Love Guru Trailer

The first Love Guru trailer has hit the web… and wow… it looks terrible. I am a big Michael Myers fan. I still think one of the most underrated comedies of all time is “So I Married An Axe Murderer”. But a case can be made that, like Will Ferrell, his schtick may be getting a little old… a little tired… and maybe we’re just done with it?

One thing that is telling about the trailer is how much stock Jessica Alba has lost in just the last 6 months alone. A year ago Alba would have been featured on the poster (she’s not on the poster at all now) and would have been highlighted in the trailer (now she’s hardly in it). Several bombs and not a single decent performance will eventually catch up with you.

Anyway, I’m saddened to say I think this looks like ass. I’m especially disappointed since the movie features my beloved Toronto Maple Leafs (also known as “God’s Team”). Check out the Love Guru trailer for yourself and let me know your thoughts. As a side note… how bad does Justin Timberlake look in this? Oh… and as another side note… since when is Toronto in America?

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28 Responses to “Love Guru Trailer”
  1. xgdfalcon says:

    “Harriet, sweet Harriet…”, haha! Agreed. I’m amazed how many people haven’t seen Axe Murderer. My wife and I watch it at least once a year.

    I’ve gotten tired of Michael Myers comedy. He used to be seem so creative, but it seems that he hasn’t brought anything new to the screen in years.

    The Will Ferrel analogy is right on.

  2. Paul Di Gaetano says:

    Wow. Every shtick Mike Myers has is being thrown into this role. The worst part is that he still has an amusing look and good timing, but the jokes are re-hashed and limp. A rental for sure….

  3. DON says:

    LOL it is ok.

    But ya i am getting tired of comedy movies in general. I would like all of them to flop hard except Harold and Kumar 2.

  4. Michael says:

    Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t care for comedies anymore. When I want to laugh I go see live comedians and that’s hard in Knoxville (not exactly laugh central USA). Comedies for the last five or so years haven’t really tickled anything for me and that includes all Myers films. He’s a funny guy, but I just believe he’d do better with stand-up. Don’t know; maybe I am the only one.

  5. Robert(wolf) says:

    That was one bad trailer…

  6. Steven C. says:

    I agree with John, this really looks like shit. I kinda feel sorry for Mike Myers, he hasn’t really done jack shit since the last Shrek and that one was awful.

  7. Ted says:

    Why does the black hockey player have to be the fighter? I know we have Donald Brashear and George Laraque, but I don’t think it does hockey any favors that the ONE hockey movie that comes out has its only black person as the fighter in the sport.

  8. erocka says:

    this does look really bad… holy crap does justin timberlake look like a total lesbian in this FLLLIM!!! i drink your milkshake timberlake!!!

  9. Klendathu says:

    Well it IS in North America.

  10. Serena Whitney says:

    Being a person from Quebec, I have to say, that was a horrible Quebecois impersonation from Justin Timberlake. Sounded like Pepi Le Peu. (Looked like he smelled like him too.)

    Horrible trailer!

  11. Karmicmonk says:

    Sorry guys, This has all the making’s of a bad comedy, past their prime SNL cast member, midgets, current pop artist, but this trailer had some spot on comical timing, I laughed my ass off for several minutes.

  12. pete says:


  13. rr says:


  14. Gfunk says:

    I thought it was funny…

  15. Tim says:

    Its like the writer sat down and asked himself, “How many people can I offend in one film?”

    I like Mike Myers, and I like offensive films that poke fun at stereotypes in a ‘I can’t believe they just did that’ way, but the trailer makes this one out to be downright tasteless.

    However, if theres a good word of mouth buzz for this one, I’ll probably go see it.

  16. Todd C says:

    I usually get tired of all the negative comments on trailers but wow, that was really bad. I mean, he even had mini-me didn’t he? Why not just go with Austin Powers 4?

