Freddie Highmore to voice Astroboy

Freddie Highmore likely doesn’t even know who Astroboy is, but he is going to find out in a hurry. He got the job to supply the little robot boy with a voice! says:

“It’s terrific that Freddie has agreed to play Astro. He’s a remarkably skilled young actor, whose freshness and vitality make him perfect for the role. AstroBoy is a beloved superhero and has captured hearts around the globe for more than 50 years. I can’t wait to see where Freddie takes him.”

Back when this little star took on the iconic Charlie of the chocolate factory I really had hopes that he would become more accomplished. Then came August Rush, and he seemed quite capable for someone of his age. So often we see these tiny starlets come and disappear into obscurity before we ever got the chance.

In Spiderwick, Freddie was more than up to the challenge of playing both Jared and Simon Grace, twins with very different personalities, and now moves on to put his talents behind yet another iconic character. This is not his first voice gig either, Golden Compass put his tune behind the demon “Pan”

I wonder if 10 years from now we will be saying “Yeah, he played Charlie, and some other stuff… I wonder what happened to him?” or will it be “That guy they are calling the next Johnny Depp was the voice of Astroboy back in ‘09″

Does this make you want to see Astroboy more? Do you think he is a good fit?

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3 Responses to “Freddie Highmore to voice Astroboy”
  1. takata says:

    I dont care so much about who will do the voice.
    But again,the danm kid doesnt even know the character!
    I just hope he identify him self with Astro or at least do a good interpretation in it.
    I dont konw outside the world but here in japan Astroboy is a icon and should deserve some respect at least because of his creator.

  2. RonSalon says:

    Takata, I just saw Highmore in The Spiderwick Chronicles last night and he was amazing in it. He played two characters, twin brothers, and I believe brought a unique voice to each. I bet they will make him, but am confident he will on his own, research the part as should be. I agree this is an iconic character; in fact, we were watching episodes the other night.

  3. takata says:

    thats cool i didnt saw that movie yet.but i know that the kid is the new “Haley Joel Osment”little star of the moment.
    I will trust you though,after all with you are seeing the anime,by logic your are a cool person!!!

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