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Final Destination 4 In The Works

By Doug - February 22, 2008 - 14:24 America/Montreal

Finald-1We have word today for fans of the Final Destination series that number 4 will soon be loosed on a theatre near you. We get the scoop from the professionals at Variety:

New Line has tapped Shantel VanSanten, Bobby Campo and Hayley Webb as the stars of “Final Destination 4.” Nick Zano, Krista Allen and Andy Fiscella round out the cast. David Richard Ellis, who helmed the second installment, will direct the horror-thriller. Story kicks off when a teenager’s premonition of a deadly racecar crash spares his life and those of a few lucky others. But death continues to stalk those who escaped it.

New Line is shooting the latest chapter, budgeted at $43 million, in 3-D. The previous three “Final Destinations” have grossed more than $150 million at the domestic box office.

I can’t believe Final Destination has become a series. I saw the first film, forgot about it almost immediately; and now we are at the fourth installment. Death really has to get his shit together and stop leaking premonitions. I guess so long as the series makes money, it will continue to grow.

If they are going to do this again - they should do it on a grand scale. I want a film where a city bus driver sees a premonition of him driving the bus through a Denny’s window. The bus explodes killing dozens of people, and then he awakes from his slumber. Leonard (the bus driver) decides to call in sick, everyone lives, and now death will have to work double time to hunt everyone down. I don’t want to see a handful of teenagers get killed, I want to see death hunt down Denny’s patrons, all the weirdos that take a city bus and the unfortunate people that have to sit beside them. Public transit is a magnet for the crazy and the bizarre; get the right bus and it’s the world’s greatest two dollar circus.

Shooting is set to begin this month and we will be certain to slide you a trailer as soon as it becomes available.


  1. rafa1215 says:

    Got a thing against Denny’s Doug? I liked how the last one had the pc get all wet and the sparks burned her face.

  2. @spence says:

    I really enjoyed the first one, but i didnt like any of the others, and wont bother with seeing this one….

  3. Vek says:

    It’s Haley, not Hayley.

  4. Lee D says:

    Regardless of how good or bad a movie is during the first half of 2008, it will probably have a good showing because there is nothing on TV.

  5. Tom Whitaker says:

    David R Ellis’ FD2 was an absolute blast, whereas that other chap’s part 1 and 3 were pretty pedestrian, so I’m chuffed to hear he’s behind this.

    FD2 also managed to expand the original’s mythology, linking it all into the first film, which was above and beyond what I expected. FD3 copped out and just showed the flight number from the first film a few times.

    Basically, David R. Ellis FTW and the 3-D stuff could be great if the tone is the same as FD2’s.

  6. chris (the real one) says:

    yea tom part 2 was the best one imo….that freeway scene happened around the time i was getting my learners….i was scared shitless to drive. and i did love all the links to the 1st one. the 3rd was dumb as it didnt have anything to do with the others…..im kinda excited for this…kinda

  7. Dylan says:

    First one was okay. The second was great, even if just for the death scenes (some of the best ever imo). Third one sucked.

    If they must do a fourth, I’m glad it’s Ellis behind the camera.

  8. Slushie Man says:

    I liked the first and third, but loved the second with a passion. It was just so much fun to watch.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    I also liked the second film mor than 1 or 3, simply because of the mythos explored (and the real shock death of one of the characters), but I agree with Doug…Final Destination 4 has to up the ante a bit. Something to shake things up. Maybe someone who has a luck charm and they can narrowly escape death…but are helpless to stop the ‘death’s revenge’ from happening to others.

    City Block destruction, too, sounds good.

    Or…a modern day Titantic?

  10. DirkAngerReloaded23 says:

    Not that I actually could give 2 shits about Final Destination 4, 5, or 105, but it has to be said: WHO, WHO, & WHO

  11. DirkAngerReloaded23 says:

    Not that I actually could give 2 shits about Final Destination 4, 5, or 105, but it has to be said: WHO, WHO, & WHO are starring in this movie? I mean is it me, a movie super freak who can rattle off cast lists from almost any decent movie like nobody’s business, or does the current crop of 18-20’something actors in Hollywood SUCK BIG TIME? Who the frig are these people? When did the cast of Friday Night Lights or Step It Up, or Off, or whatever, become annointed the new stars of our generation?

  12. Omar says:

    The only reason I’m slightly interested in this is because of David R Ellis who can shoot some awesome film.
    That dude needs to get a proper action project to play with, something with shit that he can blow up. He blows up things real good.

  13. chris (the real one) says:

    ur right dirkanger….most of hollywoods new crop of teen actors are indeed terrible…

  14. jerry shackles says:

    hello i wish i was in it ,but real life is even better,it happens all the time speacily me , i died twice then came back just watch out for the devl cross

  15. jerry shackles says:

    can the actors control real things

  16. Jhonmark says:

    I really love final destination. Are premonitions like in the said movie true?

  17. Final Destination 4 says:

    I thought the first one was very interesting. To each ones own I guess.

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