  17. GODFATHER says:

    This movie is going to kick ass, man. That trailer is funny. Yes, it can come off offensive and some humour is rehashed from other films, but that can be pretty much said about most comedies these days so let’s support our fellow Can-American (TM) Mike Myers and his biggest comedic line in the film: “Help Toronto win the Stanley Cup”!!! I died at that one! (Sidebar - John, admitting your a fan of the Leafs is saying you like to celebrate losing for 41 years. For shame!)

    JT looks like he’ll be funny, or at least a helluva lot funnier than anything Rob Schneider has done in any Adam Sandler movie, but thank my lucky charms that Alba isn’t over-played in this flick (or at least minimalized in the trailer). Maybe watching the preparation Myers did for the role (meeting with Deepak Chopra) has more significance to me, but I can’t wait to watch this movie. A return to Mike Myers comedy! YES! My only dislike thus far: Myers’ accent seems to diminish throughout the trailer. Makes me wonder if the “catch” of the film is that he’s a white pretender who falsifies his credentials. I would’ve loved to have seen Russel Peters as the GURU! NOW THAT WOULD’VE BEEN AWESOME!!!

    Oh, making an analogy between Mike Myers and Will Ferrel is wrong and insulting (I know that was kind of your point) but Myers has WAY more talent than Ferrel, in my humble opinion.

    And finally, Toronto IS in the USA now, didn’t ya know? That’s the centre of the universe, after all, isn’t it???

  18. Jim says:

    Seriously, how can anyone find this trailer to be amusing?
    It’s as if he took all of the shittiest aspects of the Austin Powers movies and put them in this film.

    What’s your gnome? Name?………..your a midget.


    It’s not even offensive, it’s just retarded.

  19. Kevin C says:

    I thought that the Austin Powers trailer was horrendous when it came out too. Myers is just too funny though. I expect this to have a few rip roaring laughs in it at the very least.

  20. Kevin C says:

    oh and just for kicks…

    “Harriet, sweet harriet…hard hearted harbinger of haggis”

    “she was a thief, you gotta belief, she stole my heart and my cat!”

    I love that movie!

  21. rafa1215 says:

    Mike Myers if you are reading this I have an Academy Award winning idea for you. Do an autobiography movie of Chris Farley. Get Spade and Chris’ family to help you out on this. You kinda look like him when you put on the “fat bastard” suit on. C’mon you had a few seasons with him on SNL and probably know how to imitate him. Because really Mike these kind of shit movies (love guru) are not going to do it for you. You are unfortunately going to end up like Eddie Murphy. Look at Will Farrell - he’s on his way to becoming Eddie. Ax murder and the first Austin was my fave movie or yours. Mike please don’t sell out. You got the chops.

  22. Anthony says:

    I think it was originally Austin Powers 4, but they canceled the film, so they just inserted “Love Guru” in place of all the Austin Powers parts. Which is basically what it looks like. Nothing original in this film. They even use a Beyonce song in the trailer which beckons Austin 3. A rental for me.

  23. Meli says:

    Besides the lameness of this trailer there are two other reasons not to see this movie.

    1. Jessica Alba
    2. Justin Timberlake - wow, his brief stint in the trailer screamed awful.

    This will be the first Mike Meyers film I am going skip completely.

  24. MoriaOrc says:

    Wow what a clear train wreck that millions of people will pay money for and eat up like honey on a corn dog .This looks very unfunny and mildly racist.

  25. takata says:

    Austin powers was funny but a little MEH.
    This one no even MEH me.
    And Justin “white bread”Timbergayke…hummm at least he humps Jessica Biel so is not a complete waist of oxigen.

  26. yamiglesi says:

    MoriaOrc, it is racist

  27. hammy says:

    Toronto is in America. It’s in North America. Just like our neighbors to the south are in America as well. they are the United States…. OF AMERICA. America, has simply become a synonym or short hand for the U.S.

    Remember, Columbus discovered it. From the latin Americus, likely taken from the name of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who sailed along the west coast of South America in 1501.

    but I agree, the film looks rubbish.

  28. haha says:

    After Goldmember I was like, I just sat through 2 hours of one
    guy — I won’t do this again. Mike should just direct other
    people from now on. We’ve had too much of his stuff over the
    years. It adds up.

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