Rambo Review

Rambo-ReviewThanks for checking out our Rambo review. To see a video version of this review, just go to the bottom of the post.

When I first caught word that Sylvester Stallone was going to be making a new Rocky and Rambo movies, I hung my head it total despair. To me, it was a sad desperate attempt by an aging former star to become relevant again. To me they seemed like horrible ideas. But then I saw Rocky Balboa (aka Rocky 6) and I had to seriously eat some of my words. It was such a great film, and one that I still think about. So who knows? If he could surprise the hell out of us with Rocky 6, maybe he can do it again with Rambo 4?


Rambo has spent his last few years living an isolated life in the jungles of Thailand, living alone and scraping out a living by capturing deadly snake for the local freak show. He’s quieter than ever and rarely speaks other than to say “fuck you” once or twice under his breath. One day however, his solitude is interrupted when a group of American christian missionaries confront him, looking for passage on his boat into the troubled country of Burma so they can deliver supplies and provide medical care to the refugees who are being terrorized by the local military. John J Rambo, being the wise man of the mountain that he is, tells them “no” and to go home. But one of the missionaries (the lone woman in the group) decides to appeal the what little humanity still exists in John and ultimately convinces him to help them. However, sometime after John drops the missionaries off in Burma, word comes out that the village they were helping has been attacked, and John is called on again to mount a rescue mission to save the missionaries now being held by the brutal military commander. This part may surprise you… but… violence ensues.


I know I usually start these reviews with “the good”, but this one has to be done in reverse order. I’ve got to say this right up front… the first half (or maybe closter to 5 8ths) of the film were horrible. If the movie had continued on the same way the entire beginning and most of the middle was going, an argument could be made that RAMBO deserves a place on the “top 20 worst films of all time” list. It was really that horrible.

Where Rocky successfully took a look into a familiar character we all know, dealing not only with a desire to complete again but also looking at life, the things that matter, reflecting on past victories and past defeats, dealing with the losses in his life that age and time bring and being forced to re-examine himself and who he is, all pushed along with brilliant dialog and meaningful exposition… Rambo fails at all of that. Reflection is replaced with AWFUL flash back montages of previous Rambo films, dialog is replaced by… well… nothing (and yes, I understand Rambo is quiet, I’m not suggesting a LOT of dialog… just make sure it’s decent when you use it the little that you do), pace is replaced with pause (just about nothing happens really) and story is replaced with just a premise. It was a snore-fest. Almost unwatchable… nay… it was unwatchable. Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that we were in a special press screening, and surrounded by security guards, I think Doug and I would have walked out. Yeah… the first half of the film was really was that bad.

Special mention should be given to the dialog. Most of the talking in the film is done by the Christian Missionaries, and dear sweet heavens, was it ever BAD! Especially anything that came out of the sole female character’s mouth. Every time she spoke you wanted to jam popcorn in your ears to drown out the spew that was pouring forth. I honestly felt like they got all their dialog from Hallmark cards… read by Jessica Alba. It’s so hard to believe that this drivel was written by the same guy who brilliantly wrote Rocky Balboa.


Let’s face it, as important a dialog is to a movie… as important as story is to a movie… as important character development is to a movie… people going into see Rambo aren’t going for he dialog, story or characters. They want to see crazy violence, and make no mistake… once you get into the 3rd act of the film, Stallone become the conductor of one of the most massive violence symphony orchestras you’ve ever seen!

As bad as the fist 2 acts are, the final 30-40 minutes equals in awesomeness. Rambo easily contains the most violence, war gory scenes I’ve ever witnessed in a film (and yes, I’m including the beach scene in “Saving Private Ryan” on that list). At one point, the action FINALLY starts… and from then on out, Rambo puts his boot to your throat and never takes it off. The crap just looks so frigging real, and it was so intense… and it was so violent… and he did such unspeakable things to a lot of these Burmeese soldiers… wow it was fun! I can’t stress this enough: If you’re going to see Rambo because you want to see good ol’ John J. kicking serious bad guy ass… then the last act of this movie will make you leave the theater with a huge smile on your face.


Some of the most intense action/violence I’ve ever seen in a movie, is almost ruined by every other conceivable thing being done wrong. The first half (and more) is some of the worst film making I’ve seen in years… and then suddenly out of nowhere it is redeemed by delivering exactly what the Rambo audience paid their money to see…. Rambo doing insane Rambo things… and doing them well. It was enough to save the movie for me. If you’re going to go see it, I’d say plan on being 20 minutes late, I promise you’re not missing anything and you’ll get to the good stuff faster! Overall I give Rambo a 5 out of 10 (first half a 1/10, the last a 9.5/10).


