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Cliffhanger Sequel?

So Sly Stallone has proved most cynics (including myself) wrong when he proved that he could successfully resurrect his roles in the popular ‘Rambo’ and ‘Rocky’ franchises. Now, he’s prepared to reprise another popular role in his film career, and that is Gabe from ‘Cliffhanger.’

Cinematical give us these details:

According to PR Insider, “Sony executives are in negotiations with Stallone to revive the character for The Dam.”

Okay Sly, even though you have proved that you still can play strong characters despite your age, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! What’s next? ‘Over the Top 2?’ ‘Daylight 2? ‘Demolition Man 2.’ (Ooh…actually I would like to see a sequel done that one. :P)

Am I the only one who remembers when Sly Stallone said that he was set to retire his film career after he finished ‘Rambo 4?’ It looks like this man is becoming the “Jay-Z of actors.” Although, I liked ‘Rocky Balboa’ and ‘Rambo,’ I think he might be pushing his luck with yet another needless sequel.

Why not do something original? Why not return to comedy? (The man is actually very funny!)

So what are your thoughts? Do you want to see Sly Stallone in ‘Cliffhanger 2?’

28 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. LokitoMan

    Serena and what you think about Tango & Cash Sequel???? :P if he want to do sequels I would like to see these one and Kurt Russel on it… :P

  2. Rick King

    I actually loved Cliffhanger when it was out. But making a sequel? Hmmm…I don’t know. It sounds as though Sly has a bunch of “yes men” around him, when Sly asks, “Should I make a sequel to Cliffhanger?”, there are a bunch of “yes men” saying yes, when it fact the answer should be no. It’s either the “Yes men”, or hubris at work here.

  3. jeremy

    I am getting really tired of sequels. I love to watch movies as much as anyone on here, but there comes a point where you lose respect to the industry because is has lost the character and integrity of the old days to come up with something original. With that said there are certain sequels I was looking forward to, only because the story should continue, POTC is not one of them. 3 is enough. You know I think I was like 5 when cliffhanger came out so I don’t even remember that movie at all…

  4. Roguepirate

    The Sly comeback won’t be complete until “Stop or My Mom Will Shoot 2: Mom shoots again” gets made.

  5. Conibear Trapp

    No Cliffhanger II. But I second the Tango & Cash sequel. I thought Stallone and Russell were excellent together. Action and comedy. It was great.

  6. Brandon

    I was actually travelling to Edmonton a few weeks ago and they played Cliffhanger during the busride down. It was the first time I’d seen it, I really liked it.

    Since Sly kicked ass with Rocky VI and did a decent job in Rambo IV..why stop now? The man is on a role. I’m all up for watching him in something else if he has it in him to do the work involved in such a physical movie.

    Go Stallone!

  7. mike

    I love Sly!! I grew up on Rocky!! I think if he wants to keep acting, Let him!! I can’t wait to see the new Rambo movie!! Anyway, I prefer Sequels or prequels over remakes anyday!! So if he wants to a cliffhangger sequel, I think it’s great!! I would love to see a Rhinestone Sequel lol, just kidding!! I think he should do a Demolition Man sequel..I want to know how them 3 seasells work lol.

  8. Kristina

    Enough is enough. The guy is having to use friggin’ HGH to keep doing films, for fuck’s sake. It’s not like he’s poor. Go the hell home!

  9. Ransom

    Stallone rules! With two successful sequels under his belt, there’s another one that has to get made: Party at Kitty and Stud’s II!! Guaranteed to be an instant classic.

  10. Jake

    Hell No please don’t do another cliffhanger the first one wasn’t that good. Gives us another demolition man or yet another Rambo if you must

  11. Butter On My Popcorn

    He is so jacked and so tan.

  12. rafa1215

    Go Sly make another Cliffhanger. Make someone else yell out - “FFFRRRAAAANNNNKKK!!!” That was a great action movie. I think there is still a story to be told. How about if Lithgow’s twin brother shows up and tries to kill Sly cause he killed his brother? I know Die Hard 3 did that story line, but I like it.

  13. Rommey Romes

    Demolition Man 2

  14. spagett

    Eh, just make a NEW action movie. Why not? Otherwise retire.

  15. spagett

    Eh, just make a NEW action movie. Why not? Otherwise retire. Better yet he should be the lead role in Predator 3!

  16. @spence

    Demolition Man 2 or perhaps Judge Dredd 2……no thanks on Cliffhanger 2, no thanks.

  17. ouija

    The only sequel I would be remotely interested in is Demolition Man 2: Simon Phoenix vs the IRS.

  18. Hamid

    Two words: COBRA II.

  19. DarrenJSeeley

    The “Dam”, you say?

    This proposed sequel to ‘Cliffhanger’ was in development about tweleve years ago. Someone simply dusted it off.

    I thought ‘Cliffhanger’ was great. I thought the actors (most of them) were good. But seeing how the conflicts of the protagonists were worked out which aided in the film’s extra watchability, and of course, snow covered mountains action, and a sense of scope…there’s a reason why we haven’t seen ‘The Dam’ yet. ‘Cliffhanger’ doesn’t lead itself to a sequel.

    I don’t want to see a Judge Dredd 2. But Demolition Man 2? YES. That opens up well for a sequel, and given the premise overall- wouldn’t it still be right for Stallone?

  20. Klendathu

    I also support Tango & Cash 2.

  21. Persetti

    Definetely he should do it, John Lithgow was awesome as Eric Qualen, bring him back too. And after this, now that Wesley Snipes won’t go to jail, Bring back Simon Phoenix in Demolition Man 2! Loved that character!

    It’s time to bring back these villains

  22. clone_tk422

    Havent seen anyone ask about Judge Dredd 2 yet?? :)

  23. rafa1215

    “Lords of Flatbush 2″ Electric Boogaloo

  24. Darren J Seeley

    Follow up: Int’l friends, I am curious, if there are follow ups to Cliffhanger or Demolition Man, how the heck can characters who are clearly killed off return ?

  25. Anthony

    From Rocky 6 to Rambo 4, why not a Cliffhanger 2? I think after this, he should Italian Stallion part 2 as well. That would be a fitting end to his career.

  26. Mike Mai

    haha, i was kidding when i said i want to see cliffhanger 2. this is awesome!!!

  27. Sound Designer Dan

    I’d love to see Demolition Man 2: This Is What the Sea Shells Were For!

  28. Persetti

    There’s always ways for dead villains to return. Cyborgs, twins, lookalikes, copycats :)

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