Star Trek Trailer Rundown

We do not have the Star Trek trailer for you, but we do have a step by step rundown of what it will be. Thanks to our friends at hollywoodchicago for hooking us up:

Slow Paramount logo.

Bad Robot logo.

Black, suddenly some sparks (very saturated [with] Michael Bay-looking cinematography).

We hear an old NASA radio countdown: “30 seconds and counting.”

Close up of a timeless guy with goggles leaning down doing some wielding and sparks flying around.

He lifts his googles. Slightly futuristic head covering. It’s not a space suit, by the way.

The dude leans down and wields some more. He’s standing on big metal.

“From director J.J. Abrams” (blue font with a nice lens flare).

Some Kennedy speech about space flight: “The eyes of the world now look to space.”

People walking around the saucer section. The wielders are everywhere – showing size.

We hear: “The eagle has landed.”

Huge overhead shot pans across [and] suddenly [shows] what looks like miles of scaffolding underneath.

Title: “The future begins”.

Really impressive shot from … people all over the ship and you can see a huge industrialized city or shipyard in the background. It’s being built on Earth [rather than] in space.

Neil Armstrong: “One small step for man…”

Camera slowly cranes up over the whole saucer section.

Then we hear Leonard Nimoy’s line: “Space. The final frontier…” and the familiar “Star Trek” theme horns.

The shot continues [and reveals] the writing on the top of the saucer – “U.S.S. Enterprise” – and these huge aircraft-like warp engines in the background. Technically, the first reveal of what we’re seeing.

Just the Starfleet log (no title).

Title card: “Under construction”.

“Christmas 2008”

There you go! Not too exciting on paper; we will see how it pans out in actual trailer format. When the actual trailer launches we will be sure to make it available for all of you. I am still wary about his film, but I am always game for more Star Trek in my life.

16 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. RonSalon

    Okay, I’ll admit it — I am a huge Star Trek geek… I don’t dress up or anything, but I love it nonetheless. I can’t wait til Friday for Cloverfield just to see the trailer. Oh and by the way, Star Trek would kick Star Wars ass… LOL

  2. bunk

    They found a camcorder from the construction site awesome. Cant wait to see how it all went down. People will want to know.

  3. Mozzerino

    Now that sounds boring as fuck.
    Not to mention that they already screwing up continuity there. The Enterprise was build in a spacedock, not on earth. Yes, I’m a Trekkie if you haven’t noticed already.

    Now people will come up saying: “But who cares? This is a fresh start to the franchise and such stuff doesn’t matter.”
    Well, it does. Because this project wants to have it’s cake and eat it too.
    You wanna do a total fresh restart to the Star Trek universe? Alright then, I don’t complain.
    But don’t say that and then bring in Leonard Nimoy as old Spock again, using some stupid time travel plot device just as an excuse to cash in on a familiar face.
    Nothing, yes nothing I’ve heard about this project so far made me excited and I fear this teaser is no exception.

  4. AjaxLou

    “Not to mention that they already screwing up continuity there. The Enterprise was build in a spacedock, not on earth. Yes, I’m a Trekkie if you haven’t noticed already.”

    Sorry dude. That’s wrong. The Big E was constructed at the San Francisco Navy Yards. No where is it formally stated that the construction took place in space. A popular misconception because of the movies which show the Enterprise refits taking place in spacedock.

  5. Bryan Sullivan

    Uh, give your head a shake because the paragraph below is from’s library:

    Launched in 2245, the original and illustrious starship U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was built in the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth. The Constitution-class starship was previously captained by Robert April and Christopher Pike, before coming under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.

    So continuity has been broken in the very first footage JJ shows us. Trek lovers will be pissed and if WE don’t approve of the film, how are mainstreamers going to get motivated to shell out cash. Opening on Xmas will help this film bomb worse than Doug Nagy doing stand up comedy.

  6. RonSalon

    continuity has been broken…

    Who gives a rats? To change is to grow and Star Trek needs to grow or die. Let’s give the movie a chance.

