This entry was posted on Thursday, January 31st, 2008 at 10:31 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Yesterday, I revealed some pretty nasty news that Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes has acquired the rights to remake ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street.’ It turns out that horror fans may not be AS disappointed to learn that Robert Englund might still reprise the infamous killer, Freddy Krueger. gives us this news:

The bad news? They’re still planning to reboot the “Elm Street” series.
The good news? We mightn’t be getting a new Freddy after all.
We’ve heard today that Robert Englund will be approached about reprising his role as Fred Krueger in the “Nightmare on Elm Street” remake. And so they bloody well should.

Well if this is true, then Robert Englund would be crazy to turn this down. However, what the f*ck is the point of remaking this film now? Would it even be a remake if you have the same actor reprising the same role of the notorious killer? Wouldn’t it just be another sequel?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. After all, there is only ONE Freddy Krueger. Just if they cast Robert Englund, what’s the use re-vamping the franchise?

Your thoughts?

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Lee

    my thoughts? I dont even want to think about them remaking this classic flick. Shame on you hollywood

  2. Grave

    Well its still a re-make if it is the same story as the first one. Same characters, plot points etc. Im happy to know that Robert England COULD BE in the re-make. I sure if the script is bad England would say no. SO of course the script better be good. I dont knwo either way it could be intresting cause if u seen the first nightmare its not really scary and it was so low buget to begin with the idea of how it look with a big buget intrest me. So..I will wait and see.

  3. Karl Hungus

    I really wish they wouldn’t bother. Everything in sight is being remade, and it’s not like they’re doing a good job of it either.

  4. Antonio Spinozzi

    Robert Englund reprising the role = no problems.

    Newbie playing Freddy? = Forget about it!

  5. Joshua

    THANK GOD!!!

    Sign him New Line (or Platinum Dunes)!

  6. Robert(wolf)

    Glad they are trying to get him on. I’d be shocked if he says no. I mean Freddy’s Dead was fucking bad and he acted in it, plus it’s not like he is going to get a role for an oscar picture or anything. His whole career has been centered around Freddy.

  7. edZio

    I love Englund’s portrayal of Freddy in all the films, however this is one time I would say it is best to find a new actor for the role. If they are set on ‘remaking’ several of the films, they would do well to start with a younger actor who can bring something new to the character (Compare the new joker to the older one, turned out for the best).

    Keep the two series apart, and start by getting someone new.

  8. anone

    I’d rather they choose someone new to take over the role if it’s truly a remake. I’d like to see Steve Carell as freddy. Yup, Mr. GetSmart.

    yes, i will be flamed.

    yes, you will all seem stupid when batman comes out and ledger’s performance rules as the joker after all the b*tching and moaning people had when thinking that someone else will take on the role.

    seriously, get over yourselves. Hollywood has way too many talented people to pigeon hole people in roles.

  9. Antonio Spinozzi

    But the Joker is a character created in comic books and we have had different actors, different interpretations of him over the years whereas Freddy Krueger IS Robert Englund.

    I think the success of the films was because of Englund and not necessarily the character of Krueger himself. And unlike the other icons of the day, Jason and Michael, he didn’t hide behind a mask per se.

    It’s just like no one else could play Indiana Jones other than Harrison Ford or anyone be Ripley other than Sigourney Weaver.

    The character and the actor are almost symbiotic in those instances.

  10. Maitê

    I agree with you!

  11. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    you nailed it Serena: “what the f*ck is the point of remaking this film now? Would it even be a remake if you have the same actor reprising the same role of the notorious killer? Wouldn’t it just be another sequel? ” . they should just leave it be do some originalass shit.

  12. Darren J Seeley

    What would be the point…? Exacta-mon-do. Pointless.
    Either they remake it or bring on a new Nightmare film.

    What is more scary, though? A big budget to create or recreate over half the FX from the original, or that the original would most likely have gotten on set FX for a forth of the remakes budget?

  13. Jeff

    Well, I’m all for another Nightmare movie. Freddy v. Jason tanked in my opinion and almost killed the franchise. It was unoriginal and poorly acted. If it is true that they are “revamping” the series, then that could very well mean that they are going to put the fear back in Freddy again which I definetly want to see.

    So we’ll see what happens once this damn strike it out of the way. Good to hear that Robert might reprise the role also. As you said in the article there is but one Freddy, and that is Robert Englund.

    Oh, and Grave, “I sure if the script is bad England would say no.” He didn’t say no to Nightmare on Elm Street 2, 5 or Freddy’s Dead, did he? And those were TERRIBLE movies.

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