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  • 1. IncliningPizza replies at 24th January 2008, 1:55 pm :

    Hmmm… might not want to see this now.

    Might pick it up on DVD and rewind it to the end, like with Transformers.

    I hope Doug wasn’t screaming out loud after you guys left, I can just picture it.

  • 2. Butter On My Popcorn replies at 24th January 2008, 2:10 pm :

    The bore fest in the beginnig probably made the action that much better. Thats what we call strategery.

  • 3. Phil Gee replies at 24th January 2008, 2:30 pm :

    Well i’ve got to see it. As a child of the 80’s, i’ve always been a sucker for gloriously ridiculous and violent action films and i’ve never seen one of that caliber on the big screen (not that i can remember anyway).

    Now i’m prepared for a bad movie but, hopefully, i’ll leave it with a smile.

  • 4. Robert(wolf) replies at 24th January 2008, 3:10 pm :

    Movie sounds meh, I’ll pick them all up in a boxset or something.

  • 5. James replies at 24th January 2008, 3:10 pm :

    Yeah, I kinda agree with “Me”, pun intended….

  • 6. Melfi replies at 24th January 2008, 3:31 pm :

    Good review, but honestly guys… I don’t mean to sound anal, but can you at least run your posts through spell check before you post them? This one was hard to read with so many errors.

  • 7. krazie835 replies at 24th January 2008, 3:36 pm :

    Normally I wouldn’t want to see a movie that John gives a 5/10 rating, but this is Rambo, and I really want to check it out.

    The reviews right now don’t look to good, I really hope they improve by tomorrow.

  • 8. DarkKinger replies at 24th January 2008, 4:09 pm :

    This sounds like Death Proof, where the real payoff from watching shallow stuff is at the end. The difference is that with Rambo, an opera of violence is necessary.

  • 9. sfsilver replies at 24th January 2008, 5:24 pm :

    Good I can skip that….

    Confirms what I expected. Nothing to offer but empty violence, every other aspect of quality film making is ignored. It’s a good old fashioned terrible Rambo movie (with the exception of “First Blood” which I really like). I was in my late teens and early 20s in the 80’s and it holds no mythical sway over me. I remember what was crap then, and it does not surprise me that it’s apparently mostly still crap today.

  • 10. Persetti replies at 25th January 2008, 6:04 am :

    I just hope he shoots people with exploding arrows. Blowing up a helicopter in 2 is one of my favourite movie moments.

  • 11. Serena Whitney replies at 25th January 2008, 8:17 am :

    Honestly…my friend took me to the movie last night, and I didn’t mind it…while he HATED it! lol

    I actually wasn’t that bored in the first half…there’s still action in it.

    The acting was atrocious and every “deep and profound TAGLINE” Rambo spouted out made me laugh, but I realized that this movie is about the action….it was never boring…and it wasn’t too painful to sit through…fans of the series were cheering and clapping in the theatres…

    Oh yeah, I don’t remember Rambo 1-3, and I didn’t have to to watch this film. If you want to see gratuitous violence…RAMBO is the movie to see then….lol

  • 12. Cory replies at 25th January 2008, 1:44 pm :

    you guys are crazy, this movie was great, alot of action, very real, it left me with just…WOW!, if you miss this movie your missing out, maybe you should go see G rated movies if you dont like this one.

  • 13. Jason replies at 25th January 2008, 6:49 pm :

    A great way to end. Filled with mind blowing action that keeps you interested throughout the movie. If your a Rambo fan you will like this one. The graphics of this movie are awesome Its a must see.

  • 14. Brian replies at 25th January 2008, 9:45 pm :


  • 15. danny replies at 25th January 2008, 10:17 pm :

    AMAZING!!! exactly what it should have been!

  • 16. bobby replies at 26th January 2008, 2:44 am :

    Rambo is a masterful allegory:

    1. The naive Christian missionaries represent the U.S.’s simplistic vision of bringing “democracy” to Afghanistan and Iraq. The Christians are completely ignorant of the history and circumstances in Burma. Their arrogance and ethnocentricism creates a quagmire. They unknowingly interpose themselves in a conflict and end up bringing more harm than good to those who they wished to help.

