This entry was posted on Monday, February 4th, 2008 at 10:55 am.
Categories: Funny.

It thankfully looks like the Writer’s Strike will be over sometime this week. But… Movie Blog reader Phil Gee asks the question “what would the Oscars look like in 2009 if the strike didn’t end”? Well… he found a possible answer to that question over at cracked.

So here are some possible movie titles you can look forward to if the WGA strike doesn’t end:

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DarthMuppet


    I fuckin’ love it!

  2. Ransom


    These are great. But seriously that poster for Rambo vs Terminator looks fucken awesome! They should make this movie, I’d pay to see it!

  3. Erika

    These are to funny. And scary enough I could see some of these movies. LOL! WOW!

  4. Frank

    Now Taht’s some funny shit!

  5. RonSalon

    Those are great. I especially like the one with Mariah. And oh how appropriate for Uwe. Too fun!

  6. Siya

    Quite funny! and I really hope the deal between the WGA and the producers alliance will go through in the next two weeks! (people are being hopeful! I WANT MY TV SHOWS!)

  7. Teller

    Uwe Bolls pong. LOL I would actually buy that.

  8. krazie835


    I laughed so hard at that stuff lol.

    That first poster looks awesome though, and to be honest I am not sure who would even win.

    LOL@Uwe Bolls pong

  9. nbakid2000

    “I Almost Threw Up, Then I Did.” I’m at work and am doubled over the cash register as I write this. That was hilarious! People are probably wondering what I’m doing.

  10. DarkKinger

    F’n funny!

    Hey, where’s Halo, lol!

  11. Z

    Uwe Boll’s PONG! Alas, Uwe’d manage to screw even THAT up somehow! (I’m sure he sucks at pong, too..)

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