This entry was posted on Monday, January 28th, 2008 at 11:40 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Serena

It shouldn’t surprise anybody that another ‘Saw’ film was in the making.

Shocktillyoudrop also acquired some also not so surprising news about the fifth installment to the popular and money making franchise.

Shocktillyoudrop gives us these details:

As the producers of the franchise have told us, you can’t have a “Saw” film without Tobin Bell. So, with that said, word has trickled in via IGN and B-D that Bell is confirmed to return in Saw V. He’ll be joined by Costas Mandylor and Scott Patterson as Detective Hoffman and FBI Agent Strahm, respectively

Tobin Bell is easiest the best part of the ‘Saw’ series, and although he had actually some surprisingly strong scenes in ‘Saw 4,’ I felt that killing his character off and only showing him through flashbacks was not a smart idea, and I think the series will pay for that in later installments. (You know there will be more!) I actually was part of the small group that didn’t think ‘Saw 4′ was as atrocious as everybody made it out to be. Yes, I know the director and a few actors from the series, so my opinion is a little bias. However, from a horror fan’s point of view, there have been plenty WORSE horror sequels to watch.

I admired the movie for actually thinking of clever ways to fill the major plot holes from the films before. Although, I have to admit, ‘Saw 4’s finale was AWFUL. It was rushed, it didn’t make sense, it didn’t fit, and it made me realize that some of the returning actors were given very thankless roles.

It also let me know that all the plot holes and issues that didn’t make sense will not be solved until the next film. This is a pattern that will frustrate me to no end if I keep seeing these films. So, although I’ve enjoyed the series this far, I’m not really looking forward to the next installment.

What are your thoughts?

41 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. colin

    this was news months ago, even the announcement that part 6 is going to be made.

  2. ThoHa

    after the lifeless part 2, I struggled for a while with myself whether to watch part3, then did, and was such a brain-dead disaster that I am now out of this for good. Shame about an interesting concept.


    Wait when did Saw 4 come out?

  4. They should have called Saw 4: Saw 3.5
    since the movie was basically Saw 3 from a different perspective

    and if I spoiled that for you, I am not sorry, because I just spared you from a stupid non-sensicle ending

  5. Ringo Shells

    i wish theyd stop making saw films. the first was so good, and the second a decent sequel, but now… i couldn’t even finish saw 3 it was so…just…not cool

  6. frankwolftown

    Every time I watch a Saw movie I feel as if I have lost a piece of my humanity. I fear if I watch this new movie I will be nothing but a husk. When does this movie come out again?

  7. Anthony

    What is up with Hollywood and their constant sequel after sequel? With another Rambo in the talks, everything has to be some sort of mission to franchise the film. Its getting ridiculous. If they come out with a Juno - the Sequel, thats when I know Hollywood has “jumped the shark” (excuse the cliche).

  8. Daniel

    Does this mean you can get us all parts in the flick?

  9. Billy

    Where did my comment go?

  10. Alix

    So are you telling me that there is going to be a saw V?

  11. Alix

    So are you telling me that there is going to be a saw 5?

  12. Kiarra

    i love saw all of the movies a good!!

  13. John

    No one has a freakin clue what happened at the end of saw 4.

  14. Kassie

    These people leaving these rude comments about these movies are DUMB!
    Saw movies happen to be one the best horror-thriller movies that i have seen in a while.

  15. todd

    i agree with kassie that, Saw movies happen to be one the best horror-thriller movies that i have seen in a while. it iscrude of people to leave comments saying ‘’saw sucks” if they dont like the movie why do they go on saw forums?

  16. horror fanatic

    Well the Saw movies are pretty good. They leave us all wondering what type of horror and gore the producers could come up with next. But I have to admit; they do tend to tail off a bit as each sequel is made. And also; them killing of Jigsaw so soon in the series was not the right idea. Now after dying off in 3, how can he even have a significant role in 5 (let alone if they made 6)? One of the problem seems to be that they are adding all these new concepts during the movies and they end up rushing the endings. Thus; they leave you guessing where each character comes in to play. But let’s all be real; they have to make these movies these particular ways in order to continue the franchise. If they gave us all the information in a specific movie, would there ever be a need for a sequel?

  17. beast

    i am a beast and a dog but saw is a go movie

  18. jim

    I watched SAW 4, who ever directed this movie must
    have a twisted mind

  19. erik

    saw 4 was awesome!!! the in my opinion saw 4 has been the best saw movie. if they do decide to make saw 5 they have to say what happened to dr gordon. after saw 1 they havent said any thing about him. he cut off his foot and went for help. in saw 2-5 they dont say a thing about him. it would be awesome if daniel (detevtive mattews’ son) goes crazy because he doesnt know anything about his dad so he finds out that his dad is dead so he continues jigsaw’s work. his mom then gets a swat team to look for daniel. when they get into jigsaw’s workshop there are traps waiting for them. i dont know what you guys think of this but this would be a good movie…

  20. mangoliafansaw

    saaaaaaaaaaaw rules jigsaw lives . let his work begin

  21. atticus

    i loved the first saw movie the ending was amazing the 2nd one was ok the third one i thoght was horrible at first but now that ive seen th 4th one its ok this is my opinion but i think the 5th one should explain and finish up the 3rd and 4th then the 6th one should be like showing where jigsaw started and then the 7th one should be like the grand finale (even tho they’ve only signed on to do the 5 and 6th one)

  22. mehran

    i just wanted to say that i love saw movies
    i didnt really get what happened in saw 4.iam looking forward to saw 5 but i guess jigsaw shouldnt have died.
    (could it be possible to have him back somehow?)
    any way i love this movie and againe iam looking forward to saw5

  23. Lois Jean

    Good or bad, I haven’t thought about it. When the annoucent of Saw 4 was on television, the hair stood up on
    the back of my neck. What’s Jig Saw up to this time?

