Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 News

PirateWell it looks like they are going ahead with another Pirates film. Today Jim Hill shares some of the ideas being thrown around. We get the scoop from our friends at cinematical:

No source knows Disney better than Jim Hill Media, which is why anyone interested in the future of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise should pay attention to this new info. The fourth film, according to Hill, will “toss the Elizabeth and Will characters over the side in favor of doing a bawdy buddy picture which would star Jack Sparrow and Barbossa. Where both captains of the Black Pearl would initially be competing for the exact same prize.”

“Eventually, all the double crossing would have to stop as these two rivals were then forced to join forces in order to defeat some supernatural terror.”

I am not a fan of the Pirates franchise, but often on TMB: Uncut we have said that if they have to do another film, less romance and more piracy is the way to go. I must admit; this information is probably the best news we could have hoped for when dealing with POTC 4. I am still not excited to see this film, but will give it a chance like every film before it, with hope of swashbuckling excellence.

Pirates are awesome and we should really focus on them raiding boats and stealing treasure. I am not interested in Piracy as a backdrop for a lame love story that is 3 hours long. It is good that they have “tossed Elizabeth and Will”, this shows a step in the right direction; now we wait and see if it makes a difference.

34 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Monty

    This would have made a better a sequel to the first movie. Elizabeth and Will’s story should have ended with the first movie.

  2. Anthony

    I could not get through the second film and did not even both with the third. A fourth is just revolting.

  3. Rusty James

    I am a fan of the unjustly marginalized pirate films. The comic play between Depp and Rush was one of the things that made the 3rd a GREAT movie and if they’re going to continue this is a good direction.

  4. ben

    I can’t see Johnny Depp making another one.

  5. FilmNerdJamie

    This isn’t exactly breaking news or anything. I remember right after AT WORLD’S END opened, there were rumors about a 4th film. This sounds like what we heard last year.

    That said, Disney would be smart to lay low with the PIRATES series for now. There was ALOT of hate for the sequels (despite their huge box-office) and you don’t want to risk burning the audience out too soon.

    All that legal bullshit (and subsequent WGA Strike) with THE HOBBIT actually helped it imo. There will have been enough time to “cool off” from the LOTR trilogy for audiences to enjoy HOBBIT and the “bridge” RINGS film.

    Disney should seriously consider that…

  6. Darren J Seeley

    Well, one way or another, I know two things.

    Keira Knightley can move on to other things, (such as Atonement), and her star rises just fine post Pirates. She could also lend herself to a new action-fantasy film down the road, who knows. But she doesn’t need another Pirate film. It is wise not to have her character in a Pirates 4. I love her, she’s adorable. I will see her in other films.

    No Orlando Bloom. That’s a shame. No more Pirates. No more Rings. If the chap can’t find a franchise quick, his career is well, I’ll put it this way: iit’s on life support, near comatose. It’s time to… pull the plug!


    Pirates vs. Mermaids.
    I can see it now.

  7. Art

    If they can make a 4th Indiana Jones pic, and an 11th Star Trek, and how many Batman’s are we on now… anyway, they can certainly wait a couple of years and make a POC that firmly places Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp at the helm that people will enjoy and pay good money to see.

  8. spagett

    Whew I hate to be Johnny Depp being stuck in this shitty franchise. Good thing the other 2 leads got out while they could.

  9. Kristina

    I am done with Pirates. I will keep my love for the first one and pretend that the other two never happened.

  10. Melinda

    I loved the first POTC movie, but the sequels didn’t really do it for me. I always wanted them to add a new female character to the sequel. I pictured some dark haired, voluptuous, sarcastic lady pirate, who would be a new love interest for Jack, but would also go after Will, which would make Elizabeth jealous. Instead they create this Elizabeth and Jack love-subplot. Didn’t like that at all.

    If they make a 4th movie, give me at least my girl pirate!

  11. iris

    good i was tired of seeing kiera knightly make faces through a film and pass it off as emotion. the commericals for atonement contain so much involuntary facial contractions that to me it is unwatchable. besides i’m not a fan of her acting skills.

  12. Ransom

    To re-iterate what has already been said, the first POTC was groundbreaking and truly a great movie.

    The next two were pieces of dogshit served on a plate of special effects with dried cat turds sprinkled on to try and soften the taste of the dogshit.

    It’s too bad they were huge hits. What’s the world coming to?

  13. Mykrantz

    If you are going to an adventure movie about Pirates for Oscar caliber performances, perhaps you aren’t the core audience that made all 3 movies monster box office money.

    All 3 PotC movies are fun action movies where you go to be entertained for ~2 hours. Yes, the first one was better than the ones that followed, but that is the case with almost every series (Star Trek being the notable exception, where Khan and Undiscovered Country were the 2 best in the series). I like the spirit of the PotC movies and the characters are all great.

    As long as Rush and Depp want to keep coming back, I’ll go see PotC movies, as will most of the people who saw the first 3…

    PS - That so many of you can draw up such vitriol about the the Pirate movies just means you will go see a 4th one when it gets made, because hate is just as strong a pull as love. If you truly despised the movies you would be indifferent, and would never have made the posts.