    2. Rambo has a silent realization at the end of the movie as he surveys the carnage left in the wake of the film’s climactic battle. The dizzying torrent of violence has left all damaged. There are no winners. There is no sustainable peace acheived through extrinsically motivated war. Rambo’s love interest, Sarah, falls into the arms of her pathetic missionary colleague. The end of the movie doesn’t even yield a happy ending in terms of “the hero gets the damsel.” The illusion of a tightly knit happy ending is shattered. Rambo’s resolution: Pull out. He returns to Arizona. Abandon mission.

    3. The climax of the movie finds John Rambo stationed behind an automatic gun on a truck. He obliterates hundreds of Burmese soldiers in his path. These soldiers become faceless, flailing bodies. The once inventive, hands-on hero is forced to conform to mechanized, remote warfare. Ramb doesn’t triumph by his own merit. He is merely a gun operator.

  • 17. Steve replies at 26th January 2008, 7:51 am :

    This movie is awesome. It is even better than the prior Rambo movies.

    Finally a movie that is not PC, and that shows things as they are.

  • 18. Jeff replies at 26th January 2008, 8:53 am :

    I need to agree with the guys above me. Rambo had excellent social commentary and enough blood, guts and violence to make even the most war harden solider feel uneasy. The theater I was at gave a standing ovation the first time the showed us Rambo (character), the first time Rambo said one of his trade mark lines and at the end of the film people were on their feet cheering and clapping…reminded me of when I saw Transformers. Great, epic movie that will definitely be joining my DVD collection. Sure Rambo isn’t worthy of an Oscar, but for what it is, and what it is suppose to be, its a wicked movie.

  • 19. ViolentHangover replies at 26th January 2008, 8:56 am :

    Excellent movie! First half was a “normal” action movie, typical of an entire Rambo or Braddock film, the last half goes over the top…Awesome! Dont worry, you wont be disappointed.

  • 20. Talia replies at 26th January 2008, 10:32 am :

    Good movie! If you like blood and guts being thrown around, you wont be disappointed. I was sickened by the imagery of the movie, but not at all upset it was there. Yes, I am a woman who went and saw the movie with her hubby last night, but am not upset we went to see it instead of a chick-flick. I appreciate the political attitude it showed, sometimes you just can’t “be peaceful” to make a difference; there really are just plain evil people out there that need to be “taken out”. I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it for the oscar winning performances, but I do think Sly made his point; it’s definately RAMBO.

  • 21. PJ replies at 26th January 2008, 12:43 pm :

    Saw the movie last night and it was FANTASTIC!! Stallone rocks! If you’re a fan you’ll love it. Going to miss his movies ALOT!! I can’t believe hollywood with no more Rocky and Rambo movies. Maybe Stallone can come up with something new. As far as Oscars go…..he deserves one in my book. At least i NEVER fall asleep in a Stallone movie!

  • 22. Pete replies at 26th January 2008, 1:25 pm :

    It might not be a great film with a great story. but hey this is a rambo movie not a rocky movie.

    you might have not liked the film and felt you wanted to leave, but everyone to there own taste.
    you might not like it, I might love it.

    So dont judge the movie on this critic, judge it for your self!
    Rocky was’nt meant to win the fight….Rambo IS, so go watch it for that!

  • 23. kelly replies at 26th January 2008, 6:27 pm :

    If you like great sound and visuals you will appreciate this movie.

  • 24. Red Steven replies at 26th January 2008, 10:18 pm :

    Whatever you do, don’t listen to Campea’s advice about missing the first 20 minutes. This isn’t another snorefest like Transformers. Rambo was incredible, stem to stern.

  • 25. Frank L. replies at 27th January 2008, 7:20 am :

    This was the best RAMBO movie, period! The story line was true to what actually happens in that country and many others for that matter. It shows RAMBO and crew (mostly rambo) destroy evil up close and personal. The movie was well produced and directed and deserves a very positive review. My only complaint is that it should have been longer, thats it. Sly can still bring action better than anyone and he’s 60 years old, so there! GO SLY!

  • 26. Kristina replies at 27th January 2008, 8:28 am :

    Oh Lord, I saw this last night with my dad. Maybe you have to be a Rambo fan to apprecate this film, but I found John’s review to be bang-on. The last twenty minutes or so are NUTS. The kills are crazy. The rest of the film is a waste of celluloid. It was just awful, and my dad, who happens to like Rambo flicks quite a bit, HATED this film. At leat it was short!

