New Pictures From Sex and the City Movie

As women around the world prepare to celebrate the release of the “Sex and the City” movie… eagerly awaiting the women in the movie to instruct them on what shoes to buy next, and if they should kill their husbands in their sleep… some new production pictures from the film have come out. They’re nothing special, but then again I didn’t then the show was either.

There are more pics from the film over here at IESB


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16 Responses to “New Pictures From Sex and the City Movie”
  1. Steve L. says:

    This makes me happy I’m single and won’t be dragged to the theater to see this. Sadly, first thought that came to mind when I saw that picture wasn’t an innocent one, I will give props to the fact that they are some sexy women and those are some great porn faces.

  2. Serena Whitney says:

    I am so looking forward to this movie!!! It’s probably going to be a major disappointment…but I’ll be there May 30th!

  3. virgil fiori says:

    My wife pointed out to me that Charlotte has a baby bump in one of the photos. Interesting …..

  4. rafa1215 says:

    Even if there was an eighth of weed, a case of beer, a guaranteed hummer, and a sneak preview of Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Batman, etc… You couldn’t get me to watch this.

  5. Marina says:

    I’m ready to scratch my eyes out.

  6. iProtestant says:

    where’s marlin perkins when you need him? all i see are three cougars about to pounce on a deer carcass just off camera.

  7. lone ranger says:

    this picture is “what are the thinking” material!

  8. chris (the real one) says:

    well rafa between the weed and hummer….i wouldnt be awake after the peviews, shit ill go if that were offered….but yea besides that nothing will make me interested in seeing this..

  9. Mark says:

    My sweet goodness, Kristen Davis still rocks my world. I love the shot with the glasses.

  10. Kristina says:

    Yeah, Davis is the best looking one. Just a classic beauty. The other cougs aren’t worth it, especially Foot Face Parker.

  11. chris (the real one) says:

    is kristen davis the brunette….if so she is better than those other chicks by miles….and kristina i agree lol foot face parker

  12. takata says:

    Where they doing this promotion man!?
    Give me the adress i let you keep the weed!!!

  13. Ransom says:

    This movie is going to suck the big one. I have to ask why does it deserve coverage on TMB?

  14. rafa1215 says:

    Takata, I would be the last person to know.

  15. takata says:

    Okey! the weed AND THE HUMMER!!!
    But no way a will give up the beer!

  16. montrealfilmguy says:


    Everyone can split Kristin Davis,i’ll have the hotness goddess Cynthia Nixon to myself.

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