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Empire Magazine Hulk Pictures

By Doug - February 27, 2008 - 15:54 America/Montreal

Empire Magazine has a bevy of comic book film related stories and pictures on stands this Friday. We have obtained 2 Hulk pictures from the upcoming issue for you! Please enjoy.

Edward Norton is totally about to Hulk out in this picture, I can smell it.


Ok, William Hurt and his mustache have convinced me that he is a worthy General Ross.
Take a moment to really soak in the awesomeness of that stache.

Everything I have been hearing out of the Hulk camp has pleased me and I am certainly excited to see this film. With Hulk, Iron Man, Batman and Hellboy on deck this year, it is a good time to be a geek indeed. Dust of those d20’s and celebrate!


  1. ethan says:

    wow ed norton kicks ass!
    william hurt kinda looks like will ferrill, hahaha.
    these are sweet pics and i have no doubt that we will see a steady stream of news and more pics come out these next few months.

  2. RyanMag says:

    I’d like to see Tyler Durden try to fight him now. Wait…Tyler wasn’t real, well he was but….this is far too complicated to figure out right now.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m surprised TMB didn’t see that “other” still….regarding Wolverine, also from Empire:


  4. Kristina says:

    That top pic is DYING for a funny subtitle.

    “Please, I’ll talk! I’ll talk! Just turn off Meet the Spartans, PLEASE!”

  5. feolindo says:

    Edward Norton reacts to the news that Ang Lee has been brought on board as creative consultant

  6. Phil Gee says:

    “Golden Compass won? Arrrrrrrggggggghhhh”

  7. takata says:

    Huhum…! EDIE mantities!!
    Man, Willian Hurt looks like is right the way for some huge asskicking!
    The green dude will be in serious trouble.

  8. Paul says:

    Here’s my contribution for best caption for the Ed pic:

    “What do you mean I didn’t make the Digg.com list for ‘Male Celebrities That Look Like Aging Lesbians?!?’”

  9. Mozzerino says:

    I’m not sure about Hurt. He’s a great actor, no doubt about that, but am I the only one who thinks he looks kind of ridiculous with that hair and the mustache? It looks just fake to me.

  10. Persetti says:

    He looks badass, although that stache looks like it could be torn off with one swift grab. Or at least it makes me want to do that…

  11. Kevin C says:

    I didnt even recognize Hurt. Ill wait to see and hear him in action. I try to imagine Sam Elliots voice coming out of that body and its creepy. Im confident Hurt can do something different, yet equally awesome.

  12. Kanthan says:

    he looks more like thunderbolt from the comics. Hes got great presence do he will be awesome i know it

  13. rafa1215 says:

    Please don’t suck please don’t suck. This time around you love your father.

  14. Shortround says:

    Still he is no Sam Elliot


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