Jumper 2 Surprise, Surprise

Jumper was made for a sequel; so with not the least bit of surprise I announce the news from an interview collider had with the director. Thanks to moviesonline for the hookup:

The concept for Jumper 2 is definitely a stretch. So much a stretch it feels the director is just hashing ideas more then talking about what the sequel is all about. Collider had an exclusive sit down with the director where he talked about the sequel and spilled the following;

“I actually have a ton of ideas for the sequel because this is whole new arena for me and so my mind was in overdrive the whole time and most of the ideas I came up with we either could tease or just save it for a sequel and so it’s…this power can be used to leave this planet, this power can be used ultimately to go back in time, this power can be used if you go and work for the government you’d be the ultimate Jason Bourne.”

So the sequel hasn’ t been written. but it has been announced, this does not seem like a good sign to me. The first installment was very frustrating, I enjoyed the use of the power and the camaraderie between the two jumpers, but their was not enough background info, the twists were lame and the story overall was a “boy chases girl” pile of bullshit. The above ideas that director throws around sound like the result of a killer hash session (we have all been there).

If they didn’t introduce so many lame tie ins from the first film i may have given the sequel a chance. As it stands right now, I have about the same desire to see Hayden Christensen in jumper 2 as I would Star Wars 7. I wish this franchise would teleport far away from earth, forever.

32 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Smotchberry

    After watching Jumper, one of the first things a friend of mine said was “now that was a movie that was badly affected by the writers strike”.

    I couldn’t have agreed more. The film could have been great, or at least more fun if a couple more rewrites were made, and a lot of dialogue polished a little more.

    Throughout the film, I couldn’t help but get the impression that a lot of the scenes and dialogue between the characters seemed to be almost improvised. Hopefully, a sequel would allow the concept to be presented in a much more satisfying package. Though personally, I am not a fan of incorporating time travel. Although give me a flashback to medieval times any day.

  2. Mr.Death

    Travel back in time? What’s next, “we can jump into our DREAMS?”

  3. Slushie Man

    I’m testing. It would seem my comments don’t like showing up after I post them.

  4. Slushie Man

    Ok, it works now. For some reason it won’t post my comments when I have my Website link put in.

    Anyway, as I said I must be one of the few that enjoyed this movie. It entertained me for its run length and temporarily made me forget my troubles, and really, isn’t that what movies are supposed to do?

    Although I also knew nothing at all going into the movie. My friend asked if I wanted to see Jumper and I was like ‘What’s that?’ and she was like ‘A movie with Samuel L. Jackson in it. Sci-fiish’ I just shrugged, said ok, and ended up enjoying myself.

  5. T |-| 3 P \/\/ |\| 3 R

    i love this movie i dont care wat ne1 else says but this movie must be 1 of my favourites ive seen in a long time(2nd cloverfield) i rly wish they will bring out a sequel

  6. Mr.Death

    @ Slushie Man and T |-| 3 P \/\/ |\| 3 R

    Did you really like this movie? I absolutly hated it. It seemed to me just boring and cliche

  7. Slushie Man

    Yeah, I did enjoy it. I didn’t love it, but I enjoyed it. It had mistakes and faults, sure, but I’m able to overlook them and still enjoy myself.

    Also, does anyone know why my posts won’t show up, if I have my website put down?

  8. Mozzerino


  9. probitionate

    ‘The Stars My Destination’.

    I’m just sayin’…

  10. movie replicas


    i guess i’ll have to wait to watch this on dvd

  11. Mozzerino


  12. rafa1215

    Jumper 2 - How high? Yeah there’s room for a sequel. I agree with John or was it Doug? - who said that they should concentrate on the battle/mystery/explanation between the Palladins and the Jumpers.

  13. Mozzerino


  14. mountaineer014

    why does he need to come up with a story in the first place?
    there were two books by Steven Gould the movie is based on.
    just adapt the second book. Then after that if they want a trilogy go from where the second one end or hints to. or ask Steven Gould it his world, i’m sure he could come up with a story.

  15. E

    I didn’t get this movie. Ok, so the reason why Sam Jackson et al wanted the “jumpers” dead was because “only God should have the power to be all places” (or whatever he said). Ok . . . so then shouldn’t only God have the right/power to kill people? I’m just saying . . . . Needless to say, I won’t be going to see the sequel.

  16. Mozzerino


  17. Slushie Man

    “so the reason why Sam Jackson et al wanted the “jumpers” dead was because “only God should have the power to be all places” (or whatever he said). Ok . . . so then shouldn’t only God have the right/power to kill people?”

    Welcome to the Witch Trials of old. Religious nuts that would kill anyone they thought of as a witch, all in the name of God.

  18. Slushie Man

    “just adapt the second book.”

    As a fan of the first book, the second book SUCKS horribly. One of the worst books I ever read. Plus, the movie’s mythology makes it really hard to adapt the second book.

  19. Kick

    And for the ones who havent see JUMPER 1 or would like to see it agaon heres the link - Enjoy!

  20. Dave

    The movie was a fine bit of escapism. The director did leave lots of space for an obvious sequel. Roland’s (Samuel L. Jackson)status is unresolved as is Griffin (Jamie Bell), the more mentor jumper. One other huge clue that a sequel is coming is that Kristen Stewart (from Zathura, Panic Room, The Messengers) is way too big of an actor to only get a mere 30 seconds at the end of the film. I hope they do a better job of filling in the plot holes in the sequel.

  21. patriOT

    Всем привет , товарищи интернационалисты ))))
    А мне фильм понравился , но без второй серии не обойтись )))))

    So , I’m waiting for Jumper 2

  22. SPAWN


  23. SPAWN


  24. SPAWN


  25. cody

    I think they should totally make another jumper the first one was awesome.I think they did a really good job on it so yeah make another one.

    and make it quick.lol jk

  26. patriOT

    Actually, He may teleports from one positions to another , when he is *ucking girlfriend )))

  27. pfft

    Well what happened to ppl?? why can’t ppl like movies anymore you always complain about everything bla bla this bla bla that.
    “Not enough special effect’s” etc .. you prolly understand what i mean.

  28. David

    Jumper 2: Jump to Australia

  29. David

    Jumper 2: Jump to Australia

    Or is it too far to jump?

  30. Chuck

    Jump to infinity and beyond

  31. Zonzai

    I’m kind of surprised by all of the negative comments posted here. I guess you guys had pretty high expectations for this movie. You’d probably have been better off without any, like most people who watched this movie.

    Jumper is a decent movie. Certainly worth renting. I’d rent the sequel.

  32. Slushie Man

    Yeah, I enjoyed it as well. Nothing really special, but it was entertaining enough for it’s run length. Nothing I’d ever buy, but I’ll probably watch it again if I ever catch it on TV, and I have no problems at all checking out the sequel when/if it comes out.

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