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Son Of Rambow

By Rodney - January 31, 2008 - 13:28 America/Montreal

The word on the street has been very positive when it comes to Son Of Rambow. Set for a limited release date of May 2, 2008, Son Of Rambo may be difficult for you to track down , but it looks like a lot of fun. Thanks to ropeofsilicon for the poster hookup, and please check out the trailer at the bottom the page!


  1. sfsilver says:

    the preview put a smile on my face. I’m in. I loved the ancient grizzled Rambo shot.

  2. frankwolftown says:

    The real question is where is where the videos of ‘You can;t do that on television’? The one where the two guys enter a theater and it’s Rambo Kills Everybody! The actual movie starts shooting and throwing bombs at them until evreyone dies! Does anyone else remember that?

  3. Mikey says:


  4. Quinn Rudee says:

    Saw this at SIFF last year. It had its moments but overall…meh.

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