21 Website goes Live

Sony has launched its ad campaign for their latest geek chic heist/scam movie “21″. I guess there are not that many of those.

Cinematical describes 21 as:

21 centers on “Six MIT students, in a blackjack team, [who] train to become experts in card counting and subsequently take Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. However, casino workers become suspicious and attempt to take down the team, using any means necessary.” Sturgess plays Ben Campell, a numbers genius who is struggling to pay his bills. He is recruited into a team of card counters by his professor (as played by Spacey) and as to be expected, the good times don’t last long. Ben starts to lose control and his mentor and friends turn on him just as the casinos are starting to catch on to the scam.

Somehow this movie lacks any real appeal to me. I typically like these “brainy kids find a way to screw over the system” kind of movies or the complicated heist movie, but this doesn’t sound all that interesting.

The site is busy and a little intimdating at first, but there are lots of little videos to make you want to get to know this group. I just don’t.

You can visit the site for 21 by clicking here

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  • 1. Kevin C replies at 8th February 2008, 9:41 am :

    There is a book out there that is supposedly a true story, pretty much identicle to the outline of this movie. The book was awesome. Ill be there to check this movie out, no doubt.

  • 2. Enrique replies at 8th February 2008, 10:00 am :

    This movie already exist and even think is canadian i remember watching it not to long ago in cable, was those kind of movie you don’t catch since the begining and just keeps you entertained.

  • 3. Josh Miller replies at 8th February 2008, 10:44 am :

    That poster screams Ocean’s 11 JR to me for some reason. Maybe that’s not really what I’m thinking of. Basically tha huge angled 21 looks like a rip off of some other movie with a big angled number.

  • 4. Billy Holiday replies at 8th February 2008, 10:45 am :

    Yeah, I read the book as well, which was great. But who knows if they’ll pull it off. One funny thing is that the people involved were asian, but when they have to bring it to the masses, we get a whitey white hero, and maybe a couple of asians in his crew.

  • 5. Bishop replies at 8th February 2008, 10:46 am :

    Honestly now. How many times is this movie going to get made? It feels like you could have a weeklong film festival about an authority figure adopting kids to play cards for him.


  • 6. House Money replies at 8th February 2008, 11:34 am :

    FWIW, the book is called “Bringing Down the House.”

  • 7. Joseph replies at 8th February 2008, 11:36 am :

    Saw the preview last week and it looks like it could be a fun film to watch.

    And wasn’t Kevin Spacey supposed to have stopped acting to work with theater? Not that I’m complaining…

  • 8. Teller replies at 8th February 2008, 12:37 pm :

    This movie just gives more Asian people to be angry , seeing as all of the real people who did this , (which the story is based on) are asian.

  • 9. GODFATHER replies at 8th February 2008, 4:51 pm :

    True points thus far: MIT Students went to Vegas and over the course of a few weekends, left with $Millions$; also, they were a team of (I’ve heard) up to 15, but whether they were mostly Asian or not, I don’t recall, although the top money winner was; the real-life story happened almost 10 years ago.

    The trailer seems entriguing, but whether the film holds up to the hype? That I don’t think it will. The only thing I’m looking forward to is the little hot actress that seems to get “dirty”. I wonder if there’s any nudity? ;)

  • 10. Darren J Seeley replies at 8th February 2008, 8:13 pm :

    It is, in fact, based on a true story. I saw the doc on it about a month or so ago on one of the cable networks (Discovery Channel). Re-enactments, real video footage…

    Will I see the film? No. The doc was more interesting and…Teller’s points are well noted, although the majority of the team were Asian-American, not “all” of them.

    But I’ll skip the film simply because it comes off more as a made for TV film.

  • 11. nate replies at 9th February 2008, 6:11 am :

    The story is real but the movie is not. The story was first written in wired magazine, you can read the whole story here:


    This is also the story when hollywood got the idea or the attention to make the story into a movie:


    Both are a great read and you’ll learn a lot more on the real story behind 21 since the movie looks like it is fictional that will be based on the story.

    IMHO, they should have stick to the real story rather than just based the story out of it.

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