Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Trailer

I would have thought this would have been out by now, but the teaser trailer for this summer’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will come out next week.

ComingSoon says:

Par will attach the first teaser for “Crystal Skull” to fantasy pic “The Spiderwick Chronicles” on Feb. 14, with the spot to hit the Web shortly thereafter.

Reason for the delay is that the film only recently wrapped, so much of the material that would go into a memorable trailer just wasn’t ready until now.

Awareness and anticipation also is already high for the pic, so producers didn’t feel the need to show too much too soon.

I find this a little contradictory since they say they dont want to show too much, but only the most notable scenes that they intended to use were available late in the game, and then tell us its just a teaser trailer?

They couldnt find anything to tease us with out of all the previous shots they had filmed?

Teasers tend to be very short and don’t show much at all. Perhaps this is why Paramount had the leaked Crystal Skull picture pulled from the net. It might be the best thing they have to offer in this teaser.

Its playing before Spiderwick, and I just finished reading that book with my kids, so I am likely to go see it.

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  • 1. Kevin C replies at 8th February 2008, 9:44 am :

    Dont get me wrong, Im elated that they are making this film, but I just dont feel that excited about it yet.

    Knowing Lucas is involved just wont allow me to get my hopes up. I guess thats a good thing though, to go in with lower expectations.

  • 2. Meli replies at 8th February 2008, 10:40 am :

    I think it’s a little funny the teaser trailer for this movie it attached, but I am excited to see what the teaser will offer us.

    I’m also looking forward to the Spiderwick Chronicles I read the first book with my daughter a few years ago and she went on to read two more of the series.

  • 3. Gotta Get A Film replies at 8th February 2008, 11:10 am :

    How is it the Star Wars films Steven Spielberg and Lucas did together were awesome, but Lucas’ versions were terrible? It makes me quite mad to think about it, considering Lucas gets all the credit for the Star Wars films.

    Anyway, who cares if Lucas is writing it: as long Spielberg is directing, everything should be alright, right? I guess we’ll see soon enough.

  • 4. Joseph replies at 8th February 2008, 11:37 am :

    I hope this means that the preview will be well made. Too many previews come out too soon and look like crap.

  • 5. alfie replies at 8th February 2008, 11:54 am :

    um gotta get a film…thats because speilberg has nothing to do star wars at all……
    he never produced one…he never directed one…he never wrote one…

    o.k. he storyboarded some shots for the pod race but star wars is one hundred percent lucas…speilberg haas nothing to do with them.

    I don’t see whats contradictory about this at all rodney..thats a very odd angle to take on it…

    and the valentines day release date was announced months ago……

  • 6. Joseph replies at 8th February 2008, 12:00 pm :

    @alfie. I think “Gotta Get A Film” was referring to the fact that George Lucas only directed A New Hope out of the three original films. Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand, and Lawrence Kasdan (Screenwriter) don’t seem to get that much love.

  • 7. Meiran replies at 8th February 2008, 1:47 pm :

    Sweet, I was planning to see that movie anyway. Now I can’t wait : )

  • 8. alfie replies at 9th February 2008, 4:39 am :

    then how come he asked why the star wars films speilberg and lucas did together were awesome??

  • 9. takata replies at 9th February 2008, 1:50 pm :

    I dont on the spot on age for this one (im 34),saw all the previous indy movies on the theater.
    But im really not excited about this one.and i really dont know why!?
    Something on my mind makes me believe LUCAS didnt aged well as a filmmaker i guess.
    I will see it but not until i get some really good info and a couple of awesome reviews on this one.

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