movie studio can make a direct to DVD movie like Stargate The Ark of Truth, or Butterfly Effect 2. I don’t see why they can’t make a Serenity 2. They know people will go out and buy it.

    I totally understand that if you ONLY have a specific market like the Browncoats giving the movie a wide release in theater is not profitable.

    Even a digital download model could work for the series, think about Sanctuary that proved they could make that model work and they’ve now been picked up by SciFi.

  3. Karl Hungus

    I’d be supportive any such campaign, but I won’t get my hopes up.

  4. oldshell

    Lets be honest, there have been shows canceled in sourer fashion (I seem to remember the end of Invasion was just ridiculous), and as much as I enjoyed serenity, a sequel clearly isn’t THAT viable… or they would have made it (hollywood loves a sequel)

  5. Mozzerino

    You make a good point Rodney.
    The studio is certainly very much aware how much money they make on stuff. That’s all they’re interested in, so of course they are keeping an eye on that.

    I’m not a big fan, but I really liked both FIREFLY and SERENITY very much and I would love the franchise to continue.
    Those kind of campaign however, seem pointless to me. If the studio calculates that a sequel is profitable, they will make one.

  6. Omar

    If the film is straight to DVD then it would be a viable option. Universal is not going spend all that dough on another box office failure.
    But as the TV series and the movie did very well on DVD I think they should seriously considering making a DTV film for the fans. I’m pretty sure that would do well.

  7. Darren J Seeley

    I agree a right to DVD film is the only realistic option. Not only that, but as with most franchise DVD films…someone could pull off one (or two) flicks a year. Regardless of the over praised Joss Whedon is behind the chair or not. He could take a producer approach and…

    I’m sorry. It took me a good ten to fifteen minutes to find out what the hell was going on in the damn film, the alleged “Browncoat Audience” wasn’t as big as Universal thought it would be…


    If it WAS, then when the film came out in theatres, the fans would know. Screw marketing! The fans would know.

    If it WAS and they chose not to go because they thought they’d wait for DVD or, heaven forbid, BitTorrent, they sent the wrong message to the studio.

    I’m tired of hearing how Whedon was wronged by Fox. If he had chose not to screw with Fox execs, the damn show would most likely not have been put out of order, thrown around different times, and may have been on a bit longer.

    ALL I know is, the “fans” were heard. They kept it alive, They got thier film. They did not show up and/or the was not enough fanbase support.

    Now, boo-hoo-hoo. I suppose they will get thier damn sequel, then start bitching how the DTV sequel couldn’t afford half the budget of Serenity, let alone Summer Glau’s new paycheck.

    It’s time to move on.

  8. Dig

    I personally don’t want a sequal. The movie was awsome, and people realise it now. A sequal will probably ruin it. I like feeling like I got something the the massives didn’t. No, the FF series and Serenity was perfect, and it’s all I need. I don’t really need complete closure. Leave it in the air.

  9. everysence

    I was a person that hoped the show got cancelled, I never watched it<- - But I did see the intro and “at the time” I thought it sucked.. Years later after it got taken off the air. I watched a marathon of it on sci-fi channel for one of there marathons.
    I couldn’t beleieve how dumb I was for shirking this show off like another peice of crap show. Firefly is amazingly cool show with characters you actually like.
    It saddens me still to this day that I hoped the show was cancelled. I really wish Firefly continues, even if it’s just in movies. Maybe it will become like star trek movies, but in a better sci-fi way.

  10. clipguy

    The first film was good, I can’t imagine how they would pull off a good sequel though.

  11. Ezell

    I blame the Universal for its box office failure because they did a really bad job with advertising it. It was never on T.V. compared to 300 thats what helps most of the time not all the time. The trailer sucked you might have liked it if you watched the show but i never saw the show till i saw the movie and did not like the movie till the third time i saw it and then loved it and went and spent $50 on it and loved the show too. I really would love to see the show come back on try putting on another channel so it has a chance of coming back like family guy did and i rather watch firefly then family guy.

    And Fire Fly is such a shity name they need to switch it to Serenity it sounds way better than firefly that sounds like a show thats on the sci fi channel which means it sucks

  12. Steve L.

    It worked in television with Jericho. The fans sent a bunch of rice, I believe it was, to CBS and they were overwhelmed by the fan response to CBS canceling they had no choice but to bring it back. Who’s to say something similar couldn’t happen with another Serenity movie? Yea, t.v. isn’t the movies and they spend a lot of money on making that movie compared to the t.v. series but there is a movement out there for the browncoats. Stronger I’d say than the movement for Babylon 5 and J. Michael Straczynski has created many forms of media in which to tell that story. Whether it be books, straight to DVD movies or just odd little direct to Sci-Fi movies. Most, sadly unsuccessful, but nonetheless he’s showed dedication to his fan base. I think it’s time the Firefly fans received the same in return for their devotion.

  13. Ransom

    Quit all your cryin’.

    The series was ok and the movie was good, but this isn’t a show that appeals to the masses.

    Let it die.

  14. Mattiac

    I’d watch anything that has the wonderful Summer Glau in it! ;)

  15. mrmgraphics


    As the creator of the Faces of Serenity campaign, I hear the author’s argument a lot, that Universal is well aware of the money they make from Serenity merchandise. That’s true; however, Serenity merchandise isn’t the only merchandise that Browncoats are buying.

    I first watched the show Firefly in January via iTunes. Bought the whole season, and have since “gifted” the pilot numerous times. Bought the DVD box set, too. Universal does not see this money. FOX does. Therefore, Universal is unaware of this money.

    The point of is to make Universal aware of the volume of merchandise being purchased, and the volume of fans making those purchases. Yes, again, if a product comes from Universal, then Universal knows the numbers already. But as with iTunes and box DVD copies of Firefly, Universal does not.

    On top of that, by encouraging people to send in their pictures (and post them onto the site), we are giving Universal a glimpse into the very wide demographic base of customers for a sequel. (Geographically, our first three members have come from Germany, the UK, and the US.)

    The campaign isn’t even a week old and already word is spreading. For anyone who has ever loved this show, these characters, that ship, take the time to give this campaign a try. I designed it to be fun, easy, and as cheap as a postage stamp to participate.

    Thank you.

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