  24. Lois Jean

    Good or bad, I haven’t thought about it. When the annoucement of Saw 4 was on television, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. What’s Jig Saw up to this time?

  25. Colton

    Yeah, the sequels I think are kindof getting out of hand but I think there getting better and better. I can’t wait for the fifth and sixth and even the seventh that I hear is coming into the picture. Hope they do a good job with this next one though……. or it looks like their going down into a slump!!!

  26. Maisie

    I love all the Saw movies their incredible.Im so looking forward to the next movies!!!!!!!

  27. CJ

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Well, there are obviously a whole lot of people out there who love the Saw franchise. I happen to be one of them! As long as they are making money and keeping the fans’ interest, I say go ahead and keep makin’ em as long as they don’t get senseless. But it would be nice to see some plot holes filled in .

  28. ARSHi

    I love this type of movie the SAW series are the best movies ever I Watch

  29. Kerry

    I absolutely love the horror/thriller genre of movies and although I can understand the frustration of some people about the Saw storyline and where it has gone I honestly love these movies and am itching to see the next installment. The beauty of them is the many twists and turns that the majority of horror movies now lack. At the very least they are not predictable by any means.

  30. Crystal

    Ok ok ok to you people bashing Saw Have u seen some of the new movies like the strangers or Hostle yeah those of movies are dumb The saw movies are really good i mean they have jus right amount of gore and they make you constantly think the whole time. Thats why most of you hate it cause u can’t sit there and use your mind to figure it out. You want it handed to to you out front. Most of the people that hate saw like the horror movies that are like same ol same ol boring :( But I love them cause i love trying to figure the movie out even if im wrong in the end There a refreshing movie to a horror fan like me. Even though i agree they shouldn’t have killed off john kramer so early in the films which is the guys name I still say they are really good and if you don’t like them then im sorry you clearly have no taste.

  31. Madison

    I think that it was silly that they made a saw 4 right after all of the main characters died in the 3rd… Though i am very excited for the 5th one to come out… My only question would have to be who exactly is going to be in it? The puppet? Surely the puppet would have to be in it since everyone died, and the puppet didn’t…

  32. TDM

    All you stupid Fucks! You can keep talking all the shit you want about how you hate the saw movies but your the one’s that spend time & money watching them and the producers and actors are making a shit load of money off of their so called “bad movies”. Get over it and stop complaining! The movies are awesome! So eat shit!

  33. Courtney

    I thought the ending of Saw 4 was very confusing and it frustrated me very much! But…. I have to say I absolultely love these movies!!!! They are awesome!! I love trying to figure things out… and after the movie cuts off they just make a new one! I look forward to October every year because i know another Saw movie will come out!!

  34. Courtney Foster

    I thought the ending of Saw 4 was very confusing and it frustrated me very much! But…. I have to say I absolultely love these movies!!!! They are awesome!! I love trying to figure things out… and after the movie cuts off they just make a new one! I look forward to October every year because i know another Saw movie will come out!!

  35. Gracy1

    i think that the saw movies are some of the best horror films i have seen in a while. the horror movies they make now-a-days are all blood and guts they have no story to them and though are the horror that are good? i think not at less the saws have a story to them and always suprices you dont exspect.

  36. dustin

    so when dose saw 5 come out

  37. Abbas

    I love the saw sequel i think there one of the best movies i seen ever no though they don’t alaways make sence they alaways have a good story 2 them so if it’s halloween make it saw 5

  38. monty

    I love saw more then any other movie iv seen, but i just want to know r there making saw 2

  39. taylor

    god i hope you go until everyone diys i hope this one is goory. i hope their is going to be a saw 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and exc. good lock youll need it and i cant wait go saw

  40. Grant

    Someone sent me this yesterday - bit of fun for Saw fans:

  41. §SAW§

    Saw is the best thing that has ever happened to the horror. I don’t think that their is any movie that even compares to the saw series. i think that they are the only ones to have a FREAKING GOOD twist at the end. But the 5th one i am not sure i saw that one the other day and i think that Jill is some how involved. i don’t know how i don’t know why. but when she got that box from John she had this look like well i am not sure. but i no that she has to be involved in some way of anther. and the way it ended it did not fit the pattern. you know i think that was the second worst saw movie they made. they need not to make it so complicated. but then again it does make you think. i am not sure what or how they are going to make the sixth. i can only hope that it was better then the 5th one. i am not saying that is was bad but it was not as good as the other ones. they set the bar high and this one was not up to par.

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