Studio Releases for 2008

When you are a crazy movie buff sometimes failing to plan is planning to fail. So we have to plan our year out. We all know what we want to see and it isn’t like we don’t know when they are happening, but its still nice to see it all in once place, so I made a list from Coming

Universal Pictures 2008
Walt Disney Pictures 2008
20th Century Fox Pictures 2008
Warner Brothers Pictures 2008
Universal Pictures 2008

On my Hotlist:
Universal: The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Death Race
Disney: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, WALL•E
Fox: 27 Dresses, Jumper, Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who
WB: Get Smart, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Paramount: Cloverfield, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Iron Man, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Star Trek

What are you jonesing for in the year of the Ocho?

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  • 1. Adam replies at 2nd January 2008, 7:51 pm :

    The movies I am most excited for are definitely:
    Indiana Jones 4
    The Dark Knight
    Get Smart
    The Incredible Hulk
    and surprisingly… Be Kind Rewind

  • 2. Grundy replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:08 pm :

    Death Race… Really?

  • 3. Rodney replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:14 pm :

    About Death Race …Two words:

    Jason Statham.

  • 4. James replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:15 pm :

    27 Dresses…Really?

  • 5. Ric Ocasek replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:30 pm :

    The Dark Knight and Indy 4 stand head and shoulders above the rest. Great directors+stellar casts+my favorite movie heroes=Must See movies. I don’t believe we can get too excited for these two film.

    Speilberg has only directed 2 bad films, “The Lost World” and “Always”. If Indy 4 is as good as “Last Crusade”(my least favorite of the 3 Indy Films) then it will probably be one of my favorite films of the year.

    Christopher Nolan has not made a bad film. I don’t expect it to start with this one.

  • 6. Kristina replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:32 pm :

    Okay, I haven’t seen a post about this yet, but since we’re talking Indy 4 here, there’s a nice Vanity Fair article with new pics online and Lucas ripping hater fanboys a new one.

  • 7. AjaxLou replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:43 pm :

    Your list covers most everyone’s choices I wager.

    Most anticipated: Wall*E
    Safest bet to deliver: The Dark Knight
    The One Bound to Disappoint the Most: Indy IV
    Keeping Fingers Crossed For: Star Trek XI

  • 8. Koko replies at 2nd January 2008, 8:51 pm :

    Definately Dark Knight & Hellboy. I’m thinking these two will be the critically acclaimed blockbusters.

    What about Harry Potter, Rodney, should I see that ;)

    I don’t really know enough about The Spiderwick Chronicles to wanna see it. All I know is that Seth Rogen has a part in it!??

    I’m Surprised there’s been no mention of IRON MAN ?

    The movie I’m looking forward to the most, I’m biased cos’ I love the man but Kevin Smith’s newie “ZACK & MIRI MAKE A PORNO” …

  • 9. Ryan replies at 2nd January 2008, 9:16 pm :

    I think Lucas is still a little punch drunk from the reaction to the last “Star Wars” trilogy. That’s why he feels he has to draw first blood against the fanboys. He must have forgotten that Speilberg is directing and not him.

    Most Anticipated

    1. The Dark Knight
    2. Indy IV

    I’m sorry, I just pissed my pants out of excitement.

  • 10. Darren J Seeley replies at 2nd January 2008, 9:59 pm :

    I was looking forward to Spiderwick before the release change; it is now on my calandar for 2008. Glad to see you are looking forward to it as well. In fact, pretty much everything on Paramount’s list which you are looking forward to, so am I.

    For the rest:

    FOX: Jumper, X-Files 2, Day The Earth Stood Still

    UNI : Incredible Hulk, Hellboy 2, Baby Mama, Pirates Who Won’t Do Anything (Veggietales)

    LGF: Punisher War Zone, Forbidden Kingdom

    SONY/MGM: Bond 22, Valkyrie.

    WB: Dark Knight, One Missed Call (this weekend!)

    DIS: Goal 2 (I liked the first “Goal”) ; Prince Caspian;

    AND finally…

    Whoever has “Killshot”. Remember “Killshot”? Anyone?

    Last but not least:

    100 Feet

  • 11. Rodney replies at 2nd January 2008, 10:21 pm :

    Koko, I had IronMan listed up there. Its at the top of my anticipation list for this coming summer.

    27 Dresses I am all about since Katherine Heigl is in it. I will watch anything with her in it. Call it a quirk.

    And yes Darren. I will be taking the kids to the VeggieTales movie! We own them all.

  • 12. Eaglewing replies at 2nd January 2008, 11:29 pm :

    Killshot! yeah, when the hell is that coming out? I think I saw a trailer for that 2 years ago.

    Other the obvious ones (Dark Knight, Iron Man, Hellboy2, etc), I’m looking forward to Rambo, Punisher War Zone, War Inc, Cleaner, Be Kind Rewind, and maybe even Australia. Maybe.

  • 13. wispy replies at 3rd January 2008, 2:34 am :

    what happened to Pathology?

  • 14. Melbye replies at 3rd January 2008, 5:08 am :

    In order of most looking forward to:
    Bond 22
    The Dark Knight
    Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
    The Incredible Hulk
    Iron Man
    The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian
    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    Hellboy The Golden Army
    Get Smart

    Star Trek doesn’t open until February 09 in my country

  • 15. Phil Gee replies at 3rd January 2008, 7:02 am :

    I’m pretty much looking forward to everything that’s coming out this summer (though i said the same thing about 2007) and i agree with everything AjaxLou said.

    Bond 22 started filming today actually.

  • 16. Flyer28 replies at 3rd January 2008, 7:34 am :

    What happened to Smurfs?

  • 17. Andrew James replies at 3rd January 2008, 8:47 am :

    Sorry. If 2007 taught me anything it was steer clear of all these huge budget, sfx, blockbuster movies and stick with smaller run films, since those are easily the best ones anyway and most deserving of my time…

    Be Kind, Rewind
    Synecdoche, New York
    The International

    Though I’d be lying if I said wasn’t a little excited for Indy 4, Wall:e and even Vantage Point.

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