Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired

We have Sundance news about a documentary that investigates the famous Roman Polansky child sex case. We get the skinny from the professionals at Variety:

“Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired,” the untold story of the scandal that caused the Polish –born director to flee America, sold Friday night to Weinstein Co. for all international rights. Deal, which excludes U.S., Canada and UK television, is understood to be for low six figures. Domestic rights to the film directed by Marina Zenovich are still in play.

Zenovich’s long-in-the-works reporting of the Polanski scandal, which reveals that justice may not have been served when Polanski was convicted of unlawful intercourse with a minor, will certainly generate media coverage. The director served 42 days in prison and then fled the U.S. to go into 30-year exile. Zenovich reopens the case, talks for the first time to Polanski attorney Douglas Dalton and many others.

This is certainly a story that I would like to see. Polansky gives a girl champagne and quaaludes at Jack Nicholson’s house; he flees the country and Jack gets no bother. I am not saying Polanski is innocent, but something does seem fishy about the story; I have to beg the question….why would a mother let her daughter go to Jack Nicholsons house? Everyone knows what goes on there …champagne, quaaludes and perversity!

I do not know enough about the story to have an opinion either way, but I do welcome an investigative documentary on the issue. Sex with a minor is always wrong and Polansky has to prove that he was lied to about the girl’s age and/or prove that they had no sexual encounter at all. If he knew how old the girl was, and had sex with her, consent or not - I have no sympathy for him.

This should be a good coffee talk documentary and I look forward to its release.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. sfsilver

    I’m not sure audiences will be able to view this film from a neutral point of view. Teen sexuality makes people lose all sense of perspective and people react with such vitriol. They forget the world is painted in shades of gray and not black and white. Today’s audience is used to the “to Catch a Predator” and “Law and Order SVU” mentality and I don’t expect people to view this case with an open mind.

    I look forward to seeing the film. I’ve always been curious about what it is exactly that supposedly went down.

    Get your pitch forks sharpened, and your torches ready to light, the vigilante mob will gather at the village square at noon.

  2. calviin

    It’s so rare that someone associates child rape with good coffee talk. Thanks, Doug.

  3. doug nagy

    The innocence/guilt of Polanski would be the subject of the talk. Good coffee talk involves debate, and this story certainly brings it about.

  4. RonSalon

    Well, I just want to say that no one was there besides the two of them, guilty or not — based on what I remember from E’s True Hollywood Story… lol. But(with no offense to any of the parties)I have known a few thirteen year old girls who have been less than honest, overtly sexual, and knew what they were doing and saying.

    Does that give anyone the right to have sex with them? IMO… no. Does it make it more understandable? IMO… yes, even more so with drugs and alcohol involved. I think, if done well, it could be very good indeed…

  5. calviin

    Your response makes me believe you thought my “thanks Doug” was sarcastic. It was not. You have a swift ability to associate uncommon connections, like the aforementioned, and I appreciate it.

    However, expanding on what you meant, I do see your point there too, as it is an interesting controversy to discuss.

  6. calviin

    I’m gonna disagree with that latter half.
    “Does it make it more understandable? IMO… yes, even more so with drugs and alcohol involved. I think, if done well, it could be very good indeed…”

    I submit that just because he made the first poor decision of being involved with drugs and alcohol (enough to impair his judgment), that does not make any additional poor decision understandable. I’m not saying he is guilty or not, but if he were, impairment from drugs or alcohol is not even remotely possible as an excuse.

  7. RonSalon

    You’re right, but it does make it more understandable as to why he would contemplate it and then follow through with the act.

  8. calviin

    Hey Doug, I know this is off-topic, but I have been interested in finding a good viking movie. I have seen a few Viking movies listed on IMDB, but I was wondering, not including Beowulf, are there any you can recommend?

  9. doug nagy

    I am currently digging through a pile of old sword and sandal films and hope to find some.

    Not a lot of good viking films sadly. I like beowulf best from what I have seen, 13th warrior is not a great film - but has some cool viking stuff in there that is worth checking out.

    Do not see pathfinder - you will be angered

  10. calviin

    I heard The Vikings, while old, is still a good movie.

  11. Kristina

    Whoa, I didn’t know that he DRUGGED the girl, too! I thought they just had sex, but because she was underage…

    Well, that changes things.

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