  14. Ransom

    I didn’t go see 2 or 3 in theatres. They sucked the big one. What makes a good movie for me is a decent story with decent dialog and some cool special effects always help. I certainly don’t require Oscar caliber performances to enjoy a movie.

    I really liked most of the characters from the POTC movies as well. What bothers me the most about the franchise is the wasted opportunities.

    IMO they could have retained the level of fun, adventure and effects while using plot lines and dialog that weren’t so ridiculously over the top.

    One of the best things about the first one is the sense of history and believability that was present. The characters’ shocked reactions when they realize “the curse” is real is just believable enough to create that feeling.

    In the recent movies all sense of shock and wonder is replaced with the acceptance of anything and everything supernatural; in this case virtually anything you can imagine is possible in the world.

    The movies have lost nearly all of their spirit and with that their appeal for me. I certainly won’t be seeing anymore of them in theatres.

  15. DJ Machismo

    I’m with Mykrantz on this one.

    I’ll go see more Pirates movies as they were fun and kept me entertained. Plus its about pirates, that’s just cool.

    Depp/Rush in a Pirates movie is just gold for me, I enjoy it.

  16. spagett

    we rented the 3rd one over Christmas and literally every single one of us fell asleep watching it. 6 people. In the middle of the day. After drinking coffee. God that movie sucked. To be fair I started watching it about half way thru while everyone else had already fallen asleep while watching it. I ploped down on the couch and fell asleep within like 20 minutes of that boring trash.

  17. patrick

    The first Pirates of the Caribbean was by far the best, not too sure about the other two, tho the special effects were great of course

  18. shane

    everyone that has posted here will either see POTC4 within a month of it being out, or will pay to rent it. whats that mean? yeah, youll get another POTC no doubt, cause its what makes the world go round, CHA-CHING!

    i agree, first one was the best, last two are okay but nothing like the first. Story got to cloudy, not enough pirate type action and too much sappy love story. They had to mix that in though, it makes the franchise more appealing to the masses, including the women who like the ‘knight and shining armor’ tale.

    I own all pirate dvds, probably havent watched the 2/3 dvds more than one time each.

  19. willturner4ever

    I honestly would hate to see Will & Elizabeth thrown overboard as in no more Orlando or Keira in which sucks i honestly hated that Orlando had a bit part in LOTR as Legolas the elf archer and I cried each time i watch POTC 3 of how it ended and left us the fans hanging even at the clip wondering what is going to happen to the two lovebirds I mean it even said in the guide in the dvd case of POTC 3 that Elizabeth & Will’s story has yet to be told in which i ll wait for yet i wont go see the POTC 4 movie unless it has Orlando in it if it doesnt i ll just rent it and see then i hope that the next potc movie after potc 4 has the romance story of Elizabeth & Will.

  20. ankur

    i thin that all movie are good but i like at world,s end the most there i like the enty of flying duchman

  21. sol


  22. i think all of the pirate movies are great, but i like the second one the best.
    i don’t get why people don’t want Elizabeth and will back for the fourth one i think they’re a big part of the story, and make the movie more interesting.

  23. will turner and elizabeth swann

    (I cant stand thinkin of the 4th movie without will or elizabeth they’re practically the whole reason y i love the movies theyr the best sparrow is funny but he just wouldnt cut it alone let will and elizabeth end their love story in the 4th and let them still stand by jacks side in the movies after that

  24. Nicole

    YESSSSS! This is so awesome! I love the comedy and witt in the movies and I am ssooo ready for a 4th one! It is a very good idea to put will And Liz aside, becuase it’s kind of dried out, but I applaud Jack and Barbossa idea they have! YESSS! CAN’t WAIT!


    Fine. People are entitled to their opinions. Here’s mine… I enjoy all 3 movies. They entertain me. They entertain my friends and family. I love the entire cast. If one character is missing I think Pirates will fall apart. You need all the pieces. It’s like … good friends that go out together all the time. One is smart. One is funny. One is romantic. One is creative. If one friend is missing the conversation is completely lacking. The laughter doesn’t happen. The chemistry is missing… I don’t believe that a pirates movie could hold it’s own without everyone on board… (excuse the pun) I also don’t believe that Disney would put hints about Jack/Barbossa going after the fountain of youth or that “the story of Will and Elizabeth has yet to be told” without the movies already being in the works. OH>> How could they end the 3rd movie with Elizabeth and son William waiting for Will??? How could they leave me with Will and Elizabeth only seeing each other maybe 3 -4 more times before she dies of old age and he continues to be freakin beautiful forever and only gets to see his son 5-6 times before the son dies of old age? Yet in the final scene with Jack’s off to look for the fountain of youth? Hello! Liz needs to be immortal too!! and there’s a way… fountain of youth… too many puzzle pieces laying on the floor they have to pick them up and put them together!!

