John Cena Goes 12 Rounds

John Cena looks to be staring in a cop movie called 12 Rounds. Its a cop movie, so does that mean 12 Rounds of bullets, or does this cop end up in some sort of combat tournament consisting of 12 rounds.

Coming Soon says:

According to Variety, the story centers on a New Orleans police detective (Cena) whose girlfriend is kidnapped. Harlin will direct the $20 million pic from a script by Daniel Kunka.Production starts Feb. 25 in New Orleans. It’s WWE’s first project to film in the U.S., with previous pics shot in Australia.

John Cena may not be having as good of a transition from Wrestler to Movie Star as Dwayne Johnson, but he seems to be doing alright. Nothing makes me happier than to see non actors become movie stars. Wrestling is half acting anyways so I see WWE stars has half actors.

If this movie is about a fighting tournament, clearly a wrestler is a good choice. But at least we can be promised a whole lot of ass kicking and action. Hell, even an action cop movie would get the same results. With any luck we can get a good movie in the process.

46 Comments, Comment or Ping


    Wait? Isn’t that the EXACT same plot of his last film. So much so that I doubled checked to see if there was a glitch on TMB. I thought it was an old post from a few years ago.

    This is MARINE except this time we can call it COP.

  2. @spence

    @ Donald….

    damn it you beat me too it, when i was reading this…i was like, “wait a second, this sounds awfully familiar.” Like you said, this is exactly like the marine, except Cena is a cop.

  3. kevin powers

    and beyond the similarities, his last movie gives no indication that this will be ANY good. it’s amazing that someone looks at the variables here and agrees to spend $20 million

  4. Darren J Seeley

    Since the only “Harlin” I’m familiar with is Renny Harlin it might be of some interest. However, despite Cliffhanger, Deep Blue Sea, Die Hard 2, Elm Street 4 and Long Kiss Goodnight …Harlin is hit and miss, with his most recent work being misses.

    The biggest obstacle here though is not Harlin or even Cena himself. It is, hands down, WWE. I was hoodwinked into thinking The Marine was going to be a decent action film, low modest budget, ‘old school’ flavor etc. Instead, it was laden with tasteless jokes, winks at the audience, and bad direction,writing and acting.

  5. Omar

    I enjoyed The Marine for what it was and thought Cena was pretty likeable.

    Harlin on the other hand has been doing nothing but shit since Deep Blue Sea.

  6. Kristina

    Yeah, everyone’s said it, but I’ll say it, too. This is EXACTLY like The Marine. Boo.

    And Cena cannot wrestle. He’s a poor man’s The Rock.

  7. @spence

    @ Kristina

    Cina may not be albe to wrestle but if you can lift 400-500lb on your shoulders, flipping them to the mat onto their back, well, thats impressive too me. IMO

    LOL, i do agree that “he is the poor man’s The Rock”

  8. RonSalon

    Who cares about this stupid movie? Cena should look in the mirror. Can any one say, silverback gorilla,. He looks like a hominid who spent too much money on steroids and in my opinion the movie is going to be as bad as he looks. Who thinks that’s sexy? Retarded, not to mention it perpetuates steriod use.

  9. Kristina

    Since we’re talking rasslin’, anyone else find it kinda cool and kinda WTF that The Rock is presenting at the Oscars this year?

  10. takata

    Give me a movie with the BIG SHOW aniday!
    But Cena doesnt have the charisma,inside and outside of the ring,like THE ROCK haves.

  11. Matthew

    I have to agree with everyone…this is the Marine all over again *sigh* . Also with Takata, I’d rather see the Big Show in a movie. Nothing like a Giant with a flare for comedy to bring on some laughs

  12. Alex

    @ Kristina

    If the Writer’s Strike was still on then the entire Academy Awards would have been presented by wrestlers.

  13. Kristina

    They’d need a mop to wipe up the puddles of HGH.

  14. NYCKing87

    Idk. I mean the other movie Cena stared in was wack. All the characters were shallow & all Cena did was run in the woods, & god knows he was able to track the people that kidnapped his girl. I guess maybe he was followin there footsteps? I just think that wrestlers tryin to get in the movie business should quite while there ahead. The only one I think that’s done an ok job is Dwayne Johnson, but even his ass don’t get recognized for his onscreen roles. Whatever, Im out.

  15. Kristina

    I recognize his ass…and his pecs…and his abs…

  16. Alan

    cena rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. burlmouse

    the rock did get recognized for his role in the game plan… its been such a hot seller since it got released on dvd. i still think the best wwe film was the condemned hands down… but yet its the worse selling… i thought the marine was trash… but yet its the best seller… whats up with that? they need to make a movie with edge, that would be good…

  18. Sanela

    It may sound similar to the marine but it is not. You may say the rock is better but who cares he doesnt wrestle anymore anyways and we will always respect the rock. Cena CAN wrestle, wwe just doesnt let him use half his moves bcs they are afraid he will get hurt, boo him or cheer him its still sound and if wwe hears sound they WILL main even cena. He is NOT on steroids. Get some proof before you say that. This will be a good movie like the marine.

  19. th

    ya the first thing i thought when i say 12 round posted for advertisment was o my god it’s the same thing.

    John come on ur my fav but don’t do this to ur self

  20. Rodney

    Psst…. “th”

    I am not John. He didn’t write this

  21. Phil

    I’m sitting here, in my hotel on Baronne, here in New Orleans, getting ready to go down to the set. We’re waiting to see who’s gonna show tonight. Saw a couple security guards walking down a hall, I hope Cena is in this scene.

  22. stephanie cena

    Even tho it sounds the same as the marine it still sounds like a good movie.Plus seeing john cena up on the big screen once again is worth my $7.50 anyday.Plus he’s really hot i will go and see 12 rounds 100 times.