    Does it really matter if the Enterprise was built in space or on Earth? If you don’t want to see it because of that then don’t.

    The original series Klingons did not have ridges on their forheads, but that didn’t stop *true* fans from still watching the next few series. And speaking of that, their were plenty of continuity issues with several of those shows and movies.You can see for yourself the oh so imperfect continuity of which so many “Trekkies” speak of at If you don’t want to, I placed a bit here:

    Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
    2036 — Kurg says to “beam him up,” but the ship is already cloaked. And since you can’t use the transporters while cloaked, they would have to de-cloak to beam him up, thus alerting the Enterprise to their presence.

    Let’s wait to see the movie before we pass judgement. I mean gosh, it’s still a whole year away.

  7. Joseph Ferrarelli

    I’m actually really excited to see the trailer. It sounds different. Grander. And might signal a positive change.

  8. AjaxLou

    @5 From The Making of Star Trek by Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry, page 171, regarding the construction of the Enterprise(NCC-1701) :
    “The unit components were built at the Star Fleet Division of what is still called the San Francisco Navy Yards, and the vessel was assembled in space. The Enterprise is not designed to enter the atmosphere of a planet and never lands of a planet surface.”

    Further to that the dedication plaque on the bridge reads - the San Francisco Ship Yards as well.

    But ultimately as Ron has stated, so what?

  9. Henrik

    I think just seeing the Enterprise will break my heart all over again. This movie being good has bumped world peace off of my list of hopes for mankind, because I think good Star Trek is an important component in achieving world peace.

  10. pandaboy99

    I think in regards to continuity and the enterprise we just have to remember the simpsons… and that wizards built it… and whenever you think theres a continuity error, just remember wizards… WIZARDS!

  11. the clar

    Ugh, I so don’t care about continuity. Just give us a good story.

  12. Kristina

    What is it with Abrams refusing to put the titles of his films in the trailers? Was he traumatized as a kid or something?

  13. Matt

    Thanks to RonSalon for linking to my site

    Im disappointed, and surprised frankly, not to have a lot more Star Trek content on my site. Heres hoping some of you can come up with some stuff. (There’s a real email address at my site)

  14. Don

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Lets all try and remember that this is a re-imagining of the franchise and that there will be plenty of little things that do not jive with Star Trek “Dogma”, so to speak. Hopefully the individuals at the helm with keep it straight and on course so we all get some enjoyment out of this movie. We got our first color tv during TOS episode and what a marvel that was when they hooked it up. I am sure that we will all marvel at this new movie and if they do screw it up, then we take can them out back and beat them senseless. Incidently, the dedication plaque on the first Enterprise does read

    USS Enterprise
    Starship Class
    San Francisco, Calif.

    Make of it what you will as no one will ever know (for sure) except Gene and he is not talking.

    Live Long and Prosper…

  15. newjet

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Hi,this is great feed back from you treksters, you all seem so interested in story lines that are complete and acurate, and the thing is you people are very right in your questioning. Man I would have anyone of you as my doctor due to your great memory from 20yrs ago to now, considering doctors don’t even remember who they were operating on 20yrs ago. The thing is everyones life is inacurate because, for example , 10yrs ago you just stop seeing your girl friend ,then a strange new beginning happens others may question, but you don’t care about some time line , you stop and go, no one cares very much. Myself, I like the future tech tools that one day will be made, maybe from one of you with the great memory and imagination. Bye.

  16. newjet

    Hi,this is great feed back from you treksters, you all seem so interested in story lines that are complete and acurate, and the thing is you people are very right in your questioning. Man I would have anyone of you as my doctor due to your great memory from 20yrs ago to now, considering doctors don’t even remember who they were operating on 20yrs ago. The thing is everyones life is inacurate because, for example , 10yrs ago you just stop seeing your girl friend ,then a strange new beginning happens others may question, but you don’t care about some time line , you stop and go, no one cares very much. Myself, I like the future tech tools that one day will be made, maybe from one of you with the great memory and imagination. Bye.

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