George Takei Joins Cast Of Star Trek?

Well you can add George Takei to the list of cameos in the upcoming Star Trek film. We get the scoop today from our friends at the moviehole:

According to Aint it Cool News, George Takei (Sulu) has hinted – on the Howard Stern talk show, in which he’s a regular – that he may be reuniting with Leonard Nimoy (Spock) for the new ‘’Star Trek’’ movie, due in theatres in May 2009.

Even if the rumour is true though, don’t look for Takei to be in the movie very long – it’ll likely only be a cameo. Jon Cho (‘’Harold and Kumar go to White Castle’’) plays Sulu in this one.

I do not like this. I thought the whole idea of doing Star Trek high was to do something different? if I am seeing new actors play the legendary Star Trek characters, the last thing I want to see is the previous actors! I do not know how this cameo is going to get set up but it will most likely have to do with time travel if history repeats itself.

I want another fantastic Star Trek film, I really do. I have loved the Star Trek universe since I was a kid and have always looked forward to the films. I try to remain optimistic, but my guard is up for fear of disappointment and news like this just makes me go WTF!?!

The only good news here is that George Takei was on Howard Stern again. When George is on Howard’s show - it is hilarious; too bad about the announcement.

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8 Responses to “George Takei Joins Cast Of Star Trek?”
  1. Antonio says:

    Oh boy Doug. I do not think I can disagree with you enough. It’s just a cameo. It’s not like he is going to be carrying the film. Frankly, I would probably explode out of my pants to see Takei and Nimoy (would actually like to see some others) one last time in the universe that has forever changed my life (I actually work for NASA now, thanks to my love for Star Trek as a kid).
    I, for one, welcome this news. Live long and prosper, my friend.

  2. Doug Nagy says:

    I love the original cast and would love to see them in another film. But I would rather see them in their own film rather than doing bullshit cameos.


  3. xgdfalcon says:

    Any news I hear about the new Trek won’t alter my desire to see it either way. I haven’t seen a Trek in theaters since First Contact, and the fact that they are “rebooting” Star Trek is enough to get me into the theater.

  4. Arc Cadio says:

    I hope he plays Hikaru Sulu’s Dad, that would be cool.

  5. AjaxLou says:

    This has been quashed by Takei already. The one and only original cast member in the movie is Nimoy.

  6. Alex says:

    William Shatner probably spit up on himself after reading this news!

  7. Ransom says:

    According to, this rumor is false. Although I wouldn’t mind a cameo from Takei or any other original cast member.

    LOL at #6. Hopefully he didn’t hurt himself. :)

  8. Jenny Gold says:

    George hasn’t even done the Howard Stern Show since before Christmas. One of Howard’s reporters asked George about this off the air. I believe he just said “no comment.” If it is true, Shatner is going to have a temper tantrum. He’ll probably boycott the film…if he’s not planning to already.

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