New Pathology Trailer and Release Date

Patholgy-Poster-2-Small.jpgPathology is finally opening on April 18th on a limited release! As many of you know, we’ve been following this film from the creators of Crank for some time now. As many of you also know, It was originally scheduled for release back in November, but as Producers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor told us on last weeks “Uncut Live” show, they were unhappy with the distribution situation and decided to change distribution companies late in the game. They’ve just let me know that Pathology will indeed hit theaters on April 18th. Trust me… plan to see it.

Pathology stars Milo Ventimigila (Peter in the TV show “Heroes”), Michael Weston, Lauren Lee Smith, Alyssa Milano and Johnny Whitworth. The story centers on a group of medical students who devise a competition to see who can commit a murder that even their fellow pathologists could not figure out. I had a chance to visit the set of Pathology last year as it was filming and they showed me about 20-30 minutes of footage that was just intense as hell. I can not wait to see this thing in its entirety, I really think it’s going to blow a lot of us away. Yes… it really looks that good.

Here is the first trailer for Pathology that came out last year:

And here now is the brand new teaser for the April 18th release!

You can put this Pathology teaser on your blog or website by grabbing the YouTube version here

And just for the heck of it… here’s a pic of me and Milo on set of Pathology last summer right after Milo asked me for my honest impressions of Heroes Season 2



  • 1. bjon86 replies at 29th February 2008, 1:15 am :

    hahaha. that pic is hilarious. Especially with the caption. I gotta check this movie out. It looks tight.

    but wait wait wait. Did you make a post about when you told him what you thought about season 2? what did you say and what was his reaction/response?

  • 2. Mrs. Ventimigila replies at 29th February 2008, 2:41 am :

    OMG!!! He’s so hot! I can’t wait to see this. How did you score that picture with him it’s cool!

  • 3. thang replies at 29th February 2008, 3:05 am :

    movie seems 2 be thrilling. your nic pic with milo is also cool.

    in germany the final episodes of heroes s01 are coming next week… i’m so curious about it.

    greetz from germany

  • 4. Gary replies at 29th February 2008, 3:15 am :

    Certainly looks exciting, need to keep an eye out for this movie could prove to be interesting viewing.

  • 5. Omar replies at 29th February 2008, 4:15 am :

    Maybe because of the subject matter but I get a little “Anatomie” feeling from this.

    I also have a dislike for “career” movies that portray menial jobs as being cool and the people who do them as some hip dudes and gals that are cool and somehow have become “legends” in their area of work. Like Swayze in Road House and Bill Paxton in Twister.

  • 6. 1138 replies at 29th February 2008, 8:45 am :

    Seems silly. I’m not a big milo fan anyway…don’t dislike or like…he just seems like a one dimensional actor. The movie seems like a rental to me as I said the premise seems silly.

  • 7. scoville replies at 29th February 2008, 8:47 am :

    DO IT MILO!!! DO IT!!!

  • 8. Jarred replies at 29th February 2008, 9:12 am :

    Ok, the movie looks good and I’m looking forward to it (great picture by the way campea). The first trailer is great, but that new teaser trailer is gay. It is supposed to be funny? It’s 2008, are they really doing Dynamite jokes? I think I was looking forward to this more before seeing that. I’ll still see it though.

  • 9. Omar replies at 29th February 2008, 9:26 am :

    Actually the teaser made the film more interesting than the generic trailer.
    They are not trying doing the Napoleon jokes to try to be hip, if you thought that then the point of the teaser was lost on you.

  • 10. TipTop replies at 29th February 2008, 9:33 am :

    New teaser is lame. How the fuck do you put out a trailer like this and not have the biggest star in it? Is Milo only in the film for a little while?

  • 11. sfsilver replies at 29th February 2008, 10:40 am :

    That teaser reminds me of a trialer I saw at a drive in theater in 1972 when I was a little kid (my Dad would take me and my sister to horror and coemdy filcks at the drive -in when my Mother had her “club” meetings with the other neighborhood ladies). The movie (which I have never seen) was called “Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things” and the trailer showed these kids digging up a couple corpses, staging a corpse wedding and then posing the corpses for their wedding night. Hadn’t thought about that trailer for years…this brought it all flooding back.

    Movie looks like great fun - interesting how completely different in tone the two trailers are. They look like two completely different movies.

  • 12. Bobby replies at 29th February 2008, 10:48 am :

    The new teaser SUCKS… Ha Ha Ha… The first trailer was
    really good and then you put this teaser on which looks
    like a high school project…!!! Sucks Big Time!!!!

