Ryan Gosling is the next ‘Jack Ryan’

These past few days, it has been rumored that Harrison Ford would reprise his role as Jack Ryan from the popular film adaptations off Tom Clancy’s best selling novels, ‘Patriot Games,’ and ‘Clear and Present Danger.’ It turns out those rumors are false, but there is going to be a new Jack Ryan. According to moviehole.net, they are reporting that Ryan Gosling will fill the shoes as the young Jack Ryan. (Like Ben Affleck had done previously in ‘ The Sum of All Fears.’)

Moviehole.net gives us this:

Philip Noyce himself tells us that neither he or Harrison Ford are returning to the Jack Ryan series - but a new Jack Ryan movie is in the works… and it’ll star Ryan Gosling! (At least that’s what the filmmaker’s heard). Noyce WAS attached to direct “By Any Mean’s Necessary”, briefly last year, but he’s no longer involved.

Maybe it’s just me, but I think a rebooting of this series is a little unnecessary. I don’t know anybody who thought there needed to be a new ‘Jack Ryan’ movie. In fact, majority of the people I know who had seen ‘ The Sum of all Fears’ had no idea that Ben Affleck was actually playing a younger version of the famous character.

I never understood in the first place why they had decided to make the character younger anyways. Also, the next film is not even going to be based off a book from Tom Clancy, so really, what’s the point?

I enjoy Ryan Gosling as an actor immensely; however, I just can’t get excited to see him take over a role from a dead franchise.

What are your guys’ thoughts?

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bigsampson

    ” just can’t get excited to see him take over a role from a dead franchise.”

    wrong…maybe u dont know this but tom clancy’s books and stories have been a part of a major video game franchise…so to call the franchise dead is kinda lame…like u dont do your homework?

  2. Ransom

    Gosling surprised me with his performance in Fracture. I think he would be a solid Jack Ryan. Hopefully with a decent sript and director, this film will not suck. But it could go either way.

  3. tedward

    …bring back Alec…

  4. FilmNerdJamie

    Not surprised in the least that Paramount is making another JACK RYAN film. Quality not withstanding, the series has always been a reliable money-maker for Paramount. But doing a second “re-boot” is…iffy at best.

    And Gosling as Ryan? REALLY?!? Good actor? Yes. But…I’m having trouble visioning him as CIA bad-ass Jack Ryan. Then again I myself had an unconvential idea of who should be the 4th Ryan…Brandon Routh. But he’s Superman right now. So, that won’t happen!

  5. Frank

    I would prefer them to start a new franchise based on the character John Kelly/Mr. Clark. The novel Without Remorse would be a great beginning and a much better fit for Gosling than Jack Ryan.

  6. FilmNerdJamie

    Frank, there have actually been plans of doing just that for Mr. Clark for years now. And WITHOUT REMORSE has gone through multiple directors, actors, screenwriters since…forever now.

    Check this out…

  7. krazie835

    The Hunt for Red October is the best, and Alec was the best Jack Ryan.

  8. Rodney

    Bigsampson, video game adaptation is where great stories go to die. I think Serena is referring to the Jack Ryan franchise specifically in regards to movies about the books. Not Rainbow Six.

    In fact the Rainbow Six games and book (singular) have little to do with Jack Ryan. They actually focus on a spinoff character John Clark. Ryan is barely mentioned, let alone involved.

    The success of the Rainbow Six games has nothing to do with the Jack Ryan catalog of movies. Homework done.

  9. Steve L.

    I do enjoy the Jack Ryan Character but his run in movies I think is done and they should leave it that way. Maybe I’m one of the few people but I truly enjoyed Sum of All Fears, yes even with Ben Affleck playing Ryan.

    To me it sounds like they are taking the character name and running with it in hopes that it will draw people into the theater. I know John or Doug has said it many times before but why don’t they just create a new movie with the same premise and a new character? Enough with the reboots already, time for some new stuff!

  10. Frank


    Thanks for the heads up on the script review, they actually managed to update it without ruining it completely. I would absolutely HATE to see Phoenix in that role though. Brandon Routh is slightly better, but there are quite a few actors i would prefer before them.
    Thanks again.

  11. kc

    It makes me sad that they screwed up this franchise for I loved the books. I was looking forward to seeing debt of honor on-screen but unless they actually get an older actor, then that’s not going to happen. I like sum of all fears (the movie) but couldn’t help thinking what could have been.

  12. count zero

    THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER is the only really decent Tom Clancy movie in my opinion. Alec Baldwin was the perfect Jack Ryan…and i also think Ben Affleck was definitely not bad as the younger Jack Ryan

    but overall, THE SUM OF ALL FEARS wasn’t great. that recurring “you’re still here” bit irks me every time. but Phil Robinson did give us SNEAKERS and that’s a great movie

    Ryan Gosling taking over a new movie not even based on a Tom Clancy book? yes, i must agree that i am not too thrilled about this idea and i have no qualms with Ryan Gosling as an actor.

  13. Danielle

    Ryan Gosling can read a phone book and I’d get excited. When I read the Notebook years before the movie I loved it. I heard that Ryan was going to play Noah Calhoun and I though he was wrong for the part. Boy was I mistake. He has proven time and again that he is our generation’s best actor.

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