Galactus Returns?

GalactusWell it looks like there is a forecast of clouds for the upcoming Silver Surfer film. We get confirmation today that Galactus will return from our friends at firstshowing:

One of the panels that we unfortunately missed last weekend at WonderCon was a spotlight on comic book author J. Michael Straczynski. In addition to his extensive comic book work, Straczynski is now diving into Hollywood, having scripted the upcoming Clint Eastwood film The Changeling and already working on three other scripts, including World War Z and a Silver Surfer spin-off. During Straczynski’s panel at WonderCon, he briefly talked about the Silver Surfer movie and confirmed that the giant evil world eater Galactus would be featured in it.

Users on Newsarama’s forums were in attendance and reported back on the details from the panel. “For what the Silver Surfer movie entails Straczynski says it will cover the origin of the character. He said it will feature Galactus, noting that the latest Fantastic Four film held off on showing Galactus to reveal him for this film.”

No one was happy with the bullshit Galactus that we got in Fantastic Four 2. Marvel flat out lied before the film was released saying that Galactus was not a storm cloud….and as it turns out - he was a storm cloud. I don’t buy Straczynski’s claim that Galactus was kept hidden so the big reveal could be in the Silver Surfer stand alone film. I struggle for the reasons why they would make Galactus a storm cloud at all but only the words “high on glue” come to mind.

Fantastic Four 1 and 2 were both very good reasons to feel shame and I hope Marvel feels just that. They finally get the FF to the big screen and they treat us to a pair of horrendous let downs. If Jack Kirby could crawl from the grave and eat their tender face meat off - he would (and I would watch on with delight as I ate a shawarma).

The origin story for the Silver Surfer is actually pretty cool. It’s a shame that I will not let myself get excited about it because I have cause and reason to believe that it will be shit. I also think they will fuck over Galactus again, and that is something that I certainly have no desire to see. The fury over the storm cloud still rages in my veins and I will consider all “updates” about this project false until I am able to verify them by watching the movie.

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13 Responses to “Galactus Returns?”
  1. bigsampson says:

    i agree 100 % …the story line of all the cosmic biengs in the marvel univers is great…SS has probly one of the richest universes in the comic worls……i wonder if there planning on tinkering with mephisto and makeing him a bar of soap…i mean fack this cloud crap….marvel should of had more commen sense then to make crap movies….i mean whether u like spiderman 3 u could atleast tell that theyu tried lol…i didnt like it but ya FF series are a joke ….please make a savage dragon movie! go go image comics

  2. Kevin C says:

    If it is Marvels movie division that is handling the Silver Surfer spin-off then there may be hope. They have shown that they are at least capable of learning from their mistakes.

    I would love to see Galactus in all his splendor on the big screen. I do believe there is a way to depict him in a “stylized” manner that isnt too much of a departure from the comics.

    Im interested in a Silver Surfer origin and Id be willing to give it a shot as long as no one with any ties to the Fantastic Four is involved.

  3. Phil Gee says:

    Oh man, it did suck that Galactus was a cloud but I just remember the good times we all had on TMB live laughing about the ridiculousness of it (btw, you did a great show on Wednesday - sorry i wasn’t there but the time difference is a killer).

    Here’s to another year of Galactus rumours.

  4. Dylan says:

    wait…they’re remaking The Changeling?

  5. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    i’d put the blame squarely or the greedy Fox corporation than on Marvel. it’s Fox who had the film rights & final say in how FF was released. i cite their recent greedyass actions such as the Watchmen lawsuit & their lack of patience in waiting on Singer to finish Superman so he could do X3. they see the superhero thing only on a monetary level & nothing more. in not showing Galactus proper,the had dollar signs in the eyes. one,by saving on the FF2 budget (which was pissweak by tentpole standards anyway). & two,for thinking future films franchise instead of paying off the fans. a recent example of that being the Jumper vagueness & near lack of plot so they could have a trilogy. & now the announcement of a 4th Bourne film by their Universal umbrella. greedy fucks i tell ya. $ supercede all else in their “creative process”.

  6. Kenny says:

    He who fucks with Galactus must die!

  7. T-Vo says:

    The “Cloud” Galactus is same Galactuc the the Ultimates line, where he has not true humanoid type form.
    The Surfer is one of my fav 3 comic characters along with Thor and Dr. Strange.
    I believe Stryzinski when he says he will appear as he does in Comics. Thank god they have a comic book writer, doing the story for the surfer.

  8. T-Vo says:

    The “Cloud” Galactus is same Galactus from the Ultimates story line, where he has no true humanoid type form and thats where the movie got the idea from.
    The Surfer is one of my fav 3 comic characters along with Thor and Dr. Strange.
    I believe Stryzinski when he says he will appear as he does in Comics. Thank god they have a comic book writer, doing the story for the surfer.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    Doug, I think you’re great, but this time I think you are off your squash.

    J. Michael Straczynski isn’t lying. The “main reason” (or excuse) for not having Galactus be/resemble the classic comics Galactus (Ultimates can burn in Hades) was because they wanted to give the filmmakers who would make the spinoff Silver Surfer ‘creative freedoms” in showing the true look of Galactus.

    Now…here’s my beef with Fox and/or Marvel.

    So, it’s a Silver Surfer origin story, is it? So Galactus changes from alien 100 foot Gladiator to a storm cloud? Well, shit on me.

    So Silver Surfer is going from planet to planet without being redeemed as he was in Fantastic Four, just scouting planets for the new Storm Cloud to absorb? Well, shit on me.

    What was the selling point of Fantastic Four 2? A character who is in the film ten to fifteen minutes out of a 90 minute movie. Not much battles going on…so who opposes Surfer in the new story or whom does he fight? You can’t set it on Earth. He can’t fight Galactus (he serves Galactus) so he’s got to fight the herald before him, right? Terrax, maybe?

    Y’know…I’d much rather move forward, not backward. I don’t need a Surfer origin story. I just don’t.

  10. JAMIE says:

    i laugh at this….

  11. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    if they’d only change the Surfer’s voice while they’re at it. i love Fishburne butt his voice & the character do not gel well.
    to be fair, i will give Tim Story this: he did make sure that the traditional Galactus helmet shadow was seen a couple of times.

  12. Rodney says:

    This is purely a classic example of backpedaling.

    See, they thought they would do something “cool” with Galactus because the out of touch hollywood bastardization of the character felt the Jack King Kirby design was just too campy to be taken serious. Then the fanbase lost its shit over the “storm cloud”

    Now they are pretending they meant it all along, and are saying the bigass big horned purple planet eater was IN the cloud obstructed from view to save his big openning number for the Surfer spinoff movie.

    I would have believed them if we saw a silhouette or SOMETHING in the cloud that would hint there was something in there.

    At least he won’t remain a cloud.

    Aside from that, I have to disagree Darren. I think Norin Radd’s sacrifice of servitude to Galactus is a story worth telling, but hopefully we get to see him BE the Surfer for a while first.

  13. oldschoolcomix says:

    It’s amazing that over 40 years later the Jack Kirby FF’s are still better than what a bunch of writers and producers can hack out today.
    I will stick to the issues of FF 48-50 from 1966.

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