  • 27. Sandyphilly replies at 27th January 2008, 6:00 pm :

    This movie speaks the truth about Burma and how horrible the Burmese government treat there own people. I’m glad they made a movie about it. Please go and see it. It is full of action and also educating for those people that don’t know about Burma. Burma is a forgotten country so please support Burma. If you have time please visit freeburma.org. Thanks to those who support us.“Live for something – or – Die for nothing” Sylvester Stallone .

  • 28. frankwolftown replies at 27th January 2008, 6:17 pm :

    I don’t honestly see how anyone could call the first half of the movie boring. The first thing they show is atrocity after atrocity of Burmese people getting treated like….there is isn’t even a word for how bad they were getting it! What else did you want John? 90 minutes of Rambo on machine killing people instead of 15 minutes?

  • 29. Red Steven replies at 27th January 2008, 6:36 pm :

    Hey Sandyphilly. You got that quote backwards. It’s “Live for nothing, or die for something.” Much more badass.

  • 30. KAY replies at 28th January 2008, 8:40 am :

    burma is really happening like in this movie..so sad..pls help burma

  • 31. Frank replies at 28th January 2008, 11:54 am :

    1st off sly will and could never out do 1st blood - that is by far his best rambo. this film is about overkill - a lil shock and awe if you will. we all know the premise - genocide….its not necessary to show soldiers throwing babies into fires - shooting babies in the head and gang-raping women……if you know what genocide is about it includes all those things - i was disappointed that he took it in this direction - allbeit his 1st 3 movies were violent - this went too far. but hey what would america be w/out violence?????

    And unfortunately we eat this crap up…..the only thing that would have made and/or saved this movie would have been if John J would have been killed….then he would have gone full-circle. Live and die by the sword…….

  • 32. Mykrantz replies at 28th January 2008, 11:56 am :

    Rambo was amazing, go see it.

    I can’t believe that POS Meet the Spartans was #1 this weekend, over this masterpiece of an action movie.

    Rambo is a great conclusion to First Blood.

    If you want to go see a kick-ass action movie Rambo is not to be missed. However, if you are offended by over the top blood, you might want to pass (even though the more graphic scenes seem to have been CGI blurred).

    Stallone seems to have rediscovered what made him a great action hero. Rambo is every bit as good as Rocky balboa was.

  • 33. Eric replies at 30th January 2008, 1:35 pm :

    I completley disagree with John C. The movie was action packed since the begining. Just the intro alone makes one have to look away sevral times. He is just trying to be hard. And what about the race across the wetlands with claymore mines in it in the very begining wasnt action? Of course Rambo has to take some of the movie time to explain where his life has taken him since 20 years ago. If it jumped straight to action in the start to finish it would be a movie that makes no sense. WATCH THE MOVIE HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT. I AM GOING TO WATCH IT FOR THE SECOND TIME TODAY TO TAKE SOME BUDDIES WITH ME!!!! PS: STOP FOCUSING ON THE SECURITY GUARDS AND FOCUS ON THE MOVIE. DID THE SECURITY GUARD GIVE YOU A WINK AND A NUMBER WITH IT?

  • 34. Holly replies at 31st January 2008, 7:07 am :

    My parents and I went to see Rambo together opening weekend and through it all -eviceration and decapitation -we had a good time. I especially loved the 50-cal action and the wonderful irony of the missionary bludgening the Burmese soldier with a rock.

    My sisters wasted their time and went to see Meet the Spartans -how in the name of all that’s bright and shiny that beat Rambo at the box-office, I’ll never know. No, this movie really does not have much by way of meaningful dialogue or plotline but I certainly got my money’s worth of bad-dude-bloodshed!

    I think John Rambo still stands out as one of America’s most iconic (anti)heroes.

  • 35. Garf replies at 31st January 2008, 3:40 pm :

    This review was crazy. This was hands down the best Rambo film ever. Has this guy even seen the other Rambo movies. This was a 5 star movie and a must see if you are a Rambo fan!

  • 36. James E LeNouail replies at 1st February 2008, 5:25 pm :

    Watched this movie last night and was blown away. I work in Hollywood and was very excited when I heard that Rambo was coming back. I kow there are idiots out there who think old people cannot do anything but stand still and die, Stallone proves different. I am 30 years old and hope I can be alive and strong when I am 50 or 60. Rambo’s story allows you to see when you are pushed into a corner, you either choose fight or flight. Real men fight and that is what this story is about. Regardless of age, wisdom in the mind will push the body to greatness. The movie itself is violent and real. Effects are very organic and does not pull you away from feeling like you are a kid again watching one of your childhood heroes. You have to see this movie if you want to be blown away. I was and bet you will be surprised. Go see it thinking it will be okay. Then wait to be blown away.