  23. Phil

    Never saw Cena, we were getting bored so did not stay the whole night. Saw them shooting some guys getting out of a Homeward Security armored truck though.

  24. JH

    man y all yaw ppl hatin all cena doin is makin a livin an here all can do jock on him well all i can say is get a life!!!!

  25. Kian

    Cena rules!
    The Marine was awesome. The condemned was better. See No Evil sucked. Triple H’s movie coming in 2009, Journey of Death is going to rock. I’m Cena’s #1 fan and can’t wait for 12 Rounds!

  26. Jasmin

    12 rounds could be a better movie than the marines
    but damn why did they make a movie about the same plot

  27. Granny Bee

    It’s a lot like the Marine… :))

    Can’t they find a better plot? I mean there are a lot of generes that he can work with… not only Marine/soldier/cop-fighting-action-saving-girl-movies.

    ~Bee ♥

  28. Dannii

    i am cena’s number #1 australian fan and i didnt think the marine was very good but just coz its sounds the the marine doesnt mean it’ll be the new marine maybe give it a chance and why do people always come on these kinda sites and bag the people what dont you have lives??? and by the way cena is hot and who cares if he takes steroids all wrestlers do so why dont you stop bagging on other people like cena and get on with your own lives..

  29. Heliminator

    Me and my friends all watched the Marine, and we thought it was a pretty decent film.

    For those of you who said cena sucks at wrestling, why would you say that? Wrestling is fake, so if he wins or loses, not much about his skills. It’s the fact that wrestlers have the power to lift 500lbs into the air that’s his skills.

    The only problem is that I, a great Cena fan, do think it’s pathetic that they’re gonna use the same plots with two movies, same leading character…

  30. Imran Nasir

    I like john cena. Wish he had more chrisma like the rock.

  31. Zaid

    I was in New Orleans recently and had a chance to look at the movie in making. John looked good and was putting a lot of effort to make the film action pack

  32. Mr.T

    (I think the fact that 12 Rounds is filmed in New Orleans, Will Proubly make people that moved out of the city, want to come back. because,they see on the movie that the city is getting back in shape.

  33. Im a niggle

    I agree with Sanella and Stephanie Cena. John Cena is not on steriods. Plus he’s REALLY hot!

  34. tiffanie

    ok the marine sucked bt who cares cenas hawt nd yall need 2 quit hatin. yu kno john cena cld kick ur butts! nd he cld play in the lamest movie ever nd id still pay 9$ to see it. john cena rocks nd ur all juss jealous!

  35. Kathy

    Just came back from New Orleans today and it was really cool to see them filming the movie. The streetcar scenes will be awesome!!!!

  36. becky hodge

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)i was in new orleans and saw some of the movie being filmed wow there is a lot in making a movie and saw cena getting out of nopd car after a crash we had to take long walks since the trolly was stopped and the roads were closed and what an inconvinence hope the movie is worth all the trouble i went through walking around the mess did not have any idea just how HARD acting it and how many hours are put in to the making of a movie … you are all underpaid….beck for tennessee



  38. Brianna

    Wow the day of the filming we were actually there on Bourbon driving around when we got held up in traffic and noticed SWAT cars…we stopped when we saw a film crew…we asked and they told us it was “12 Rounds” with John Cena….personally I think It’s going to be an awesome movie…

  39. James

    Cena is a Great entertainer and if you dont like him just watch guys gone wild or something whatever makes you happy. He has gotten worse but that is the script he does what he is told in my opinion he is great and with some more experience he will be # 1 YOU CANT SEE ME !!!! HLR


  40. Ashley Currin

    Well I have to say John Cena can so wrestler and he sure can act too..and I can’t wait til his new movie comes out and its ok if it kind of like The Marine that movie was Awesome too..John Cena is a great rapper too!!!

  41. Arika

    Cena’s a great wrestler, he’s definately NOT on steroids! He does bodybuilding. & even thought the plot is the same the movie is gonna kick ass! Coz he’s a really good actor. & 4 all u Cena haterz u knw he can whip ur asses any day!

  42. Arika

    Cena’s new movie is gonna be direct to dvd release.

  43. macie

    its filmed in the big NO

  44. Brad

    I was in New Orleans this weekend for French Quarter Festival and caught a glimpse of a scene. There was a bus letting people on and off and a fire engine comes haulin but and almost hits the bus. They said the name was 12 Rounds. Pretty cool.

  45. chery

    hi evryone well i read all of you commentsabout john cena and the movie i would say haf of you don’t like him and the other haf dose ok thats fine.but the ones that say he’s on roids think again he’s not! i like johny c i think he’s cool and goodlooking and he works just ashard as anybody elts does in this world.i liked his frist movie the marine and i know i’ll like 12 rounds i can’t wait antill it comes out.i would spend any amount of money to see him he’s wroth evey cent and more.i hope he keeps making movies and i’ll collect them all.john cena is the best and don’t forget it.i’ll always be john cenas #1 fan he can have more then just one #1 fans.i’m just like evrybody elts hoping i can meet john one day that would be nice. ok i go now from you can’t see me.

  46. SMD

    The plot may seem the same to you, but i assure you it isn’t. It will be very different from The Marine and it will be another great Movie just like The Marine was, still is and always will be. John Cena is a great actor and Wrestler and he has way more charisma then the rock. At least he won’t leave his fans in the dirt for movies like that asshole the rock did. John Cena loves wrestling, the rock has no respect. Wrestling is the only reason he is big today yet he doesnt give anything back to the WWE fans. John Cena would never turn his back on wwe fans and thats a fact.

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