This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 9th, 2008 at 1:20 pm.
Categories: Funny | By John

You know, when all you have is water to drink, you think it’s pretty awesome… but once to taste something better, then plain old water just doesn’t seem all that great anymore. The same is true of Batman. All we’ve had the last couple of years is that hack, Christopher Nolan’s “vision” of Batman, and because we were starved, we all thought it was the best thing since sliced bread (me included)

BUT NOW… I have seen and been reminded of the TRUE NATURE of The Dark Knight.

Watch this video… but be warned fair citizens… if you watch it, the stuff Nolan is giving you will never satisfy again! (found via FilmJunk)

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Steve L.

    Man…imagine a batman in prime time television today! As much as I love the nostalgia of the old school Adam West Batman I love the seriousness of the Nolan’s Batman.

  2. Grave

    Well thats a good point about water and how ppl can change when they found something better. However compairing the old 60s show to Nole’s Batman is the greatest Joke I have seen this year!

  3. Lee

    ok, that was cool.

    I can just remember the old Adam West Batman [being a scant 24 and the reruns were just starting to be killed off], this should be listed under tribute or something.

  4. Meli

    That is frickin’ awesome!

    Adam West rules! :D

    Man how my brother and I loved watching the tv show when we were kids.

  5. Phil Gee

    That film is such a gem:

    Riddler: You and your stupid exploding shark.

    Penguin: Well how did i know he’d have a can of Bat-repellent shark spray handy?

  6. fdsfdfds

    Way better than the new Batman movie which was bland ‘ooohh, it’s dark so it must be good”. It was mediciore bland unimagitive movie…

  7. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    that shit iz hoTT!

  8. Sound Designer Dan

    Thanks John, for making me spray jism all over my screen! Jesus, that made me want to fuck a squash! Hell probably even two!

  9. nbakid2000

    Honestly, if it came down to any of the new Batman films (Burton - Nolan) vs ANY of the old ones (1940s serial - West) I’d choose the old ones every time.

  10. bjon86

    The people that create these videos are nuts. hahaha. That was hilarious. And they didn’t even reuse too much footage. Twas good. Twas funny.

  11. frankwolftown

    Ya know I alway thought the old televsion Joker and Riddler were great in there own right. Of course I did just have a few shots so maybe my judgement is a little off right now.

  12. Gavin Bollard

    I’ve got the movie but where is the TV series on DVD (in Australia?). I’d much rather have this than Christopher Nolan or Tim Burton any day.

  13. bassturd

    I love that Adam West isn’t even in good shape. His gut being hid a bit by his belt being pulled up so far is pretty funny.

  14. leeloo

    nolan totally missed it on the joker. he forgot the jokers scary cool trademark mustache-under-the-facepaint.
    guess they couldnt pay heath a little extra to grow one or couldnt afford the fake one.


    I loved the old TV show. My favorite ep is when Batman defeats Mr. Freeze by wearing long underpants.

  16. goodbar1979

    god that was awesome!!

  17. nbakid2000

    The TV series isn’t out here in the States either. It’s a crying shame - I remember when FX used to play it on weekdays in the afternoon back in the old days when cable was still good.

  18. Herby

    Fucking Brilliant!!

    Favorite lines from old series.

    Catwoman: I could go straight if we were together
    Batman: But what about Robin?
    Catwoman: Oh we’ll kill him.

    Batman, Robin, and Batgirl, being shot with an Alvino Ray gun turning them into cardboard figures.

    Batgirl: I feel myself going flat.
    Villan: Oh that’s such a pity.

  19. Jason Blosser

    Schmaltz. Pure Schmaltz.


    Ok that blew, i mean really people the classics are great but u need to open up to the reality of the new. Christopher Nolan has done an excellent job at what he is trying to do which is, base Batman in a realy world with real physics and real science. You cannot possibly say the old onew are superior they were great in their day but this is now, you guys have got to move on.

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