  • 37. DrCruel replies at 2nd February 2008, 12:45 am :

    I don’t know what to say. I consider myself well educated, well read, and knowledgeable about both geo-political and military affairs. I don’t normally like Stallone’s films, but this movie …

    This movie was to Stallone what “Unforgiven” was to Clint Eastwood - a magnum opus that fully defined and summed up what had heretofore been, for me, a cartoonish anti-hero. I don’t think Stallone could have made a movie like this 20 years ago - if this is where he is as an actor today, I hope he makes many more films. It was that good, not just for the last third, but all the way through from the start. It has continuity, heart, and a deep underlying logic that the other films in the series did not share. Even the fact that he is visibly older - indeed, specifically the fact that he’s older, and uses his aging well - helps define the character, giving it depth. Sylvester Stallone clearly has mastered the Rambo psyche.

    As for what the movie has to say, it’s about time something from Hollywood came out whose message does not sicken me. Rambo represents a man who has seen what the world has become over the last half-decade, and has turned away from it in disgust - not out of cowardice, or amorality, but because he is an old veteran of countless wars and has seen the horrors the world can offer. He has become hardened and cruel, but his encounter with these missionaries - in particular Sarah, the female - rekindles in him a desire to once more stand up and ‘fight the good fight’, against his better instincts.

    This is not a mindless gorefest, for all the violence it contains, but a well thought out and moving film. It won’t resonate for people who hate the military, or despise Christianity, or have an abiding revulsion for the US. But for someone who remembers what this country is about, remembers what separates this country from places like Burma, and remembers what so many of our young men really fought for in Vietnam, this is a movie that cannot fail to please.

    I’m just back from seeing it a second time. An absolutely phenomenal flick - I give it my full endorsement.

  • 38. Steve replies at 2nd February 2008, 9:30 am :

    Johns review hit the nail on the head !!!
    I couldnt have said it better………..
    Looked forward to this flick for a long time, and when the action finally did take off……………it was over………
    Shame to end the series in this manner……
    Movie budget….creativity…. just wasnt there……….

  • 39. Bruno replies at 4th February 2008, 8:18 pm :

    I so enjoyed that movie, it’s not even funny!
    Some complain the first 5/8 was boring etc…
    I disagree vividly.

    I believe it is all in the mindset a spectator is in. If you look at it from a setting-up the pace mindset, the first 5/8 is worth it.

    My take on the first 5/8 was to set up the psychological state of Rambo after being completely destroyed by the human atrocities he has fought against in his past. He has put those humankind cruelties way deep in his memory the best he could and yet, still haves nightmares several decades later. Aweful flashback… When I have a nightmare flashback myself, it is never pretty. It is usually dark and I wake up with cold sweats! Should the author make it pretty with flowers, pillows, feathers…? NOT!

    Any Rambo enthusiasts will remember those episodes, it is part of setting-up the psychological state in my opinion. Not only the psychological state of Rambo himself, but bringing the mind of the audience as close as possible to Rambo.

    Such soldier like Rambo came to realize that humankind would not change. After any rescue, let’s face it, will this stop any of those genocides? I really don’t think so. History of humankind proved it so many times. Cruelties still happen and that’s exactly what the first 5/8 of the movie does. A BIG MESSAGE! We cannot expect such soldier to alter his mind set in the blink of an eye, it took insistance from Sarah (the sole women on the Christian mission) to convince him just to ride the boat.

    This is in sharp contrast with the Naivety of the Christian mission. Naive they were to believe they would change something. Indeed, they were captured, tortured, etc… Naive they were. Naive are most missionaries in my opinion. Their actions, although highly noble in nature, let’s face it a are a drop of water in the ocean.

    Then as in all Rambo movies, his soldier/warrior instinct kicked in and big time. No need to explain about the violence etc… Rambo movie style speaks by itself. The visual effects, although highly disturbing to sensitive hearts, were looking so real! SOOOOO RRREEEAAALLL! Long life to the modern visual effects!

    Man I wish I will be as fit as Rambo when I will be his age!
    He is still at the top of his game despite the decades.

    Very well done.
    Thumbs up to the author and to Silvester Stallone.

    Not an Oscar, but I give it a 9/10!

  • 40. louis replies at 6th February 2008, 9:54 pm :

    shit review!!
    great movie!!!

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