    I thought I was going to see it but after that lame attempt of a teaser…. No Thanks…!


  • 13. Ric Ocasek replies at 29th February 2008, 1:27 pm :

    What are the chances that this film is any good?

    If there was any other movie that was shuffled around as much as this film, John would probably declare it dead on arrival. My guess is this will go down the path of not being screened for critics. This does not mean that the film is bad(Tombstone was not screened for critics), but does show the lack of support the studio has in the product. I do hope that when it comes to critiquing the film, John takes off his rose colored glasses and tells us his true thoughts of the film.

  • 14. John replies at 29th February 2008, 1:34 pm :

    Hey Ric,

    The thing is, I’m not speculating why the release date has been moved around… I already know what it was.

    And yes, it is being screened for critics as early as 3 weeks before the film comes out.

  • 15. Ric Ocasek replies at 29th February 2008, 1:41 pm :


    Good, I’m happy to hear that it’s being screened. As far as unscreened films, I am currently taking off my rose colored glasses I watched RAMBO with.
    Thanks, Ric

  • 16. Scott replies at 29th February 2008, 2:31 pm :

    Movie reminds me of Flatliners. Med students messing around with death and the natural order of things. Am I alone here?
    No toothy Julia Roberts, though.

  • 17. Butter On My Popcorn replies at 29th February 2008, 2:42 pm :

    That trailer was disturbing…I loved it.

  • 18. James replies at 29th February 2008, 4:27 pm :

    Why was my earlier comment removed?

  • 19. takata replies at 29th February 2008, 6:39 pm :

    Milo pass me a Keanu Reeves vibe sometimes.
    and not in a good way.
    This teaser is ….i dont know.
    Maybe this movie turns well in the end,but im not excited.

  • 20. Pineapplehead replies at 29th February 2008, 6:49 pm :

    I think Doug or Serena need to review it. John’s - you’re too close to the people involved. Even if it sucks it will be hard to say that, especially when you will want to talk to them about Crank 2.


  • 21. Ryan replies at 29th February 2008, 7:45 pm :

    Interesting picture

    I guess the questions I have are, what’s Milo doing with his left hand to get all this all this free pub on the site and WHAT IS JOHN THINKING IN THE PICTURE?

  • 22. JoJo replies at 29th February 2008, 9:16 pm :

    “they were unhappy with the distribution situation and decided to change distribution companies late in the game.”

    Translation: MGM dumped it.

  • 23. canuck75 replies at 29th February 2008, 11:43 pm :

    So does this mean MGM is no longer the distribution company? If so, what company is distributing it? Also, is that teaser actually from a specific scene, or is it just the actors screwing around with the “bodies” between takes? If it’s in the movie it looks like it could be a really cool scene, yet the filming looks like it from a camcorder, so I’m not sure what to expect from the teaser.

  • 24. Ironman replies at 1st March 2008, 12:18 pm :

    Is this movie filmed Cloverfield style? It looks like it from the second trailer.

  • 25. Sarah replies at 1st March 2008, 6:31 pm :

    Look crappy. And as much as I like eyecandy, Milo can’t act to save his life. It’s hard to be attracted to someone resembling a wooden block.

  • 26. alfie replies at 1st March 2008, 8:30 pm :

    its pointless in john reviewing this film. i do hope he gets rodney to it..someone who has had nothing to do with those crank guys has to review it so doug has meet thme and serena well they got dexter to call her so everyone is a little tainted with the bias brush…..get rodney to do it….

    avoid becoming harry knowles…let someone totally independant review it.

    you are only human and as much as you might think you can be non biased reviewing it you really can’t be and you will feel like a bit of an asshole if you give it a bad review

    oh and sarah you are spot on….Milo has to be one of the very worst actors working today. so stiff and lifeless its difficult to watch him

  • 27. OwlBoy replies at 1st March 2008, 8:59 pm :

    wait… during the summer, asked about season 2 of heroes. Heroes Season 2 was on in the fall?


  • 28. nbakid2000 replies at 3rd March 2008, 6:12 pm :

    Man this movie looks boring. Hate to say it, but it’s true.

    Not looking forward to this at all. Looks like MAYBE a rental. Maybe.

  • 29. nbakid2000 replies at 3rd March 2008, 6:19 pm :

    Also based on the trailer, the acting looks horrible - by everyone involved.

    Think I’ll be skipping this one until I’m proved otherwise.

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