U.S.S. Enterprise

Hello international friends, we have a full frontal shot of the U.S.S. Enterprise for you this morning. Thanks to AOL Movies for the hookup.


I saw the teaser trailer last night and it was cool to see the construction of the ship. If I am not mistaken this still was taken from the aforementioned trailer. As skeptical as I am about the new movie; seeing this picture moves me emotionally.

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11 thoughts on “U.S.S. Enterprise

  1. Looks good. I am glad they kept the design of the Enterprise…it’s iconic. I hope there is a scene on the bow of the Enterprise as it’s towed into space with Spock holding Kirk with his arms out, like Jack and Rose from Titanic ;).

  2. I saw the teaser today when I went to see Cloverfield, and I must say that I am pretty stoked about this film. It really brought a tear to my eye after hearing Spock and seeing the saucer of the Enterprise. Now I am really excited and can’t wait to see the rest of the ship!!

  3. Fucking Sweet!

    I can’t wait to see this bad boy up on the big screen next Christmas.

    I’ve been a fan of Trek my whole life(32), but Trek has been limping along and was badly in need of an overhaul the past few years. I can’t wait to see new direction that JJ and crew have taken with my old friend.

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