  26. Laura

    Wow! I can’t believe how many unsentimental people there are! I loved all three of these films and especially AT WORLD’S END because the writers took the time to think this whole big story out. I agree that in Pirates four they should focus on Jack Sparrow as being the main point of interest. I would be interested in story that involved more pirates and maybe even his family…I can already see Catherin Zeta-Jones playing his pushy-sword fighty, cousin~ I hear that they may continue to go down the Jules Vern route which I would love! Sci-fi is luckily not what it use to be in films… it’s now character driven! Yes bring on Atlantis, Fountian of Youth, flying contraptions, the Lafayette brothers, William Teach, and more empty bottles of rum!!!!!!!!!

    Ps: Get back to Elizabeth and Will at the end of POTC 5~

  27. Damien

    Well im a poc fan and i think all 3 were great yes elizbeth and will did kill parts of the movie but i also been doing some research and the whole idea for the 4 is all about jack sparrow which u all got to admit is funny and barbosa the way how they see it is that it is there biggest franchise going yet and till they come up with sank that will compete against there own creation they can make as much of poc as they like but the 5th will probably be the last one with them probably just doing movies based on jack sparrow i very much doubt that will and eliz will bet at the end of part 5 as knightley is looking to going up the ladder more now and orlando at the moment fading away hope this helps a little PEACE

  28. courtney

    Im a huge pirates of the caribbean fan…and i lovee the whole will and elizabeth love story pirates of the caribbean is so great because it has everything..romance comedy adventure and action all in one movie….which is totally amazing to me im really upset that they are probably going to drop elizabeth and will…especially with that ending in potc3 but im looking forward to seeing the fourth movie…even if i do have to wait 4 years

  29. courtney

    i dont see how anyone could think that elizabeth and will ruin the movie…they totally complete the potc movies and without them it wont be AS good but still great..i loveee everyone in the movie and i wish they could get EVERYONE to come back to potc 4 !!! but just so everyone knows even though i love keira knightly and orlando bloom but they chose not to come back! :( i sooo wish they would because like i said potc has everything but the only way they can have everything is if the whole cast is in it….im potc’s biggest fan so whether elizabeth and will are in it or not potc will ALWAYS be my favorite move and the best movie of all time the good thing (and bad thing) is that it wont be coming out until 2011 so we do all potc fans have a long time to wait but that also gives the producers and actors to decide whether they want to be in the movie or not so hopefully everyone will return and the movie will be completely perfect! :)

  30. doug nagy

    Our opinions could not differ more Courtney.

  31. Jade

    Definitely a good idea to focus on Barbossa and Sparrow in part four.
    I agree about Will and Elizabeth’s story being unfinished, but the audience has most probably had enough of them for at least some time to follow. Of course, there may be people who need a rest from the whole “Pirates” franchise altogether, but there are three more years to go until the “expected” release in 2011.
    We need more raiding and plundering, fighting evil and stuff like that. Not over-the-top effects included! Some special effects, yes, but more original, fierce, rugged, mano-a-mano (had to wite that :)) combat, made to look somewhat natural at least. Someone would have to die-just so there is a shock effect in the movie. Romance should be in there somewhere, but reaaallyyy subtle. Will and Liz really overdid it a little. Like, maybe taking a wee revenge on Jack, since he likes to mess around with all the women available. Drop in a female character who is by all means worse than Jack-crazier, more sarcastic, less willing to emotionally commit, but nore seductive, always eager to steal (”borrow”) and trash stuff, sail, party, drink and curse. Make Jack fall in love, then go through denial, go all crazy and panic. She needs to really be a b*tch. Maybe she could turn out to be Barbossa’s long lost daughter, and then she could get on both his and Sparrows nerves! Of course something needs to bring Jack and Barbossa together! And aside from that, throw in the same goal they’re after, and a battle against a mutual enemy…

  32. Jade

    It would be so totally hilarious to see ol’ Jackie boy fritz out and panic over a mannerless girl who keeps leading him on and screwing him over like he always does with others… Especially any kind of relative to Barbossa, and we all know how much he Sparrow likes him. Oh, I’d pay fat money to see that…
    And considering Will and Lizzie,
    if the guys from Disney aren’t eager to make a POTC 5-aka-Mr and Mrs Turner loveydovey 10-hour Special, they could always make Jack and Barbossa find the Fountain of Youth, and take some of it’s water to Elizabeth, so she could drink some of it, and keep what’s left of it in a little flask, which she will then give to her son like Bootstrap Bill gave Will the Aztec gold piece. Or just drink it all, whatever, that’d be up to Disney people and Mr Bruckheimer. And that way, the entire remaining part of Will and Elizabeth’s story can be not to obviously and quite efficiently packed in about 15 to 20 minutes, and eeeveryone gets to live bloody happily ever after for the rest of their piratey lives! Yippie-yeah!

  33. Jade

    That “Barbossa’s long lost daughter” part reminds me of the Oprah show… :)
    Ridiculous, when you think about it.
    Oh, and I meant More seductive than Jack, not Nore. Spelling is not my strong side.

  34. Laura

    Hey what do you guys think About Catherine Zeta-Jones! or Emily de Raven??? -Should we pitch it to producers?!

    Oh, and I like Barbosa’s long lost daughter plot….or even someone getting a little romantic with Hector lol!

    I would even be happy to see Ana Maria agian!

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